Thursday, September 29, 2005
Embark on New Renewal Force for a Global Outlook

Embark on New Renewal Force for a Global Outlook My birthday is approaching and a mystic power within starts to stir. Why was I germinated to be? When I started to learn Chinese, it seems that I lost my original self without guile. Once I learned English, my Chinese parents were worried that I would become defiant as the unruly western kids. So I will stay as a self that knows none of the great languages, so I am in touch with that original me.
It is a big break if you are in an environment when you do not use Chinese or English, because you may discover your natural self better. Father was afraid to lose me, the pure little girl. He was afraid that I learned English.
I have a red leather Tang and Soong Dynasty book that my father gave me to read. But grandparents were not afraid, they were more open. I heard this beautiful impressionist piano, for a radio show, called the “Lost Seed”. It was from a French impressionist, called the Orange Girl. It is a time to pick up one’s reconstruction plan. Into a world where there is no Google, CNN, FOX, C-SPAN, so to regenerate and remake the perennial tree energy.
One can lose track of politics in the world, the White House and Beijing can all be lost without compromising one's dream. To see the things and rediscover the lost Han. With a spa and massage. I want all of the misgivings to be forgiven. Turkish steam bath Finland Sauna Suzhou massage
Kyoto, Japan Chinese Minority tribes in secret places, with private tour guides in different Chinese provinces. Eastern European countries. Istanbul, Turkey, Greece Finland Pyramids
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Uncovering a Faulty News Campaign
CNN Fixated On Negatives of Katrina Rather Than Positives of Rita
Monday, September 26, 2005
Palm and Microsoft on the Windows Mobile Treo

Palm and Microsoft on the Windows Mobile Treo
Posted by Harry McCrackenMonday, September 26, 2005, 06:38 PM (PST)
Today's San Francisco press conference made it official: There's going to be a Windows Mobile 5.0-based Treo smartphone. It'll be available exclusively from Verizon Wireless at first, and will run on that carrier's EV-DO broadband network. But all hasn't been revealed--the execs wouldn't talk about the product's name, its price, its full specs, or its exact release date, except to say it would be available "very early" in 2006. (The WinMobile Treo that Engadget snared identifies itself as a Treo 700w, but it's possible that's just a working name.) After the press conference, I met up with a Palm guy--Greg Shirai, VP of product marketing--and a Microsoft guy--John Traynor, senior director of segment marketing for the mobile devices division--and peppered them with questions. Here are a few of their answers. When did this project get hatched? "I've been working on this project for over two years," Shirai told me. That would date back to the era of the Palm-Hanspring merger, and indeed "Donna and Jeff [Dubinsky and Hawkins--cofounders of Palm and Handspring] were involved in early discussions with Microsoft." And "once Palm split up and PalmSource was a separate entity, that was the opening." Why a Windows Treo? Conventional wisdom says that a Treo that runs Windows Mobile may be more attractive to big companies, especially those that use Exchange and Outlook. And Palm agrees. "We have a fairly strong enterprise messaging story with the [Treo] 650," said Shirai. But "we've heard that many people have a preference--if not a requirement--for an end-to-end Windows solution." However, Palm won't market the Palm OS Treo as a consumery product and the Windows Mobile one as a corporate one: "Our approach is more about choice--we're saying we have something built around this experience that Palm provides." And it will now be available in both Palm OS and Windows Mobile flavors. As for Microsoft, "We've had people show us Treo and say, 'This is a great device,'" says Trayor. "Palm brings that unique understanding about what makes a great phone experience." Is a Windows Treo destined to be just a commodity phone running an off-the-shelf OS? "We asked to be able to differentiate on this platform," said Shirai, who added that Palm was exposed to Windows Mobile 5.0 early on and that Microsoft engineers added API calls at Palm's request to help it add Palm-style features on top of Windows. Palm, he said, figured that "if we can add our special sauce [to Windows Mobile], we can light up the smartphone market even faster." Hey, how about Palm OS-based Treos? The press event stressed that the WinTreo will "expand" the Treo platform rather than replacing the Palm OS, but it was short on specifics--like when we'll see a new Palm OS model. But Shirai said that Palm OS aficionados shouldn't fret. "We've extended our Palm OS license through 2010, and we have a robust roadmap on that platform...we have a very loyal user base and a very healthy developer community." Will Verizon's EV-DO service be a big deal? "For syncing e-mail, if it's just text, it doesn't necessarily change the experience much," Traynor said. "But if it's a 1MB PowerPoint attachment...or I can surf at high speed, that's a big difference....and Verizon has done a great job of rolling it out." Ultimately, the two most intriguing questions that come out of all this are ones that can't be answered at a press event. They're A) OK, so is the Windows Mobile Treo worth buying? and B) What does this truly mean for the Palm OS in the long run? We'll do a hands-on evaluation of the new phone as soon as possible so we can chime in on the first question. As for the second one, nobody really knows the answer...but we'll all find out in the months and years to come.
The Arrogant Washington Reporters Didn’t Finish the Presidency
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Racial Violence and Equality
Walking up the marble steps, walking past the red columns of the Judicial Yuan Gate

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Texas Instruments and Taiwan Chip Industry
May God Spare Texas from the Wrath of the Hurricane
“The Yellow Rose of Texas”, the most famous Texas song
Circa 1836; author and copyright unknown. The following version is from the 1955 Mitch Miller rendition There's a yellow rose in Texas, that I am going to see, Nobody else could miss her, not half as much as me. She cried so when I left her, it like to broke my heart, And if I ever find her, we nevermore will part. She's the sweetest little rosebud that Texas ever knew, Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew; You may talk about your Clementine, and sing of Rosalee, But the yellow rose of Texas is the only girl for me. When the Rio Grande is flowing, the starry skies are bright, She walks along the river in the quiet summer night: I know that she remembers, when we parted long ago, I promise to return again, and not to leave her so. She's the sweetest little rosebud that Texas ever knew, Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew; You may talk about your Clementine, and sing of Rosalee, But the yellow rose of Texas is the only girl for me. Oh now I'm going to find her, for my heart is full of woe, And we'll sing the songs together, that we sung so long ago We'll play the bango gaily, and we'll sing the songs of yore, And the yellow rose of Texas shall be mine forevermore. She's the sweetest little rosebud that Texas ever knew, Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew; You may talk about your Clementine, and sing of Rosalee, But the yellow rose of Texas is the only girl for me.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Daughters Facing Cruel Rulers, Women's Rights, and Consideration for a Female Supreme Court Justice
How to Rescue President Bush’s Declining Approval Rating
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Soong Dynasty Great Scholars, Master Su Dongpo and Student Huang Tingjian

黃庭堅《山谷詞》 鷓鴣天
節去蜂愁蝶不知,曉庭環繞折殘枝。自然今日人心別,未必秋香一夜衰。無閑事,即芳期,菊花須插滿頭歸。宜將酩酊酬佳事,不用登臨送落暉。 From the Collection of Huang Tingjian, "Mountain Valley Prose"
Partridge Day Festival is over and the bees worry that the butterflies are not aware Early courtyard circling with bent branches Naturally today my heart is different No need to have a night’s retreat in fragrant autumn Nothing much important that is the expectant fortuitous date Must pin the chrysanthemum to the hair to return Appropriate to be drunk to thank the good date No need to climb high to see the fallen sun ray Soong Poem by Huang Ting Jian 黃庭堅(1045-1105),字魯直,自號山谷道人,晚號涪翁,洪州分宁(今 江西修水)人。英 宗治平四年 (1067) 進士。哲宗立,召為校書郎、《神宗實錄》檢 討官。后擢起居舍人。紹圣初, 新党謂其修史“多誣”,貶涪州別駕,安置 黔州等地。徽宗初,羈管宜州卒。工詩文,早年受知于蘇 軾,与張耒、晁補之、秦 觀并稱“蘇門四學士”。詩与蘇軾并稱“蘇黃”,為江西詩派開山,有《豫 章黃先生文集》。詞与秦觀齊名,有《山谷琴趣外篇》、龍榆生《豫章黃先生 詞》。詞風流宕豪邁,較接近蘇軾。晁補之云:“魯直間作小詞固高妙,然不 是當行家語,自是著腔子唱好詩。” (見《詩人 玉屑》) 另有不少俚詞,不免 褻諢。
Huang TingJian (1045-1105). Northern Soong dynasty scholar and court official. The founder of the Jiangxi Province poetry genre. One of the 4 scholars from the Su Shi School. His prose is open, creative, and unrestricted, close to his teacher Su Shi (Su Dong Po).
China Folksong ~~~~中華民謠~~~~
Thursday, September 15, 2005
霜葉紅於二月花 Linguistic and Geography Study: Where to Enjoy Red Leaves in Deep Fall in China
Letter to friends about the President's Upcoming China Trip
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
US President George W. Bush shakes hands with Chinese President Hu Jintao in New York

Monday, September 12, 2005
Shang Dynasty Thoughts
For a Blissful Meeting Between Our Two Dear Presidents: China’s Hu JinTao and America’s George W. Bush 一代英雌 婦好
婦好 For a Blissful Meeting Between Our Two Dear Presidents: China’s Hu JinTao and America’s George W. Bush Tomorrow they will meet in New York, and we hope that China and America can keep peace together for the people and for all the good things to come. With love and not misunderstanding we shall wish them good luck for this precious chance to be making friends together. To commemorate a meaningful event for diplomacy, there is a cultural message here. To Give a Nice Portrayal of an Ancient Heroine: Shang Queen Fu Hao One great Queen of China was Fu Hao, and she helped the ailing Emperor Wu Ding to lead and repel invaders from the regions to the west and north of China.
During the Soong Dynasty, the Xi Xia (Northern Afghanistan) Tribe brutally invaded China and annihilated and flattened many Chinese cities, with no survivors left.
In 1645, during the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Tribe was given the order to ethnically cleanse the entire city of Yangzhou, until no one was left. I went to San Francisco’s China Ancient Anthropological Exhibit Queen Fu Hao’s Bronze and Ivory Wine glass, circa 1250 B.C. She wakes up in early morning golden sunshine The grape leaves cast a shadow on the golden bronze flat panel She feels such a joy in this hopeful day of a kingdom so vibrantly humane In the reflection of Shang dynasty gold bronze panel In the evening, she pours out the tulip wine into her glass The bronze wine vessel with an ivory knob engraved with Oracle bone characters The king divined with the master on how the outcome is The troops she led won and repelled the invaders When she came back with victory They announced that she wore the aqua clothing, master of the sacrificial ceremony The highest ranking for a worshipped national sorcerer She started to dance up the steps of the Heavenly Altar The numbers of stones in the circles are multiples of 9. In the center, it is called Heaven’s Heart Once you stand on it, you can wish and communicate to God. In the evening, in front of a little window with the moon passing She sips some wine, and writing with her pen on the results for predictions She went to a valley and the flowers are happy by themselves just open for nature Then the friends coming to ask her to ride into the big forest Shang dynasty had wide acreage of ranch land. Shang dynasty was finished by Zhou dynasty in 1000 B.C., a new rising agriculture society with advanced technology in irrigation.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
My Flood Experience and Growing Up with the Senate’s 立法院 Little Allowance
Advice to Americans 美國世紀洪災

Monday, September 05, 2005
For Bush, a test of political skill
Sunday, September 04, 2005
An American Sage, Justice Rehnquist 哲人日已遠,典型在宿昔