Thursday, September 29, 2005

Song of the Seed

Song of the Seed Once when I was a seed Then I germinated I walked past eucalyptus groves Perceptible was the gentle sigh of A beautiful philanthropist's spirit that permeated the environment I did not know all of her stories behind all this When I was just growing up Her sweet smile was concluded In that domain of cold war with military lead clouds threatening Yet her love was English An English College was founded in her memory I was born after her death
Another Northern Chinese round face girl I was born right into a Three-Branch Comprehensive Military Hospital Not aristocratic as the my elder sister A first honorable ranking child Then I became a grain picking girl Each grain is a story Written for my birthday

Embark on New Renewal Force for a Global Outlook

薰香 薰香,追根溯源,本是一种古老的治疗及美容方法,从古埃及艳后用玫瑰铺满寝宫,到我国唐代杨贵妃用鲜花浸泡沐浴,都可窥见一斑。现代的薰香,除了美容及嗅觉功用外,又增加了治疗心疾、强身健体的功效。在空气污染日益严重的今天,它又因神奇的净化空气之功效成为人们的新宠。 LBS熏香法是将植物精油放入异丙醇内以达永久保存之稳定性。同时异丙醇经恒温60℃的催化蕊头能完全挥发,而使植物精油散播在空气中,净化空气降低污染,可给人犹如沐浴在森林中的清新感觉。精油由人体呼吸循环进入体内后,更起到身心均衡之调整功效。  香精油之所以价格昂贵,是因为提炼纯正香精油需要大量的植物,据说每300朵玫瑰才能萃取成一滴玫瑰香精油,因此一般来说,单价在百元以上的香精油才可能是纯的。  好的香精油从外观来看颜色很淡,香味芳香但不刺鼻,将它涂在皮肤上,会迅速渗入皮肤组织,而皮肤不会感觉油腻及负担,且会促使皮肤产生柔嫩度及滋养性。  芳香精油虽然完全采自天然,但由于其萃取的稀有性(1吨重的蔷薇花瓣只能萃取出1公斤的蔷薇精质油),和高浓缩度(每一滴柠檬精质油等于70个柠檬汁的浓度),因此若使用不当仍然会有危险性和毒性。  使用香精油前,必须了解其特性,按分量使用,不要过多。不要将纯的精质油直接涂在皮肤上,以免灼伤皮肤或导致过敏。当以纯精质油滴入浴缸泡澡时,请不要超过8滴。精油极易与日光接触产生光合作用,所以请保存在阴凉干燥的地方。精油要经常更换,因一种精油使用2至3周后,最好换一换,以保持肌肤对精油的敏感度,另外,3种精油搭配方法比单一精油的效果要好得多。  不可或缺的香薰种类香精油的种类繁多,单嗅其气味也没有什么特别之处,初次使用者真的很难选择。如果你是精油的爱好者,以下几种不能不备。  薰衣草心灵疗效--平衡情绪、放松精神。  身体保健--帮助睡眠、放松肌肉、平衡身心。  皮肤护理--平抚烧伤及晒伤肌肤、愈合疤痕、防止老化,适合各种皮肤。  灭菌能力--对细菌及真菌的杀灭能力为66%和71%。  尤加力心灵疗效--增强记忆力,增进脑力。  身体保健--改善肌肉酸痛,感冒鼻塞、防止蚊虫叮咬。  皮肤护理--消炎抗菌,适合中、油性肌肤。  灭菌能力--对细菌及真菌的杀灭能力为52%和48%。  茶树油心灵疗效--提神,增进脑力。  身体保健--消除头痛、头晕。  皮肤护理--镇静、消肿、去脂,适合油性皮肤。  灭菌能力--对细菌及真菌的杀灭能力为92%和77%

Embark on New Renewal Force for a Global Outlook My birthday is approaching and a mystic power within starts to stir. Why was I germinated to be? When I started to learn Chinese, it seems that I lost my original self without guile. Once I learned English, my Chinese parents were worried that I would become defiant as the unruly western kids. So I will stay as a self that knows none of the great languages, so I am in touch with that original me.

It is a big break if you are in an environment when you do not use Chinese or English, because you may discover your natural self better. Father was afraid to lose me, the pure little girl. He was afraid that I learned English.

I have a red leather Tang and Soong Dynasty book that my father gave me to read. But grandparents were not afraid, they were more open. I heard this beautiful impressionist piano, for a radio show, called the “Lost Seed”. It was from a French impressionist, called the Orange Girl. It is a time to pick up one’s reconstruction plan. Into a world where there is no Google, CNN, FOX, C-SPAN, so to regenerate and remake the perennial tree energy.

One can lose track of politics in the world, the White House and Beijing can all be lost without compromising one's dream. To see the things and rediscover the lost Han. With a spa and massage. I want all of the misgivings to be forgiven. Turkish steam bath Finland Sauna Suzhou massage

Kyoto, Japan Chinese Minority tribes in secret places, with private tour guides in different Chinese provinces. Eastern European countries. Istanbul, Turkey, Greece Finland Pyramids

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Uncovering a Faulty News Campaign

Uncovering a Faulty News Campaign A confused and disgraceful news reporter, unprofessional and holding extremely biased views, is always in front of the White House. She vents her anger with her mixed-race disposition, she looks like a mix of Spanish, native, African, and some Asian blood. Her exact race doesn't really matter, what does stand out she is trying to distinguish herself by being the most nasty and negative reporter at CNN. Maybe that is how to get a promotion at CNN these days. She drags the viewer's mood down by being nasty, uninteresting, and hostile. I always switch to another channel when I see her. People voted for Mr. Bush and we understand that Mrs. Bush just hired a Filipino chef, but the Americans probably not ready to paint the White House, the Brown House. So, she should not get any free lunch from her Filipino chef friend. We elected President George Bush and didn’t elect Mrs. Bush and didn’t endorse the Filipino Chef. We are dismayed about certain news reporters’ ineffectual reporting style. A little native Filipino Girl can wreak havoc in the president’s reputation First, they were very self-assuredly in their perch about the Crawford Ranch reporting. Before Bush’s vacation, they were happy that Bush was about to take 5 weeks vacation, because they were planning on being the main reporters from the prime location. But they were not able to handle the surprise visit by Sheehan. They were called back to the main office, and they were discontented in Washington without access and imposing on a vacationing president. They were insisting on being coached and briefed on the President’s every move. Then, when finally president decided to head back to Washington after 4 weeks of resting, they were following him and pestering him on every move he made, practically all wrong moves in D.C., this delayed the real true work of Hurricane Katrina relief. The trivial reporters were in the way, but the good reporters should be praised, just like the good federal workers. I agree with the bloggers. I’m glad that Bush has a strategy to outsmart these sinister reporters. They wish that he didn’t show up at Hurricane Rita. But if he does, then he is accused as being in the way, or only there for a “photo op”. I’m shocked that she is still around. Many of her colleagues, men and women, trudged water and running after the helicopters, filming the rescue teams. She was simply too genteel and had to be with the number one leader in the country, in order to feel glorious without earning her merit. There should be a grand jury verifying whether this reporter is stepping into the domain of an executive’s rights to serve his country and the people, be it on the west coast or east coast.

CNN Fixated On Negatives of Katrina Rather Than Positives of Rita

From: CNN Fixated On Negatives of Katrina Rather Than Positives of Rita Posted by Noel Sheppard on September 26, 2005 - 09:51. As amazing as it might seem, it is now four weeks since Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana. Yet, even though another major storm has pummeled our country this weekend, CNN is still fixated on the perceived errors made by the federal government four weeks ago rather than the successful evacuation and preparations for Hurricane Rita. On Sunday’s “American Morning,” CNN’s Elaine Quijano spent part of her Hurricane Rita report chastising the president for his performance during Hurricane Katrina (video to follow): “The president's response this time contrasts with his actions during hurricane Katrina. When that storm came ashore, Mr. Bush, while monitoring Katrina, remained on vacation at his Texas ranch. He proceeded with previously planned events in Arizona and California, before returning to Washington two days later.” As an aside, there has only been one casualty related to Hurricane Rita, although it was actually the result of a tornado in Mississippi. Video Link (Photo from AP) Comments: malzone (not verified) Says:September 26, 2005 - 11:55 CNN is having an SOS.....another stuck on stupid moment. If it weren't for its core audience of liberal lefties, I believe CNN would go out of business. Fox triples CNN's numbers. Viewers are leaving because CNN is SOS. Statistical Note: CNN scored the biggest increase, but Fox News Channel remained dominant as hurricanes Katrina and Rita blew in big third-quarter ratings for the cable news outlets. Fox finished the quarter averaging 1.2 million daily viewers, up 31% from last year, followed by CNN with 693,000 viewers (a 39% increase) and MSNBC with 300,000 viewers (up 11%). HaroldHutchison Says:September 26, 2005 - 11:56 That the media has again decided to frame the sotry in a way that makes Republicans look bad. Had it been a Gore or Kerry Administration, the coverage would have been, "See how fast the government learned from its mistakes." If I follow a news network, it is usually Fox News. Free Mind Comments: CNN always has an anti-Bush slant, so it is no surprise that they go out of their way to make the failures during Katrina a bigger story than the success during Rita. There were failures at all levels during Katrina that will take months to sort out. By taking charge and acting decisively, President Bush showed during Hurricane Rita that evacuations and storm relief can be managed effectively. If the President did make mistakes during Katrina, he showed that he wanted to redeem himself with action, rather than dwelling on the negatives of the past. All journalists should just report the news about Rita as it happened, and leave the interpretation and comparisons up to the viewer. Quijano always makes everything Bush does seem like another looming scandal, and only reports negative news, so, if the response to Rita was a success, she will point out that Katrina was a failure. That does not mean she is smart, just that she can never be pleased by anything Bush does. As a Californian, it is upsetting that one of Bush’s rare visits to our state is criticized by CNN. We wish there was more neutral reporting, rather than going out of the way to put a negative slant on everything. She gets an “F” in reporting in my estimation. While many colleagues went into harm's way to try to accurately report the events, Quijiano always is arrogantly standing in a safe location like the White House lawn, and venomously attacking the president, as if she personally is the guardian of honesty and fairness. It is good to see that many bloggers and viewers agree with this. Fox News at least tries to portray more than one side of every issue, and for this they are hated by liberals who believe that only their interpretation is correct. Disasters such as Katrina are much too complex to blame on a small number of scapegoats such as Michael Brown, Bush, Blanco, Nagin, or whoever, it is really the entire network that failed. All Americans should try to help out.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Palm and Microsoft on the Windows Mobile Treo

Palm and Microsoft on the Windows Mobile Treo

Posted by Harry McCrackenMonday, September 26, 2005, 06:38 PM (PST)

Today's San Francisco press conference made it official: There's going to be a Windows Mobile 5.0-based Treo smartphone. It'll be available exclusively from Verizon Wireless at first, and will run on that carrier's EV-DO broadband network. But all hasn't been revealed--the execs wouldn't talk about the product's name, its price, its full specs, or its exact release date, except to say it would be available "very early" in 2006. (The WinMobile Treo that Engadget snared identifies itself as a Treo 700w, but it's possible that's just a working name.) After the press conference, I met up with a Palm guy--Greg Shirai, VP of product marketing--and a Microsoft guy--John Traynor, senior director of segment marketing for the mobile devices division--and peppered them with questions. Here are a few of their answers. When did this project get hatched? "I've been working on this project for over two years," Shirai told me. That would date back to the era of the Palm-Hanspring merger, and indeed "Donna and Jeff [Dubinsky and Hawkins--cofounders of Palm and Handspring] were involved in early discussions with Microsoft." And "once Palm split up and PalmSource was a separate entity, that was the opening." Why a Windows Treo? Conventional wisdom says that a Treo that runs Windows Mobile may be more attractive to big companies, especially those that use Exchange and Outlook. And Palm agrees. "We have a fairly strong enterprise messaging story with the [Treo] 650," said Shirai. But "we've heard that many people have a preference--if not a requirement--for an end-to-end Windows solution." However, Palm won't market the Palm OS Treo as a consumery product and the Windows Mobile one as a corporate one: "Our approach is more about choice--we're saying we have something built around this experience that Palm provides." And it will now be available in both Palm OS and Windows Mobile flavors. As for Microsoft, "We've had people show us Treo and say, 'This is a great device,'" says Trayor. "Palm brings that unique understanding about what makes a great phone experience." Is a Windows Treo destined to be just a commodity phone running an off-the-shelf OS? "We asked to be able to differentiate on this platform," said Shirai, who added that Palm was exposed to Windows Mobile 5.0 early on and that Microsoft engineers added API calls at Palm's request to help it add Palm-style features on top of Windows. Palm, he said, figured that "if we can add our special sauce [to Windows Mobile], we can light up the smartphone market even faster." Hey, how about Palm OS-based Treos? The press event stressed that the WinTreo will "expand" the Treo platform rather than replacing the Palm OS, but it was short on specifics--like when we'll see a new Palm OS model. But Shirai said that Palm OS aficionados shouldn't fret. "We've extended our Palm OS license through 2010, and we have a robust roadmap on that platform...we have a very loyal user base and a very healthy developer community." Will Verizon's EV-DO service be a big deal? "For syncing e-mail, if it's just text, it doesn't necessarily change the experience much," Traynor said. "But if it's a 1MB PowerPoint attachment...or I can surf at high speed, that's a big difference....and Verizon has done a great job of rolling it out." Ultimately, the two most intriguing questions that come out of all this are ones that can't be answered at a press event. They're A) OK, so is the Windows Mobile Treo worth buying? and B) What does this truly mean for the Palm OS in the long run? We'll do a hands-on evaluation of the new phone as soon as possible so we can chime in on the first question. As for the second one, nobody really knows the answer...but we'll all find out in the months and years to come.

The Arrogant Washington Reporters Didn’t Finish the Presidency

Negative Media Coverage CNN’s Susan Malveaux had negative things to say about Bush’s planning. She showed an air of disbelief that the President will go to Houston area again tomorrow, without explaining what she thinks is wrong. Another reporter accused the president of wasting gasoline by his many trips, saying everything could be done by videoconferencing. They don’t understand that Bush is not king and doesn’t have “Sovereign Immunity” if things are mismanaged. The president can only be as good as the supporters. During Katrina, we saw that Bush wasted time in meeting with and publicizing the private donation business, this time with Rita he asserted his leadership, as the people and the Constitution have given him a mandate to lead. During Katrina, Bush was misrepresented by a Filipino reporter Quijano and emphasized harsh punitive action against looters and price gougers in the troubled region without putting an effort to stop the violence and stabilizing the area, so anarchy seeped in, and the President looked ineffective and idle in Washington. One is reminded that White House chef is also a Filipino woman, perhaps the hiring is not so diversified as one would hope for. They keep reporting that his rating is low and keeps dropping. Positive Media Coverage To contrast, some news reporters from C-SPAN and Fox show that Hurricane Rita left nothing but splinters in Cameron, Louisiana, which was flattened. The Air Force, Marines, and Navy all were in action to save lives, and we saw a group of reporters in a helicopter surveying and filming. C-SPAN covered the positive government response in Lake Charles, Louisiana, where the Salvation Army set up feeding centers and will feed people from many areas, not just Charles County. Randy Roach is mayor of Lake Charles. There are advanced military technology and top personnel tapped by the local city mayor, to distribute housing. This is logistical management in an advanced scientific manner. There is not just a random giveaway of money, but relief is based on examining satellite imagery to determine eligibility, through electronic means to match the housing database and run against existing registration data. This shows accountability for the funds spent by the federal government. The President is visiting the hard hit areas in East Texas tomorrow, September 27. David Paulison says, the President gives temporary housing to 250,000 households, and $600 million were dispensed for rental. The bulk of it goes to Louisiana. Today the Louisiana initiative was approved; this is the FEMA Housing Relief Effort, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Tomorrow President Bush will go to Houston to survey the storm damage, work on getting the oil supply chain working again, and surveying the high water levels of Lake Charles, with Lake Charles’ conscientious mayor. One must give his strategy for Hurricane Rita applause In actuality, Bush has won a major battle this time around, by letting his actions speak for him. He upstaged a soft coup in D.C. Rather than spend time in press conferences trying to explain the reaction to Katrina, he demonstrated in person that America can learn from its past mistakes. He kept up a fast pace, so that the reporters had a difficult time keeping up with him, and his actions were very difficult to criticize, although they still tried. The reaction and response to Rita was very well planned. He dodged all the harsh words and accusations by disallowing undisciplined questions regarding policies during his weekend supervisory role in Northern Command and surveying role in rescue, assessment and in orderly fashion, not an outbreak of anarchy in the south. From North Command in Colorado to South Texas and Louisiana, he averaged a spread of leadership in America geography, so that the protests in the D.C capital appeared to be just a temporary a sign of discontent, as an outlet for disquieting crowds which did not win the viewers interest, but were drowned out or played down by Hurricane Rita. The president worked throughout the weekend, without giving the critical press a chance to badger him with the same questions about Iraq, response to Katrina, and other controversial issues, so that they can make the administration appear weak. Some just want to undermine the stability of the nation, some want to make a name as a tough reporter like Dan Rather, or appear sharp like Barbara Walters. This time around it has tapped into American’s top management and human capital and compassion vs. the inexperienced response to Katrina. The crucial decision was for the President to visit Northern Command on Friday, this project that the President as the nation’s highest authority is concentrated and organized, managing the federal response as the potentially lethal storm approached and made landfall on Saturday. This avoided the accusations that the President is only interested in “photo ops”, and was not doing any real work. Though he still has the skewed views in his administration and preferences, he let them be in the background. His hiring practices apparently favor one group. If he travels and leaves D.C., other campers are not happy, including Sheehan who was arrested today. The American people only know that former FEMA director Brown was incompetent; they don’t know the competent ones. The media will never cover them. The media is sadly preoccupied only tunnel vision. Should an earthquake happen, or a large fire, or gas leak, youth gang outbreak, there will be clashes with soldiers in the detested military uniforms, as oppressive men carrying guns can all provoke confrontations. Real needy people may suffer before any timely help arrives. By going to Northern Command, it brings the sense of control and projects a great leadership image. This might have saved another pitfall for his presidency. He scores some points in his battered polls, around the high 30s. He went to Colorado Springs to sidetrack the 100,000 D.C. protesters against the Iraq war asking for the immediate pullout of troops. If not handled well, it can lead to a failed presidency. Almost like a coup, to ask him to step down or give up his policy. With Rita, in comparison to previous hurricane Katrina, his strong ability is that when all corralled together, he can make things work. Katrina was a disaster not only because of the real damage, but the many negatives hurt his polls and his confidence level dropped precipitously. Thanks to the media bashing and misrepresenting the President’s agenda, with nothing but harsh words about the weak government, inefficient as FEMA, lacking action, and Bush walking around to ask for funds while people in crisis were crying for help for water, food, what should have been a controlled situation erupted into mayhem. Bush says he wanted to get things under stable condition as he monitored from Northern Command. This gives people a sense that he is not just politicking in D.C., and he actually is in a secret high command center overseeing things. Rather than two hurricanes being a "double disaster" for Bush, he realized that his reaction to the second hurricane gave him a "second chance", a unique oppurtunity to redeem himself in the eyes of the public for the failures during the first hurricane. It is this ability to turn apparent tragedy into triumph distinguishes Bush as a master politician.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Racial Violence and Equality

Racial Violence and Equality In Indonesia, the Chinese race was discriminated against and persecuted in the 1960s. Our Indonesian Chinese geology teacher came to Taiwan from Indonesia to tell us this about this racial commotion and persecution. In Indonesia in 1998, there were Chinatown massacres and rapes and business owners being robbed. Neither the Taiwan government nor China sent transportation to airlift the overseas Chinese out of the Indonesian mayhem. In the recent Tsunami crisis, Chinese communities were looted by poor Indonesian natives. In the U.S., racial tensions are always there just beneath the surface. In the Hurricane Katrina crisis, racial tensions again surfaced in the U.S. The people in the Philippines are a mixture of Chinese ancestry, natives, Africans, and Spanish colonists. Filipinos are the servants and wet nurses for busy Hong Kong and Taiwan high income families. There are many social problems as some tragedy were that women turned their frustration to abuse the babies, and some have affairs and force the wife to jump out of a building. The laborers also get exploited by the workers’ middleman agency. Muslims in China I was saddened by the scene of bare animals being sold in the Islamic quarter of the inner China, my father’s hometown. They are Chinese subjects, but their existence is starkly poor. I want to do something, to help the Chinese minority to be on a human level to have their own characteristics expressed to the best. Never so desperate to become suicide bombers. They are confined in limbo. Minorities always strive to gain recognition in the Chinese culture, though their ancestry might not always be so kind and they may have committed atrocities. China’s most poetic Li Bai, supposed to be from Kyrgyzstan, his language was so fluid and graceful. The power of Han and disgrace of Han all requires Chinese to reflect introspectively rather than demand America to understand at this historical juncture. Ethnocentrism vs. Ethnic Relativity The theory upheld by anthropologist Margaret Mead is that every culture has its relative reason for being, though most people tend to think that their own culture is the best. Social injustices both in China and the U.S. serve to tell the Supreme Court that the Civil Rights movement is unfinished. There is a need for social reform, both abroad and in the U.S.

Walking up the marble steps, walking past the red columns of the Judicial Yuan Gate

Walking up the marble steps, walking past the red columns of the Judicial Yuan Gate John Roberts saying ‘every time I go up the marble steps, I feel moved.” That’s the mission that he feels that he carries. Likewise, many Chinese officials felt moved as they walked under or toward the Judicial Gate of Red Columns. They also felt an urge of their calling to work for the people. Watching the John Roberts confirmation process by the Senate on the leader of the third branch of government, confirms the fact that America is still number one in the democratic structure. Many different senators have asked questions in order to learn from the man who will be in charge of America’s Supreme Court for 3 decades, long after the incumbent president and most of the senators leave the office. He is the man who will define and interpret the law as time goes by, as the constitution is a living thing that must be modified according to the times. Some excellent questions posed to Mr. John Roberts were to make sure that he is not too elite and too superior to lack feeling for the common people. That in itself is an advocacy for the deprived and echoes the virtue of American society. How to Rebuild the Administration’s Credibility and Confidence Level with the American People, and How to confront the criticism. Why didn’t the administration pre-position the infrastructure such as the levees? For 50 years, all the presidential administrations never did any improvement of the New Orleans levees. 8 months after the Democrats left office, 9/11 occurred. This was the aftermath of an unfinished anti-terror business by the Democrats. The subsidized political entrepreneur vs. the market entrepreneur. The subsidized entrepreneur stagnated, and was not efficient economically. Commodore Vanderbilt and the Steamship Industry Cornelius Vanderbilt 1794-1877, known as “Commodore Vanderbilt.” He was the classic market entrepreneur, the greatest anti-monopolist in the country. In the 1800’s, invention and creation was derived from a competitive western market. Competition bred the free market economy. Subsidies could not propel the steam of industry to go forward. America grew rapidly as an industrial power throughout the 1800s, and at end of the century, arrived at Chinese landscape when British already had indomitable force in Asia, and China. It is time after all these years, for the Chinese to be on equal plain to compete. Mail and national industries were controlled by the British, but since Ancient times, Zhou dynasty, mail transportation already was very developed. At 1750, China’s Iwo Company was the richest company on earth, but this was taken over by the British East India Company which converted Afghanistan’s poppy opium to get China’s silver dollars. Worse, opium usage endangered the national health and productivity. After the steamship, came the railroad. Vanderbilt sold his fleets and spent money on railroads. From 1860 to 1915, American exports carried on American ships dropped from 67% to 9%. Vanderbilt took steamship profits and built his New York Central Railroad over one thousand miles out to Chicago and other Midwestern cities. 1988, the Torch project was started by President Jiang Zemin. As an engineer, he understood the importance that industry’s synergy should be intertwined with the universities as the incubators. This is a model taken from Nationalist K T. Lee who was a student of Dr. Zhu, who was the father of China’s modernization planning. The south, the so called ‘deep south’, has a mixture of European, French, African, Mexicans, Cubans, Mulattos, and Vietnamese. A news reporter had a painting of a tree genealogy, is filled with all the mixture of races, something like 8, multi-ethnic culture. It must be rebuilt, with its heritage, character, and music. When students come to America, the university towns normally offer multi-ethnic foods which are not prevalent in other cultures. You have American food, British pub, Chinese, Cuban food, French, German, Greek food, Indian food, Italian food, Mexican food, Vietnamese food. Very cosmopolitan, rather than having all competing against each other, racial harmony needs to be promoted, one should not be preferred over the other.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Texas Instruments and Taiwan Chip Industry

Quote I want to quote Morris Chang, founder of Taiwan Semiconductor in 1987, about what he learned from Texas Instruments: I gained great deal from 25 years of working with Texas Instruments, 3 things I share 1. Integrity 2. Committment 3. Innovation TSMC adds the fourth, partnership. He left a high-paying job in Texas Instruments 18 years ago, in 1987, to become the father of Taiwan’s Chip Foundry industry. He has had the vision to drive Taiwan from chip manufacturing to design.

May God Spare Texas from the Wrath of the Hurricane

About Texas Last year around this time of year we went to Taiwan en route to China, and the weather forecast was that we were heading toward a tropical storm. Somehow, the storm died down, once we went there. It was a peaceful and educational trip. Hurricane Rita is forecast to reach to between Galveston, and Corpus Christi, in Texas. Galveston is an island, if hit by a category 5 storm, will be submerged and covered as one piece with the ocean. I just hope that God and nature can spare Texas. My father liked President Johnson for his direct character. After being in the US all these years, I finally have come to understand America, mostly because of my love toward the Chinese old Nationalists. The participation from a hideout is a good thing. I saw the movie “Giant” with a kind of mystique. James Dean really is cool like an icon etched in people’s images. President Bush looked like James Dean when he was younger, defiant and rebellious, but now he is more stable. The Lone Star Flight Museum is an 100,000 square foot facility is located on beautiful Galveston Island at the Galveston International Airport (KGLS) next to Moody Gardens and the new Schlitterbahn Water Park (Summer 2005).

“The Yellow Rose of Texas”, the most famous Texas song

Circa 1836; author and copyright unknown. The following version is from the 1955 Mitch Miller rendition There's a yellow rose in Texas, that I am going to see, Nobody else could miss her, not half as much as me. She cried so when I left her, it like to broke my heart, And if I ever find her, we nevermore will part. She's the sweetest little rosebud that Texas ever knew, Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew; You may talk about your Clementine, and sing of Rosalee, But the yellow rose of Texas is the only girl for me. When the Rio Grande is flowing, the starry skies are bright, She walks along the river in the quiet summer night: I know that she remembers, when we parted long ago, I promise to return again, and not to leave her so. She's the sweetest little rosebud that Texas ever knew, Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew; You may talk about your Clementine, and sing of Rosalee, But the yellow rose of Texas is the only girl for me. Oh now I'm going to find her, for my heart is full of woe, And we'll sing the songs together, that we sung so long ago We'll play the bango gaily, and we'll sing the songs of yore, And the yellow rose of Texas shall be mine forevermore. She's the sweetest little rosebud that Texas ever knew, Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew; You may talk about your Clementine, and sing of Rosalee, But the yellow rose of Texas is the only girl for me.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Daughters Facing Cruel Rulers, Women's Rights, and Consideration for a Female Supreme Court Justice

Ancient and Modern Nanking Qin Huai River Women 秦淮河的女兒 These are the geisha girls, with musical training; entertain the men with their natural bodies. One woman served the Qing emperor, Shun Zhi (順治皇帝). Dong Xiao Wan’s Love and Moon 董小宛 的愛情與月亮 With her charm and flesh, the Yangzhou annihilation stopped. In that early Qing Dynasty occupation era, the most popular novel was called “Liao Zhai Zhi Yi”, “Fables of Ghost Stories in a Study Hut” 聊齋誌異, compiled from previous and contemporary writers. Indeed, you can’t discern whether the village, or the person you saw in the morning, really is still alive, or that is merely her ghost talking to you. Many villages were annihilated, so that was the most popular genre for that sad ghostly era, reflecting the people’s mood. From 1931 to 1949, the Tianjin Da Gong Bao Newspaper 天津大公報 issued the most popular long running sequels of righteous Kungfu and mysterious novel, “Shu Sichuan Mountain Sword Knight Tales” 蜀山劍俠傳, written by Returning Pearl Building Master 還珠樓主. This is to reflect the occupation by the Japanese after they invaded Manchuria in 1931, and borrowed the Yangzhou butchery when people ran toward Sichuan for haven and discovered that two friends from Yangzhou were still alive and in the same boat they hugged each other and cried over surviving the tragedy. The story stopped in 1949 because Mao occupied China and stopped the free press. By the banks of Qin and Huai rivers in Nanking Throughout the dynasties, you have the prettiest girls with their most patriotic love toward their country. Even at the advent of the occupiers and conquerors, they raised their neck high in defiance, and they were braver than men in that they didn’t surrender. Such is the Lee Xiangjun’s (李香君) reddening and splashing her Peach flower fan (桃花扇) with her forehead bleeding. She would not obey the Qing lord to be a concubine. Some like Dong Xiao Wan served the Qing emperor, and softened his heart so there were no more killings. With her wisdom and her body, she served the country and her people. She sheltered many lives. In her bed, she had lined the corner with her books. She was not illiterate. Dong Xiao Wan’s words “I have a dream. That is a daughter’s dream. Since ancient time, men are honored beings, and women are lowly. I am not a Qin Huai River Golden dust sitting in waste to be the palm plaything for the men.” In order to uphold women’s rights, America deserves to have a female supreme court justice to replace Sandra Day O’Connor, who is the first female supreme court justice.

How to Rescue President Bush’s Declining Approval Rating

President Bush’s approval rating has declined to its lowest point, with a CNN poll of 40%. The American people have lost confidence in the president. They think that he is out of touch and only knows how to sign checks. If America gets hit by more hurricanes, or another large terrorist attack, then the country will have endless demand for $200 billion each time. The people do not have the confidence that Bush can handle another disaster so that more debts will be incurred, thus his confidence level is dropping precipitously. Americans want realistic reform. Americans do not want Bush to continue approving more funding and putting America further into debt. The $200 billion figure is staggering, and turns people off at all levels. Bush’s core Republican support group is like the core of an onion skin, the outer rings are getting peeled off, eventually threatening everyone’s safety. The Democrats always want Karl Rove, the so-called “Bush’s brain” to be gone, so that they will rule. Karl Rove has raised issue of whether federal power should override the state government. The Northern Command got set up after 9/11. The administration didn’t treat the hurricane as a war crisis, and didn’t trigger the national equivalent with military power and institutes. The congress is in great fear of losing their normalcy, and they are going to fight tooth and nail over having programs cut in their districts. Most Americans want to help, but they don’t feel like giving up their own life to eradicate the flaws in the system. In my opinion, in two critical moments that Bush made faulty steps which got the whole country into a threat of great debts financed by China and Japan. 1) Before and after the 8/25 swimming poolside invitation of the White House correspondents’ exclusive party, things could have been executed with better planning for evacuating New Orleans. Some transportation was needed for the residents who did not have access to cars, and did not know where to go. Temporary housing should have been in place in advance of the hurricane. 2) The most critical time, criticism started to mount 3 days after the 8/29 hurricane day. Many people were thirsty in Superdome. But the problem was that at the critical time, as illustrated by the CNN White House correspondent, once the President returned to Washington on 9/1, and examined his daily schedule, he didn’t spend his time wisely, he didn’t have to meet the news reporter teams to explain, or to meet the Red Cross to raise funds, he should have met with Carl Rove and his cabinet, set his heart and mind on being an effective and functional executive command in chief, and should have gotten FEMA in order. FEMA sent boxes on Anthrax antidotes to hurricane victims. When the local officials asked why, the answer was “By the book.” Their heart and soul simply was not in it. Bush has an image problem again, at least the way it is presented in the press. This is the consequence when the president loses his brain man, or the main strategist. You have the best military, but the military commander could not issue any order in time. The Coast of the Gulf of Mexico generated a hurdle so mighty to sink the French Quarter underneath the sea, all this time, Washington untouched from the limelight. Only one revealing the face on the White House was the Filipino news reporter emerging on the peaceful lawn, to chastise the chaos of a miserable crisis scene. She also was the one that rudely asked the President questions about White House strategist Karl Rove at an East Room conference during a foreign state visit. All these time, charity hospital and nursing home lives could still have been salvaged. A pregnant woman jumped into water to swim to bridge to get airlifted to the hospital to deliver and left her older child behind. In China, when the core staff was replaced by eunuchs or servants, the court lost gravity and support. In Chinese ancient history, many times, the emperor got himself into trouble by using the people who had less capacity, but simply as an echoing or a pet, with flattery to cajole his favoritism. This weakened the court. Here are some suggestions. A generic and flexible disaster program should be developed, that could be quickly implemented regardless of the location or nature of the emergency, whether it is a terrorist attack, a hurricane, or an earthquake. This program would allow temporary housing and food supplies to be made available to evacuees. Also, during evacuations, buses and trains should be made available free of charge to people from lower income groups. These programs could be coordinated by the National Guard or FEMA. This type of program would sooth people’s fear that the government is not able to handle another emergency, and would make better use of existing resources, rather than incurring a large government expense. What the people want is a smarter federal government that can manage resources within its means, not a high-cost bureaucracy without any spending limits.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Soong Dynasty Great Scholars, Master Su Dongpo and Student Huang Tingjian

黃庭堅《山谷詞》 鷓鴣天

節去蜂愁蝶不知,曉庭環繞折殘枝。自然今日人心別,未必秋香一夜衰。無閑事,即芳期,菊花須插滿頭歸。宜將酩酊酬佳事,不用登臨送落暉。 From the Collection of Huang Tingjian, "Mountain Valley Prose"

Partridge Day Festival is over and the bees worry that the butterflies are not aware Early courtyard circling with bent branches Naturally today my heart is different No need to have a night’s retreat in fragrant autumn Nothing much important that is the expectant fortuitous date Must pin the chrysanthemum to the hair to return Appropriate to be drunk to thank the good date No need to climb high to see the fallen sun ray Soong Poem by Huang Ting Jian 黃庭堅(1045-1105),字魯直,自號山谷道人,晚號涪翁,洪州分宁(今 江西修水)人。英 宗治平四年 (1067) 進士。哲宗立,召為校書郎、《神宗實錄》檢 討官。后擢起居舍人。紹圣初, 新党謂其修史“多誣”,貶涪州別駕,安置 黔州等地。徽宗初,羈管宜州卒。工詩文,早年受知于蘇 軾,与張耒、晁補之、秦 觀并稱“蘇門四學士”。詩与蘇軾并稱“蘇黃”,為江西詩派開山,有《豫 章黃先生文集》。詞与秦觀齊名,有《山谷琴趣外篇》、龍榆生《豫章黃先生 詞》。詞風流宕豪邁,較接近蘇軾。晁補之云:“魯直間作小詞固高妙,然不 是當行家語,自是著腔子唱好詩。” (見《詩人 玉屑》) 另有不少俚詞,不免 褻諢。

Huang TingJian (1045-1105). Northern Soong dynasty scholar and court official. The founder of the Jiangxi Province poetry genre. One of the 4 scholars from the Su Shi School. His prose is open, creative, and unrestricted, close to his teacher Su Shi (Su Dong Po).

China Folksong ~~~~中華民謠~~~~

~~~~中華民謠~~~~ ~~~~China Folksong~~~~ 词:张曉松 馮曉泉曲:馮曉泉 編曲:馮曉泉 童白:「朝花夕拾杯中酒 寂寞的人在風雨之后 醉人的笑容你有没有 大雁飛过菊花插满頭 Children talking: “Morning flower picked up in the evening, the wine in your glass. A lonely person after the wind and the rain. Do you have the charming smile? The big swan is flying by, the chrysanthemums are pinned to the head.”
*朝花夕拾杯中酒 Song *: Morning flower picked up in the evening, the wine in your glass. The lonely me after the big wind and rain, do you still have the charming smile? 大雁飛过菊花插满頭 The big swan flying by, the chrysanthemums are pinned to the head. 時光的背影如此悠悠 The shadow of time is so elongated. 往日的歲月又上心頭 The past is surging into my heart. 朝來夕去的人海中 遠方的人向你揮揮手 In the human ocean, morning comes and dusk is gone. The people from the far distance wave toward you. 南北的路你要走一走 You must try to walk a round trip of north and south 千萬條路你千萬莫回頭 Many tens and thousands of roads, do not turn back. 蒼茫的風雨何處游 In the vast misty wind and rain, where to swim to? 讓長江之水天際流 Let Yangtze water to flow to the horizon 山外青山楼外楼 青山與小楼已不再有 緊閉的窗前你别等候 大雁飛過菊花香满楼 Beyond the mountain there are more green mountains. Beyond the many-storied buildings there are more. Though you lost your green mountain and the little building in your own sphere, in front of the tightly shut window, do not wait anymore, go out into the big world. The swan flew by and the chrysanthemum fragrance permeates the building. 聽一聽看一看想一想 時光呀流水匆匆過 哭一哭笑一笑不用说 人生能有幾回合 Listen, take a look and think about it. The time and the flowing water just pass us in a hurry. To cry and to laugh, no need to say anything. How many opportunities do you have? 南北的路你要走一走 You must try to walk a round trip of north and south 千萬條路你千萬莫回頭 Many tens and thousands of roads, do not look back. 蒼茫的風雨何處游 In the vast misty wind and rain, where to swim to? 讓長江之水天際流 Let Yangtze water to flow to the horizon.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

霜葉紅於二月花 Linguistic and Geography Study: Where to Enjoy Red Leaves in Deep Fall in China

坐愛→因為喜愛。 唐‧杜牧《山行》 『遠上寒山石徑斜,白雲深處有人家。 停車坐愛楓林晚,霜葉紅於二月花!』坐→因為。 為天地立心 為生民立命 為往聖繼絕學 為萬世開太平 Tang poetry by Du Mu Mountain Walk Walk far above cold mountain slanted rock path In the depth of white cloud resides some families Park my wagon to sit and love the maple forest in late Frost leaves redder than February flowers Why sit and love? Because Sit and muse because I set my heart for heaven and earth I care for the people for their future and life For the saint to create a path to resume the studies For tens of thousands of generations to create harmonious peace Linguistic and Geography Study: Where to Enjoy Red Leaves in Deep Fall in China 每逢深秋,霜寒降临,我国大江南北的枫树、黄栌、乌柏、槭树、柿树、山漆、五倍子、爬山虎的叶子,层林尽染,万山红遍,可谓“霜叶红于二月花”,成了秋游最好的风景线。 Each deep fall, at the time of the first frost, the Yangtze river north and south maples and persimmon trees, smoke trees, black cypresses, Chinese Gall trees, and Boston Ivy forests are soaked in color, and redden tens of thousands of mountains. The so called “Frosted leaves redder than February flowers”, become the best scenic routes for travel. 我国幅员辽阔,由许多观赏红叶的好去处,最著名的有北京的香山、四川的米亚罗、长沙的岳麓山、南京的栖霞山和苏州的天平山。 Most famous are Beijing Xiang Shang, Fragrance mountain, Si Chuan MiYa Luo, Changsha’s Yuelu mountain, Nanking’s Qi Xia mountain, and Suzhou’s Tian Ping mountain. 距北京市中心20多公里的香山,海拔577米,层峦叠峰,满山市黄栌树,它属漆树科落叶灌木,叶状如团扇,霜后呈深紫红色,陈毅诗“西山红叶好,霜重色愈浓”即指黄栌树叶。霜降时节,香山方圆数万亩坡地上遍布红叶,红艳似火,远观以为它是一片片花瓣,近看才辩清它是一片片椭圆状的树叶。香山观赏红叶绝佳处在森玉笏峰小亭,从亭里极目远眺,远山近坡,鲜红、猩红、粉红,五颜六色,层次分明,似红霞缭绕,情趣盎然,成为北国最著名的秋游胜地。 Xiang Shan is over 20 kilometers from downtown Beijing, and is 577 meters above sea level. 米亚罗,藏语意为“美丽的坝子”,是藏在深山人未识的我国面积最大的红叶风景区。位于四川阿坝州理县,距成都263公里,红叶景区面积3688平方公里。秋日经霜,杂谷脑河西岸的枫、桦等树备染成了奇丽的红色、金黄色,广袤无际,远山雪峰晶莹,眼前红叶似火,煞是迷人。 Mi Ya Luo, in Tibetan, meaning “beautiful flatland”. Da Ba Zi is a joint common expression in the Tibetan language, the Han language, and other minority languages such as Yunnan Province languages. So there must be a very ancient route, common to all of these cultures. Note and discovery by Free Mind 长沙岳麓山在湖南湘江西岸,是南岳七十二峰之一。岳麓山下,使我国宋代四大书院之一的岳麓书院,古木森森。在原麓山腰青枫峡山中,建有一座以杜牧《山行》诗“停车坐爱枫林晚”命名的爱晚亭。亭的周围到处生长着一人抱不住地枫树,盘根错节,一片连一片,每到深秋,枫叶流丹,如烁彩霞,风吹叶动,烈火熊熊,十分壮观,无怪乎毛泽东主席曾在此吟出“看万山红遍,层林尽染”的诗句。 南京栖霞山位于南京城东北22公里处,山高440余米,方圆约17公里。山上枫林连绵一片,霜降时节,满山红叶,这天盖地,红似烈火,美不胜收,成为南京著名胜景之一。东峰的太虚亭,正处枫林深处,环亭皆为古枫树林,是栖霞山观赏红叶最佳处,游人至此,犹如置身于彩霞之中。 Nanking Qi Xia Mountain situated at Nanking city north east 22 kilometers, the mountain height is over 440 meters, the radius is 17 kilometers. 苏州的天平山位于苏州城西30公里处,海拔221米,素以红枫、青泉、怪石这三绝而闻名遐迩。苏州自古就有“天平十月看枫林”的习俗。天平山麓有400多株树龄几百年的古枫树,高约30米,由两人合抱之粗,枝干挺拔,相传是明代万万年间由范仲淹第十七世孙范允临从福建移植而来的。与江南枫树不同,这种枫叶呈三角形,红霜的叶子不是一下子转红的,先由青变黄、变橙、在变紫,故又称“五色枫”。又得还呈现出浅绛、金黄、橘黄、橙黄、橙红等美丽色彩,令人感到“似烧非烟火,如花不待春”。攀至半山的“望枫台”观枫,则又是一番奇景,那枫叶色素的变化往往顶部先红起,由上而下,循序变化,远望犹如一抹淡红云霞飘忽山上,气象万千,蔚为壮观。 中央气象台 2004年10月22日 Central Weather Meteorology Center

Letter to friends about the President's Upcoming China Trip

Hello CPU friends Everyone is so quiet and polite like Confucius. Here is some news. We should be excited about being Chinese American at this juncture as China emerges as leading power after 166 years being underdogs since 1839 war against Britain’s selling Opium. Qing dynasty got defeated and signed the first unequal treaty in Nanking in 1842. Unequal treaties were undone in 1942 by the Nationalist government with the endorsement of President Franklin Roosevelt. China was free. We should never forget about the hard works by the people, soldiers’ sacrifice and the government of the Republic of China, ROC. Together we will move forward with the current Chinese government, PRC and we hope all the justices can be restored and clarified, sooner better than later. I think early November is better than late November as it gets too cold in Beijing. Only Xiang Shan, Fragrance Mountain has red leaves all over maybe worthy to take a look. Nanking’s Qi Xia mountain also has beautiful red leaves to enjoy. Please let me know if there is any group tour plan. Elizabeth US President Bush to visit China in November 2005-09-15 08:15:54 BEIJING, Sept. 15 -- US President George W. Bush will visit China in November after a summit of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation in the Republic of Korea, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said Thursday. US President George W. Bush said he expected to visit China in November, Qin said. Visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao (L) shakes hands with his US counterpart George W. Bush in New York Sept. 13. (Xinhua) Bush said he looked forward to visiting China following the summit meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum scheduled for November in Busan, a port city in the Republic of Korea. Bush made the announcement Tuesday in the talks with visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao in New York. The two presidents held talks on Tuesday afternoon, immediately after Hu arrived in New York to attend the summit on the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations. China will jointly work with the United States to ease the trade frictions and to address bilateral trade imbalance through trade co-operation, Hu said. He said that he hopes the US side will ease its restrictions on exports to China, particularly its high-tech exports, and take corresponding active measures to enhance the trade balance between the two countries. The Chinese president pointed out that due to the rapid and large-scale development concerning the trade ties, the emergence of some frictions and disputes are inevitable. "A sound and steadily growing China-US relationship not only serves the interests of our two peoples, but also contributes to peace, stability and development in the world," Hu said. "The mutually beneficial and win-win co-operation is the mainstream of our relationship," which "on the whole, has been developing quite well," he said. Looking at crucial issues to Sino-US relations, Hu said China hopes "the United States will join the Chinese side in safeguarding peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits and opposing so-called 'Taiwan independence.'" Bush said the US-China relationship is very important for the United States, and both he himself and the US Government attach great importance to it, and will strengthen consultation and co-operation in various fields with China. On the Taiwan question, Bush said the US side understands it is a highly sensitive issue and its one-China policy will not change. Bush also said he hoped the two countries will strengthen co-operation in the protection of intellectual property rights. He thanked China for its important role in the Six-Party Talks aimed at resolving the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and reiterated that the US side will insist on resolving the issue diplomatically through the Six-Party Talks. In a speech delivered at the High-Level Meeting on Financing for Development at the United Nations Summit yesterday (Wednesday local time), President Hu said that China will adopt a package of measures to assist other developing countries. The measures are as follows: China has decided to accord zero tariff treatment to certain products from all 39 less developed countries (LDCs) that have diplomatic relations with China. China will further expand its aid programmes to the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries and LDCs, working through bilateral channels, said Hu. Within the next three years, China plans to provide US$10 billion in concessional loans and preferential export buyer's credit to developing countries. China will also increase its assistance to developing countries, especially African countries, by providing them with anti-malaria drugs and other medicines, and help them improve medical facilities and train medical personnel. China will help train 3,000 personnel of various professions for developing countries within the next three years so as to help these countries accelerate human resources development. President Hu also addressed the Security Council Summit yesterday. He called for an enhanced role of the UN Security Council in responding to terrorism and other non-traditional security threats. He also said that China stands for an enlarged Security Council based on a broad consensus and increasing representation of developing countries.Enditem ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 4:28 PM Subject: 600 years anniversary of Cheng He to NanYang - Message from Prof Wu Jin, former Minister of Education Dear Jin: Glad to hear from you again. I assume you are now back to the States for Summer. The real amazing thing on Katrina is no one claims responsibility for causing this disaster, not even the Jihads or Hamas. After all, they don't dare to compete with Almighty. As for Cheng He, you are absolutely right it is the most powerful message we Chinese should convey to the world, especially USA, on how to behave as the most powerful nation on earth. If I am not mistaken, economists made claims that China accounted for more than half of the world's GDP during Cheng He days. I am sorry our SF Bay Area has not taken any significant step to promote this historical event. Perhaps we should start from the media coverage first. In the meantime, I am taking the liberty to forward your letter and attachments to some of the people on my e-mail list. Perhaps they may have inputs on how we can help to move this project further. Lester ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 11:33 AM Subject: Fw: Congratulations and Thank You! Dear Lester, How have you been? Much of the disturbing aftermath of Katrina can be associated with the way American's handling of international affairs. You and I talked about this earlier that Chinese can do better, as illustrated by Zheng He's Voyages. You also suggested earlier that to carry out Zheng He related activities is better to start at the local level. Here are some of the progresses: First of all, slowly I have moved toward an expanded goal now: the spreading of Chinese culture. Zheng He's story can actually serve as the best vehicle to achieve this goal. Following my lectures at various cities, four Zheng He Society/Forum/Foundation have been established in the States (Washington, D.C., New Jersey Area, Chicago, and Seattle), one in Taiwan, and two in the Mainland; there are four more in the talking stage (LA, Detroit, Minneapolis, and Toronto). I am NOT an officer in anyone of them; but participate actively in whatever I can, as shown in the two attachments from the Chicago Zheng He Foundation. Any thoughts for starting some activities in the Bay Area? Regards, Jin ----- Original Message ----- From: XIAOMAO WU To: Jinwu Cc: Mou-ying Fu Lu ; Norman Li ; Helen Mui ; Wu Jin Tzuchen Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 4:32 AM Subject: Congratulations and Thank You! Dear Professor Wu: While the organization has received many congratulation letters for the Zheng He event in Chicago, I always consider that the only person who deserves the most honor is you. In fact that, 1. You were the best speaker in the entire event. Nearly all event participants were benefited mostly from your marvelous speeches. 2. The event was produced mainly as a result of your previous inspirational speeches. Myself is an example that my personal devotion to the event was rooted from your visits and presentations in the previous two years. 3. A significant number of supports and participants reached to the event largely due to your attraction to them. I therefore congratulate you for your another significant achievement in teaching and advocating the Zheng He's history. Other people involved in the event such as myself have been very proud of ourselves for being able to conduct the event from its beginning to its end, and to contribute to cultural diversity in this society. I shall thank you for helping us in achieving our such a goal. In reviewing the event, I shall take the major responsibility for quite a few flaws, which was primarily due to inadequate communications. However, from all people talked to me after the event, the event was a huge success despite these minor flaws. The organization has certainly become more mature after the first trial. We are looking forward to achieving more in the same direction. Your continuous encouragement, advice and help will always be treasured. Due to family and job reasons, I have being quite behind the expectation of wrapping up the event, including a delay in responding your comments on the event and request for event reporting materials. I will try to complete them in this week. Again, may say "Thank You" and wish you the best! Sincerely yours, Xiaomao P.S.: Would you please send me your mailing address in Maryland? We will mail you a replicate of the trouphy that was broken accidentally.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

US President George W. Bush shakes hands with Chinese President Hu Jintao in New York

US President George W. Bush shakes hands with Chinese President Hu Jintao in New York on Tuesday. Bush, who is in New York for a speech and meetings at the UN, accepted an invitation by Hu to visit China in November.PHOTO: AP Free Mind's Comments: Let the President Live, But Please Reform and Rehabilitate the Morale of the Country If the president is to have a heart attack and the country is split in half, it is not good news for the people who have suffered enough. Please just reform! My advice to President Bush is that not to be overly obsessed with money, he should try to spend a moderate amount of money wisely, rather than getting the U.S. further into debt to pay for big projects which are mismanaged. The success of the Chinese Nationalists running Taiwan was with a very small budget, with not much pay for the masses, particularly for the military, teaching staff and humble lowly-paid government employees. Many people made sacrifices and we are proud that we have done so. It serves to tell me how great the Chinese Nationalists handled crises with grace, and they took all criticism. They had guts, and they went out to do everything they could even if they lost their official title. So why are others qualified to criticize the Nationalists for being corrupt? In my opinion, President Bush didn’t waste his time by coming to California to rally his low image in front of American people with the Navy in San Diego. It was a big plus and he delivered very highly spirited speech according to the TV commentator. He needed the boost. The advice is to be moderate, to repent and to reform. The people have not given up on Bush yet, but they have a lot of frustration. Continuing to ask for more and more money will not solve the problem and will make people start to give up on him. Now is not the time for any grandiose plans, the government needs to heal the people devasted by the hurricane with moderation.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Shang Dynasty Thoughts

The Shang Culture was a hunting and ranching culture from 1500 BC to 1000 BC, conquered by the farming Zhou culture, 1000 BC to 220 BC. The Shang loved to drink wine and eat meat, like the Americans. Zhou represented the new agricultural technology, such as irrigation. She is using Yu Zhi, 玉指 a jade ring guard for aiming to shoot an arrow. She is in the Peach ranch, north of Henan Province. “But the west new Zhou, is rising. They have farming technology now.” “They know how to irrigate.” 玉指 鐵甲 她的銀盔 From her mountain ranch, 山寨, 她穿上銀盔﹐代夫出征。 Ranching field, outside of the Lu Gong palace of Deer. 牧野皇宮 林苑 桃林 三門峽 On the female Marshall’s helmet, the animal tails are waving like the Tang dynasty’s generals following Shang traditions, as in the Chinese opera traditional costume. Fu Hao is the predecessor of Hua Mu Lang. She is holding the gold axe, the symbol of the Han Dynasty flag. The Nationalists were considereding using the Han Dynasty flag, which had a golden melon and an axe. She is riding away the chariot and instructing the 13,000 soldiers to be brave in guarding the border and her people. It has all been prepared. The prediction of the weather, and the most auspicious date to go out on an expedition. Oracle bones are saying the signs are congenial. So help us, God.

For a Blissful Meeting Between Our Two Dear Presidents: China’s Hu JinTao and America’s George W. Bush 一代英雌 婦好

Brave Shang Queen Fu Hao, 1250 B.C.

婦好 For a Blissful Meeting Between Our Two Dear Presidents: China’s Hu JinTao and America’s George W. Bush Tomorrow they will meet in New York, and we hope that China and America can keep peace together for the people and for all the good things to come. With love and not misunderstanding we shall wish them good luck for this precious chance to be making friends together. To commemorate a meaningful event for diplomacy, there is a cultural message here. To Give a Nice Portrayal of an Ancient Heroine: Shang Queen Fu Hao One great Queen of China was Fu Hao, and she helped the ailing Emperor Wu Ding to lead and repel invaders from the regions to the west and north of China.

During the Soong Dynasty, the Xi Xia (Northern Afghanistan) Tribe brutally invaded China and annihilated and flattened many Chinese cities, with no survivors left.

In 1645, during the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Tribe was given the order to ethnically cleanse the entire city of Yangzhou, until no one was left. I went to San Francisco’s China Ancient Anthropological Exhibit Queen Fu Hao’s Bronze and Ivory Wine glass, circa 1250 B.C. She wakes up in early morning golden sunshine The grape leaves cast a shadow on the golden bronze flat panel She feels such a joy in this hopeful day of a kingdom so vibrantly humane In the reflection of Shang dynasty gold bronze panel In the evening, she pours out the tulip wine into her glass The bronze wine vessel with an ivory knob engraved with Oracle bone characters The king divined with the master on how the outcome is The troops she led won and repelled the invaders When she came back with victory They announced that she wore the aqua clothing, master of the sacrificial ceremony The highest ranking for a worshipped national sorcerer She started to dance up the steps of the Heavenly Altar The numbers of stones in the circles are multiples of 9. In the center, it is called Heaven’s Heart Once you stand on it, you can wish and communicate to God. In the evening, in front of a little window with the moon passing She sips some wine, and writing with her pen on the results for predictions She went to a valley and the flowers are happy by themselves just open for nature Then the friends coming to ask her to ride into the big forest Shang dynasty had wide acreage of ranch land. Shang dynasty was finished by Zhou dynasty in 1000 B.C., a new rising agriculture society with advanced technology in irrigation.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My Flood Experience and Growing Up with the Senate’s 立法院 Little Allowance

Presidential Villa, Nanking
H.W. Brands says that if you jot down the most mundane events in your life, it will make you immortal, because when a historian wants to reconstruct an era, he relies on diaries or letters. Perhaps, this will help illustrate Taiwan’s survival story. My Flood Experience and Growing Up with the Senate’s 立法院 Little Allowance My mother registered me at school very early, so I became the youngest student in first grade. She once took me to a ballet studio to watch many dancers in their beautiful dresses and had to leave because she couldn’t afford the entry fee. My grandmother would give me 5 N.T. cash to buy books because my father was an army officer and could not return home easily. She would count the bills from the Senate envelope with its 立法院 red letters. Later, I also counted on the monthly allowance of 2000 N.T. from the Senate later in my first college year. So I always appreciated the little cash that the Senate dispensed, just enough to make a person have a little dignity. At the end of my first semester of first grade, the epic big flood came to Taiwan. I didn’t bring the textbooks home, so I asked my gentle second uncle to take me to school on his bicycle. We were detouring as many roads were flooded and the river cut the bridge off. Then, we were told to take turns, either morning class, or the afternoon, because there was a class shortage. The water came near the Japanese Tatami floor in our house, but never quite reached that high. The tree in our yard was uprooted by the flood and fell. With my sister, we went out to play mud paste games and it was thrilling. Then my eldest uncle found out, and used the broom to hit us, we were screaming. My mother was delivering and I felt that I was being abused. The next door neighbor Grandma Wang heard us, and she got us to her house and gave us cakes. I had a kindergarten teacher who loved me and rolled her head on my stomach. But my grade one teacher was very mean, and she was a Taiwanese who looked at us as if we were all evil. She once punished me by forcing me to hold up my chair because I forgot to do my homework. My grandmother was with us for a while, and then she left to go to Hong Kong. Then Dr. Zhu passed away. Grandfather was allowed to come to Taiwan. I went with him to the Senate, and those beautiful azalea flowers made the garden respectable. The M.P. always saluted at me and my grandfather as we entered. Because of the war, my family was skillful in packaging. My grandfather bought a beautiful peach rose leather suitcase for me to take to college in Taiwan, and my grandmother filled it with all sorts of things and love. Being a favorite granddaughter, a young virgin really knew next to nothing about people’s hearts, I lost my innocence to someone who didn’t have the same value ideology. Though many times for want of materials, I always was treated as a Cinderella princess when I was near my grandparents for a moment of fantasy life. One day my mother was chauffeured in the Nanking capital, and the next thing, she could be trying to make a charcoal fire in a stove to cook the rice. Many typhoon seasons I helped out to bring the water from the tower, and only half of the water in the bucket was left. When there is no water, then, you went to the river to wash. When my grandparents came to visit us, then we had the most beautiful chiffon dresses like princesses and my mother would have a mink coat which was made possible by Taiwan’s Kaoxiong special district for high quality exports. Many high class women had the same black mink coats. In a cold misty winter rain, I wore it to watch a play in ShiDa University, Teacher’s Model University. I swam in the river. One day, my little brother was together with other wild kids and he jumped into the river. Then, I realized that he was in pain with ashen face. He was badly hurt and his foot was cut by a Sake wine bottle. I carried him on my back and started to run as fast as I can on the rice field ridge to the military hospital. I remember my father told us that tetanus will make you die in very short time, if the wound not treated. My little brother was disabled from birth, with a hand that was not fully developed, possibly induced by birth control pills. I also witnessed that my mother was beaten and was thrown on the ground, and her hair was pulled by a Taiwanese dialect-speaking vendor who claimed she that owed her money, so this might have caused the fetus to be deformed, causing my brother's deformed hand. For life, I am proud of my strength to carry him and ran as fast as I can. He is always very good in Zen poems which I can’t bear to read. He wrote the poem for my parents’ tombstone. This helps my reaching to a closure. My tormented parents, yet, they were so beautiful and courageous to go through war and hardship.

Advice to Americans 美國世紀洪災

First, we expressed the condolences to the American people on losing a great American character, Supreme Court Chief Justice Rehnquist, who presided over the third branch of the United States government with flair and just and great humanistic compassion. Then it is time to let out the sorrow for America as a nation for suffering a modern trauma like the Asian Tsunami. America fared a lot better, and it could have been worse with a million dead if not for some measurements and kind efforts, though all is in a trance-like motion because of the unfamiliarity with disasters of this scale, reminiscent of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake 100 years ago. The President was slow, but still he beat the U.S. Congress in dealing with the matter. It happened during the Congressional recess and a long vacation for the president to preserve himself. It is with our deepest sadness to watch the tragic Natural Disaster Katrina hitting at the vulnerable below sea region of America. We can not change that nature. Taiwan rebuilt totally after 8/7/1959, and America can too. Hind sight is 20/20. But the essence of a military warfare is to 1) exercise with software and hardware, in readiness. Practice and run software from end to end. 2) Real battleground is speed 3) Aftermath. Minimize your casualties, and regroup your remaining force. In time of crisis, you see a person’s character. 1) Chinese Nationalists ran the country with shoestring operational capital. 2) Train people in their excellent communications skills. When facing 8 counties, being flooded, one defiantly told the officer not to do it, and later was responsible to tell Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek. He was not demoted, but promoted. So, why is Mr. Brown unlike Chinese Dr. Zhu? Because of character fortitude. Brown underestimated the scope of it, as it was unprecedented. 1000 workers were way too low and inadequate. The President did talk to Louisiana Governor on Sunday to ask to evacuate. Local government ought to have 60% of the blame. The Governor and state level 30% The rest is FEMA, DHS, private agencies 10% The President as the executive for overseeing it, he can’t battle with natural force and it is a very large scope disaster, which happens once in a century, but still he has to be accountable. The military gets a big applause for its all in one role, no nonsense, humanitarian, hard work. Critical Journalists get a minus as they are only pointing fingers. The President ought to feel relaxed, according to the poll, he is the least to be blamed. The poll indicated most people don’t want the blame game, some say, local, and State, but the President is the least they want to blame. Given the circumstances to other countries, the death toll can be much higher, if without any evacuation at all. Buses not provided to evacuees were possibly the most damaging to local officials, as President urged them to leave on Sunday before the storm hit. Without the Superdome, more would have been killed. Thanks to the protection, though, later, chaos seeped in as FEMA could not assess the situation as timely as possible.

Monday, September 05, 2005

For Bush, a test of political skill

Blue and Black movie
電影 藍與黑 USA > Domestic Politics from the September 06, 2005 edition For Bush, a test of political skill Moods have risen a bit, but Bush is under pressure on many fronts. By Linda Feldmann Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor WASHINGTON – Four years ago, when George W. Bush emerged from the 9/11 attacks with sky-high marks for decisiveness and leadership, he accumulated a reserve of political capital that saw him through reelection. Now, nearly nine months into his second term, President Bush faces perhaps the most profound test of executive and political skill of his life. One week after hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, wreaking unfathomable devastation, his administration is still scrambling to make up for a delayed initial response that faced broad, bipartisan criticism. Americans are reeling over gasoline prices, and remain skeptical over the course of the Iraq war. Plans for a bold second-term agenda - including Social Security reform and tax reform - sit in doubt. The death Saturday of Chief Justice William Rehnquist, the second vacancy on the high court in as many months, added one more element of uncertainty to a tumultuous time. By Monday morning, the mood turned. After a weekend public-relations offensive by top aides who visited the storm-damaged South and fanned out to the Sunday talk shows, Bush seemed to have caught his balance. His nomination of John Roberts to replace the chief justice, rather than retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, struck analysts as a savvy move, creating the possibility that the court will start its term Oct. 3 at full strength. After the court announcement, the president boarded Marine One to begin his second trip in three days to the Gulf Coast. Still, Bush has his work cut out for him, seeking to reassure Americans that the nation's military might is not stretched too thin and that the failures in response to Katrina - on the local, state, and national levels - do not bode ill for the ability to cope with any future terror attack on US soil. Republicans agree that this is a dangerous moment for the president. "Anytime you have a situation like this, you're responsible for the government," says David Winston, a Republican pollster. "If it performs, great, and if it doesn't, people are going to want to know why, and rightfully so." On the ground, the aftermath of Katrina took on a tangible impact across the country, with more than a half-million displaced people settling into relief centers. Nearly 250,000 evacuees went to Texas, leading the governor to order emergency officials to airlift some to other states. In New Orleans, rescue and recovery operations continued their grim task. Over the weekend, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Michael Leavitt predicted that Katrina's death toll would rise into the thousands. Reports of contractors coming under fire as they made their way to help shore up the 17th Street Canal in New Orleans added to the imagery of a war zone. Monday, small signs of progress emerged as floodwaters began to recede. Residents of suburban New Orleans were allowed to return briefly to their homes and try to retrieve belongings. Out of Austria came news that oil prices were falling after industrialized nations released 60 million barrels of crude from their stockpiles to help stabilize American supplies. The two former presidents, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who championed the fundraising cause after last year's tsunami, reprised their role, announcing the formation of the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund Monday. Proceeds will be turned over to the governors of the affected states. For the current President Bush, the task ahead remains far more complex. Congressional hearings will examine what went wrong before and after Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast at Category 4 strength. The initial wave of blame and recriminations continues. Over the weekend, the main newspaper in New Orleans, the Times-Picayune, issued an open letter to Bush, calling on him to fire "every official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency ... Director Michael Brown especially." For Bush, who prides himself on making smart appointments and effectively delegating, the naming of Mr. Brown to head FEMA in 2003 without much apparent background in emergency management is one of many questions he already faces. But if Bush is looking ahead to how history will remember him, he still has years to recover from the initial bad reviews out Katrina, analysts say. "Having a lot of time left as president is a good thing for him, because it gives him the opportunities and time to get out of some of these holes," says Norman Ornstein, a political expert at the American Enterprise Institute. Already, many Americans don't remember Bush's initial halting response to 9/11, from which he recovered after a few days with his iconic moment shouting through a bullhorn atop the rubble at ground zero. Still, recovering politically from Katrina is likely to take more effort. There is no foreign enemy against which to rally. And Bush was already struggling with low approval ratings over the Iraq war and high gas prices. The decision to proceed last week with a speech in California aimed at bolstering support for the Iraq war, even after Katrina had hit the Gulf Coast, is probably one Bush's aides wish they could do over. "Even if the reality is, there's nothing more that he could have done back in Washington or anywhere else ... the symbol matters," says Mr. Ornstein. FREE MIND'S COMMENTS: The President has passed his critical emergency period. His approval rate is not dropping. There was a whole breakdown of the flow of information in the hierarchical levels of government. This had been addressed by the BRAC commission, that said that no matter how efficient the technological components, if communications are stymied, everything fails. This reminds me how great it was that the Chinese Nationalists set up a web of underground networks through which information was communicated across the entire China. There was a Political Battleground Center and a Spy Center. Information was passed along. A celebrated movie, “Blue and Black”, by Hong Kong producer Sir Run Run Shaw’s company, was written by a real underground agent and with real actress whose father was the top Nationalist official. Their top man was Dr Zhu and he had a signature, like the Ancient Empress Wu’s stone tablet imprint and prince of Ming dynasty. No one noticed this so far. Very interesting! President Bush did things all correct, but he should not have had the poolside party at the advent of the storm warning via satellite. He should have checked with his White House aides and gotten them in gear, and then he could sit tight and still go traveling. The DHS secretary is an intellectual but not a creative spy. The FEMA director is too soft looking and does not appear to handle a crisis very efficiently, like a heart surgeon during an emergency surgery, providing oxygen and stopping extreme bleeding. Bush himself is a diplomat’s son and is more of a governor, than the entire country’s president for lack of compassion beyond Texas. However, to be a genuine leader, he must comprehend and be in tune with other variants of culture. He needs to keep the country together, so he came to California, the Wild West perceived by the other regions. It looks like America also has severe regional state issues, just like China’s different provinces. I thought the California trip was very upbeat and successful. My suggestion is that the DHS and FEMA should have a more direct communications line with the President to inform him of actual real-time emergencies as they develop, at the same time the President should make himself more accessible to them. There should be more synergy between the President and the various government departments. According to Fox, Gingrich reply to why President is 24 hours late was that the Department of Homeland Security’s processes are too bureaucratic, there were too many conferences, so he lost the big picture. I think there is a prejudice from Bill O’Reilly against the West Coast

Sunday, September 04, 2005

An American Sage, Justice Rehnquist 哲人日已遠,典型在宿昔

An American Sage, Justice Rehnquist 1924-2005 We are deeply saddened by the death of an American Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist, who exemplified the great American archetype of integrity. 哲人日已遠,典型在宿昔 A sage and his philosophy is gone away His archetype is imprinted in the past
He upheld the posts of justice in the House of Justice for the people and for all the weak and their silent suffering, a promise that justice can be heard in a sacred public hall.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Two American News Reporters in the Mayhem of Hurricane Katrina

Two American News Reporters in the Mayhem of Hurricane Katrina President Bush can rise above all of the media, or be finished by a few harsh and hard tongued reporters. Comparing two news reporters, One works with his life, dedication, and one sits high like a prima donna with arrogance and a challenging tone. The real reporters give one a feeling of dignity about this profession. At first I thought Anderson Cooper 360 was too Hollywood, too handsome and too stylish to give genuinely realistic portrayal and reportage. But after repeatedly I saw him with the victims in Africa, listless without food just like his subjects. He was lethargic but realistic. In Iraq, he was there in danger too. He was humble and not looking like a hero, just an ordinary reporter. He shows a personal take on the locations. So when today, I saw him reporting from Waveland, Mississippi, with bodies flowing by, and rescue workers coming from California, Sacramento, San Diego, and Los Angeles, all chipped in. Nothing can be further from the truth when the FEMA director is trying to lay blame on the Federal government by saying, “We knew this all along, but the federal government only finds out today.” Then who sent the rescue team from California? To me, it very painful that California always has to help other states, and it never receives help from other states in times of crises, like earthquakes, mudslides, and brush fires. This "water rescue" mission team is only from California, I don't hear other states that offer help. California contributes a high level of revenue to the country. Senator Landrieu said, ‘From me, this senator not going to play the blame game.” So at the White House press briefing, you see some reporters are into the blame game. A news reporter defiantly posed a question despite that Scott McClellan commented a thousand times that no comments will be made on the Carl Rove / Valerie Plame issue until the entire case is investigated completely. The same news reporter is not in the disaster flood zone to do honest firsthand reporting, but addressed again a mean-spirited question: Q “Scott, I know the President obviously is focused on response efforts right now, but can I talk to you about preparedness? Is the President satisfied with the way assets were pre-positioned, specifically in those areas like New Orleans and Mississippi, New Orleans particularly, a place that was identified by the Red Cross as being particularly vulnerable because of its geographical location. Is the President satisfied?” “How do you pre-position your assets?” While there is civil unrest and people are missing, bodies floating, looting and raping going on, how does she help to ask the presidential level question? Earlier she stood in front of the White House as if her own House, by releasing a tape, Bush says: “I will have Al Gonzales to prosecute the looters, the insurance fraud, the gas gouging.” It is so harsh a woman, with prosecution at mind while her fellow Americans are trapped in a Gymnastic Football dome, Superdome. She has put the Administration 3 times, in jeopardy. We are waiting to see the fourth one, hopefully, not Hu JinTao’s visit, and hopefully, God bless the Bush Administration. The three disasters follow the woman in connection to Bush mysteriously are as follows 1. London bombing on July 7. Every time she is the spokesman, a calamity happens 2. August 6th, Cindy Sheehan appeared at Crawford Ranch. This woman went to report it first. Without Bush showing up to greet and invite Sheehan in for a coffee pacifying session, it went out of control like wild fire. 3. September 1st, Civil Unrest in New Orleans. She again appeared in the White House lawn, doing bad image report on the Bush administration wanting to prosecute people. Wanting to point fingers during a crisis. FEMA mission is “Crisis Intervention”, which requires impartiality and humanity across the board, not erroneously biased reporting, no matter what race or what gender. May God help Bush and the federal government, the Navy, and the good conscience American reporters to counter all the unruly people. 生于忧患,死于安乐   孟子曰:“舜发于畎亩之中,傅说举于版筑之闲,胶鬲举于鱼盐之中,管夷吾举于士,孙叔敖举于海,百里奚举于市。故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。人恒过,然后能改;困于心,衡于虑,而后作;征于色,发于声,而后喻。入则无法家拂士,出则无敌国外患者,国恒亡。然后知生于忧患而死于安乐也。” To Quote Mencius: Born in Struggles, Die in Leisure Mencius said: “Great men are all from tilling hard. Shun King was thriving from barren acres. The Great PM Bai Lixi who assisted Qin King with his great management and gained people’s hearts was a slave sold for 5 sheepskins worth.” “When heaven is about to descend profound task to you, He will first harden your will and mind Toil your tendon and bone Starve your body and skin Empty your being So you have something standard to uphold your behavior Tolerance in your nature Augment what you can’t do originally Though once you are mistaken, but you modify Trapped in the heart, always in worry, then function Conquered by your seduction In its sound, then realize If internally without legalist and righteous intellectuals Externally without enemy and border challenging This country will perish Then you know you are born from infested worry and invasion But you die in luxury and pleasure”

Quote: "FEMA Relief, a National Disgrace"

Quote from TV: "FEMA Relief, a National Disgrace" FEMA long ago offered a psychological graduate course on Crisis Intervention. It trains specialized professionals for coping during times of upheaval. When pressed by a despondent Paula Zahn, asking the FEMA Director, “You are saying, you didn’t know the conditions and the crises in the New Orleans area?” But somehow this Director, Michael Brown, was eager to point out that he already knew about it, but it was the “Federal Government” that just found out this morning. FEMA is supposed to act like an intervention center linked to the president and the federal government contracting to act as a liaison, but they failed, and by finger point at the federal government is not professional and is a disservice to the public. Furthermore, FEMA is a Federal agency, so FEMA itself is part of the federal government. FEMA should be very experienced, but it is in mayhem. They didn’t handle the crisis situation, instead, are only concentrating on how many billions they can get while they still have $2 billion on hand. Senator Frist just approved $10 billion in aid; the house will have an emergency session tomorrow to discuss Hurricane aid. At the news team group, most reporters are unafraid to roll up their sleeves, and get tanned, amidst some wild outbreaks of looting, a FOX reporter was questioning a looting woman, “Why you take so many pair of shoes?” The answer was “I have a large family, must survive.” But in poor taste, some pretty up, with new hairdo highlighting fake blonde, will pose questions at the administration, while her co-workers are on location. This is how people think about prima donnas during a crisis. There were two such high styled ladies in French history and Chinese history and both get their pretty heads chopped by their subjects. One is Marie Antoinette, among the mobs, she went for guillotine. One is Yang GuiFei, emperor’s favorite concubine. The hundreds of thousands of soldiers refused to move on the retreating line to Sichuan, until the emperor would hang this woman and all her clans were killed by mobs, including powerful brothers and sisters. We need a good image presentation from the administration, we don’t need any more criticism and the Attorney General’s prosecution broadcast by an immature news reporter with highlights that is threatening, rather, we need compassion, rescue missions, and real crisis management.

Not a Congenial Time for Hu Jintao to visit the U.S.

Not a Congenial Time for Hu Jintao to visit the U.S. America is in crisis. Right now people are weary of the Hurricane. The Mexican border and immigration are hotly contested issues, and the Chinese trade deficit also looms large with many considering China an enemy country. President Bush just asked Senator Frist to pass $10 billion in aid for Hurricane Katrina. If Hu Jintao comes to America at this juncture, without explanation, people will hate the Chinese and it will compound the problem. The Bush administration does not tell the people that Hu is coming to give America big gifts, which are tens of billions of nuclear power plants to Westinghouse, and a purchase of Boeing planes. A contract will be signed for tens of billions of dollars for nuclear power plant development with the US. This is a favor to the US, because Russia and France are also in the bidding, and China can get deal from them circumvent the US. Bush is given a last chance to handle this Hurricane crisis. Money is not the most important thing, Bush's image has suffered, most people are fed up with Iraq, but are willing to wait a short time to see how Bush will handle the hurricane crisis before clamoring against him again. The press have never been on Bush's side, and are not helping now, by pointing fingers at the lack the planning for a disaster. After the Iraq blunder, people are willing to give him one more chance. The Sunnis were pushed out of political power and only helped Iran because Kurds are their cousins. One Shiite leader, al-Sadr, accused Bush of intentionally dividing the unity between Sunnis and Shiites. A constitution is not a true constitution without all 3 sides participating. Bush should level with the Sunnis to save a lot of trouble and allow the troops to return home sooner. I wonder why Bush said the he doesn't want the troops home during his presidency, now the flood needs 30,000 troops to return home. Greenspan said the unbridled spending and trade war will take a toll on the economics. Bush should give an honest flood survey and down to earth tour, not hyped with frivolous inept inexperienced news reporters around him, then perhaps, he can penetrate the thick shroud of gloomy clouds and emerge again as the leader. Only then, on his own merits, and he can welcome a hotly contentious China, and China’s leader Hu Jintao to mutually benefit two leaders and the countries. It won’t add any point to either as of now, because media on both sides are extremely lost, and won't give any favorable light for Hu Jintao's visit. Chinese are very patriotic on the Taiwan issue, they blame Bush for interference. Americans distrust China because it is still a Communist country, that is getting more powerful every day, and threatens the U.S. Even though there is progress between the U.S. and China, and there are many encouraging signs, the positives are all hidden from the media. The President’s poll last was 38%, and we do not want to see it sink continually to a point of no return. With China, President Bush is doing quite well behind the scenes, so it says according to Duowei. All this is hidden from the American press and media. A lot has been going on. So, this is not a good time for Hu Jintao to visit the U.S. to advance the U.S.-China relationship. Because of the hurricane, he should delay the trip, so that Bush is not spread too thin. It looks like Hu wants to give the U.S. billions of dollars, Bush will transfer this to Latinos, his favorite group, so no Chinese will benefit. Chinese took the trade surplus money earned from the U.S. to buy Russian planes, this will benefit the Russians. China has a trade deficit with Taiwan, Taiwan only buys higher-end products from Japan, so China gives the money earned from the U.S. to Japan. So ultimately Chinese people are still making $40 to $60 a month, their rights are trampled on by all of these big countries, this is unfair. Translation from Duowei Post, Published August 26, Issue 862 (1) When Hu Jintao visits America, what gifts will he bring to Bush? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 1 ) 特稿:胡锦涛访美会给布什送“大礼”?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 1 ) 特稿:胡锦涛访美会给布什送“大礼”?多维社记者江天编译报导/在白宫确认布胡会将于9月7日举行后,不少媒体开始揣测两国元首都会讨论哪些议题,有人甚至用“美国扑克”对阵“中国象棋”来形容这次将会充满“悬念”的会晤。不过有消息说,胡锦涛届时将会向布什提议,希望两国能源企业在今后的合作和交易中别再受到政治干扰。为了表达中方的诚意,中国可能会奖励美国西屋电气公司数十亿美元的修建核反应堆的合同。法新社报导说,胡锦涛美国之行除了9月7日与布什在白宫会晤这个“重头戏”外,还将参观位于西雅图的波音公司和微软公司,预计将会订购波音客机。虽然目前中方两国都没有公开胡锦涛此行的具体行程,但媒体普遍认为,其行程将会以进一步发展两国经贸关系为中心。一名中国官员向华尔街日报透露说,胡锦涛在访问华盛顿期间,有可能会把一份建造4个大型核反应堆的价值达数十亿美元的合同奖励给美国的西屋公司。西屋公司一直在与法国和俄罗斯的企业竞争中核集团的一个压水式反应堆项目。西屋公司一位管理人士透露说,协议可能正在计划当中,不过西屋公司管理人士则表示,他们没有听到任何有关他们竞标计划进展情况的消息。 Westinghouse opposing France and Russia, secretly bid for a compressed water reactor category. Westinghouse management declined to comment and there was no news on the process of negotiation. We do not want to politicize our commercial mutual interests. In the past 2 months, U.S.-China relations improved and the RMB went up 2% and the peg to the American dollar was ended. Hu doesn't want to talk about RMB exchange issue, because Hu thinks this is interior politics. 这位中国官员在谈到布胡会时表示,能源问题很有可能成为双方的议题之一。中国官员说,虽然两个国家都有权实施自己的战略,但我们希望双方能优先从商业利益的角度考虑问题,而不要把商业问题政治化。中国官员介绍说,两国关系在过去两个月间持续得到改善。不久前,中国将人民币兑美元的汇率上调了2%,并放弃原有的钉住美元的汇率机制,引入了钉住一篮子货币的汇率机制。华尔街日报报导说,据这位中国高级官员透露,胡锦涛并不准备与布什讨论人民币的汇率问题,因为这属于中国的内政。他表示,中国在进行人民币汇率改革时将坚持走自己的路,但他拒绝透露人民币汇率是否会进行进一步的调整。这次是胡锦涛2003年3月出任中国最高领导人以来首次出访美国,中国官员对他此次美国之行寄予了厚望。中方表示,中美两国关系保持着良好的发展势头。但他们也承认,过去一年来,两国在一些问题上的摩擦升温,如中国对美国的贸易顺差不断扩大,中国对石油等自然资源的需求持续上升,以及美国对中国扩大军费开支感到不安等。中国官员希望胡锦涛此行能够向美方阐明:中国一直非常欢迎美国的投资。这位中国高级官员在8月25日的讲话中表示,现在在中国进行投资的美国企业已经超过了5万家,中国对他们来华投资表示欢迎。他估计美国企业在中国的投资达到了500亿美元左右。 American enterprises investing in China passed 50,000 companies, and it is very welcomed. It has reached to $500 Billion U.S. dollars. 法新社报导说,中国商务部美洲大洋洲司司长何宁8月24日表示,胡锦涛访美期间,中美双方将签署多项贸易和经济协议,政府有关各部门和相关企业已经准备好协议内容。预计胡锦涛还将访问波音公司。中方官员正在就有关问题进行谈判,据了解谈判情况的人士透露,估计中方至少会订购数架单通道波音737客机。 China will buy several Boeing 737’s when Hu visits Seattle. 美国有些人士还希望北京进一步上调人民币汇率。上个月,中国已将人民币兑美元汇率上调了2%,并决定将人民币汇率与一篮子货币挂钩。而美方批评人士认为,这次上调后人民币币值仍处于被低估的状态,中国输美商品价格还是太低,这对其他竞争方不公平。华尔街日报指出,尽管存在这些不和谐之处,但中美双方近年来一直在政府各层面上建设务实的工作关系,以解决诸如朝鲜核问题、毒品走私和恐怖主义等共同关心的问题。双方都对胡锦涛的这次访问表示乐观。北京清华大学国际问题研究所所长阎学通说,胡锦涛这次访美以及今年晚些时候布什将访问中国的计划表明中美战略关系趋于稳定。阎学通说,双方的议事日程之一将是建立一种机制来协调作为一支正在崛起的力量的中国与作为世界唯一的超级大国的美国之间的双边关系。他还说,双方对不久前在北京举行的战略对话均感到满意。美国副国务卿佐立克和中国外交部副部长戴秉国进行的这场对话是两国自25年前建立外交关系以来的第一次。