Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
General Zhang ZiZhong 張自忠將軍戰死沙場

Hu Jintao with High Pitched Emphasis to Commemorate the End of World War II, One Stone Four Birds 胡锦涛高调纪念抗战胜利一石四鸟
Hu Jintao with High Pitched Emphasis to Commemorate the End of World War II, One Stone Four Birds
On September 3, it will be the high point of the 60th Anniversary celebrations.
From September 2-3, in Beijing, there will be five important activities. Hu Jintao in recent days is frequently appearing in these memorial occasions. According the the analysis, he has four purposes.
What is notable is that the Nationalist retired general Wang Sheng, General Xu Linong are invited to attend. Chinese Communists are objectively evaluating Nationalist troops and their real engagement in the battles.
From Taiwan, there are over 10,000 retired generals and soldiers to attend, this is the first large scale activity since Hu Jintao is in direct charge of the Communist party.
First, before Hu Jintao visits the U.S., Beijing in large scale inviting international friends to participate in this memorial activity, from the surface it emphasizes on the resistance by Chinese in the anti-Fascist war. In reality, what it wants to emphasize in the Chinese role in anti-terrorism and to keep world peace, this is to lower the Chinese as a threat thesis. Hu Jintao will use the opportunity of visiting America, to transmit to America that China is a peaceful strength anchor of security.
Second point, in this strained China-Japan relation background, Chinese officials emphasize that to commerate war resistance is not to have anti-Japan education, however it is pressure against Japan is very obvious. "After 60 years, today's Japanese leaders should reflect on history."
Third point, to help Hu Jintao to prolong the mutual recognition between Lian Zhan, Nationalist former party chairman, and the Communists, for the Communist-Nationalist cooperation, it emphasizes both party's historical connectivity. It exhibits both China and Taiwan's connection in the history, to relieve Taiwan from floating away and the process.
Last point, Hu Jintao openly reinforce the Nationalist contribution in the Japanese war, this obviously meets the Communist party's internal resistance, so he wanted to call for a convention from the political bureau, and to let the scholars to give lectures on the war history and its meaning. That is why he wants to have the resistance old soldiers together to have seminars to pacify them. Whether Hu Jintao can get rid of internal party friction or constraints to be the main leader of the memorial activities will be one of the indices to show whether the party position is secure.
Monday, August 29, 2005
I put the ROC flag into the Jade Cong Ceremonial Vessel for the Ancient Ritual of Communication to Heaven
Family Reunion Song

Sunday, August 28, 2005
Surprise! Bush throws press a party
Friday, August 26, 2005
Sioux Indians and Ellsworth Air Force Base
Chief Young Man Afraid Of His Horses and village

Thursday, August 25, 2005
Iraq Advice: How to Win the War
Iraq Advice: How to Win the War Here are some pictures from Afghanistan, which is making progress. 国际在线消息 2005年8月23日,一些阿富汗村民正在观看有关下月议会大选的电影。这次的电影放映下乡活动名为“新的希望”,是由萨亚拉媒体通信公司组织的,目的是为了提高公众对这次全国性议会大选的关注和增加相关信息的了解。图为阿富汗村民观看大选电影。(昆仑) A group of Afghan villagers are watching a movie about the next month’s Parliamentary election. This publicity in the countryside is named “New Hope”, and is organized by the Sayela Media Communication firm. The purpose is to raise interest and understanding about the national parliamentary elections. The picture shows the Afghan villagers watching the election film. To Quote Henry Kissinger: The Iraq War is a guerrilla war; it will take longer and is more difficult than fighting a regular army. We need a government that has the stability to control guerrilla. As Iraq is capable to control and defeat the guerrillas, we will pull our troops out. Kissinger agreed with President Bush that the principle battle is against terrorists. While the U.S. is a uniform country, Iraq has 3 ethnic groups and they have been fighting for hundreds of years. The Failure of the Constitution will be a setback. What is needed is a framework of the Constitution. Two measures are needed: One clear line that people can relate to How the war will be won. Comments: The Americans give a taste of constructing a democracy that people are excited about. Chinese Communists used the ancient mentality to embed Guerrillas with Chinese people. Skillfully, the actress JiangQing used Soong theatre figures and taught people to loot and rise up against the rich locals. During the depressed Japanese invasion time, anarchy and hunger many times gave such a philosophy a foothold to allow people to rob. A popular opera that Mao and, Chiang Kai Shek loved to watch, “Da Yu Sha Jia”, “Poor Fishermen wiping out the Rich Local Family”. Mao met Jiang Qing in 1937 when she escaped Shanghai to go to Xian, and all they did was for Mao to be steeped into JiangQing’s show and the feelings of righteous of rioting against the rich and to sew seeds of hate to justify their own violence and outbreak of terrorism. The Chinese culture has a sympathetic self-definition whenever the central system is breaking down, either by invasion or inner chaos. It has a self-immune congruity with a belief that the people are for the people, that is beyond the outside aggressors’ reach. This is the measurement of the national self-consciousness, and self-preservation behavior. So if the central court is occupied by invaders, the local gangs took on the leadership in speaking up for the people. These gangs are called ‘righteous gangs’ and they do not kill wantonly, for example, the bandits do not kill the mailmen in bandit-infested Henan region. Some bandits are cold blood killers though. This is the most different cultural archetype of the Chinese vs Western culture, as I suspect, Afghanistan, Arabs might have something of the sort. What is the archetype for the terrorists? The West many times, confused this construct as a ‘gang’, such as in Sterling Seagrave’s Soong Dynasty book, which charged the Shanghai Green Gang as a crime gang, without understanding the origin of the Green Gang was the workers union for insurance when the boats going to capital might run into catastrophe and this is an insurance group. Of course, it degenerated, but the Green Gang is not what it intends to be. There is no good translation, as there is no such cultural form that exists in the West. The Communists didn’t fight, while the Nationalists gave their lives to protect the country against Japanese invaders. Instead, they reinforced their rioting and terror movements and produced slogans, and their daughter, Lee Na, born in 1940. Americans must exist side by side with Iraqi normal crowds and marginalize the terrorists so they become the outcasts to their own people. Americans must cooperate with the Iraqi existing structures or parties, such as the three distinct ethnic lines, to advance together with American doctrines. Side by side with Iraqi traditional culture. Let Clerics be present as they are congealed within and generate congruency, and the fanatics will be isolated and weeded out. Create American education outposts. Provide an alternative to desperate suicide bombers who get foreign financial aid of $10,000 apiece from different Arab neighboring countries. America creates a better system, which offers financial credits points system for the education in new enlisted men. Oil is a national enterprise. With Americans as friendship subsidy joint venture. Allow the regional food, culture, entertainment to mingle with American culture so that both can thrive simultaneously. America must be enmeshed with the existing ethnic lines, and the cultural denominations there, rather than excluding people like the Sunni clerics who asked people to vote and preaching Americanism solo. Hand in hand, and with joint American assistance in education, and defense training, will be a humanistic alternative, that the natural force of the Iraqi people will choose the American-led system over the extremist violence.
Bush Biography

Comment: I like the big fish.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Iraq's political compact
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Monday, August 22, 2005
Mr. Red
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Sunnis seek say in constitution
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Yangtze River Memorial

Monday, August 15, 2005
Homeland's Cotton: A Poem in Memory of Chinese General Yang Jing Yu

Sunday, August 14, 2005
What is the Priority: Social Security Reform or Immigration Reform?
The Injustice of California in the Presidential Election Process