Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Beijing Travelogue
Su Mu Zhe by Fan Zhong Yan 苏幕遮(范仲淹)

作者简介:969 -1052,字希文,吴县(今属江苏)人。宋真宗朝进士。庆历三年(1043),七月,授参知政事,主持庆历改革,因守旧派阻挠而未果。次年罢政,自请外任,历知 州、邓州、杭州、青州。卒谥文正。他不仅是北宋著名的政治家、军事家、文学成就亦杰然可观。散文《岳阳楼记》为千古名篇,词则能突破唐末五代词的绮靡风气。有《范文正公集》,词仅存五首。 Author Fan Zhong Yan: 969 – 1052 A.D., during Northern Soong dynasty, when the capital was in BianJing (Kaifeng). At year 1000, Kaifeng was the largest city in the whole world. Fan Zhong Yan was from Wuxian (same as Wuxing or Huzhou, Zhu Jia Hua's hometown, on the border between Jiangsu and Zhejiang). He was a statesman and military specialist, and had great achievements in literature. Su Mu Zhe by Fan Zhong Yan
Green Cloud day, Yellow leaves day.
The autumn color linked waves with cold smoky green.
The mountain reflecting sunset with sky connecting water.
Grass is without passion, beyond the sun.
Darkened hometown soul, chasing travel thoughts, every night, to let good dreams keep me sleeping.
Bright moon in the high floor building, don’t lean against the rail by yourself.
Only when wine is going to your worried system, turning into tears of love sick. Song dynasty great statesman, musician, and lyricist. West Region, Central Asia dance song. Su Mu Zhe is Hu Central Asia language. This theatre show is from west Gui Zi (west Xinjiang region). Performers wear masks. Every July they have this theatre for 7 days. The purpose is to chase away the devil that eats the people. “Muslim region collection” 西域舞曲。慧琳《一切經音義》卷四十:“‘蘇幕遮’,西戎胡語也,正云‘颯魔遮’。此戲本出西龜茲國,至今猶有此曲,此國渾脫,大面、撥頭之類也。或作獸面,或象鬼神,假作種種面具形狀。或以泥水霑灑行,或持繩索搭?,捉人為戲。每年七月初,公行此戲,七日乃停。土俗相傳云,常以此法攘厭,驅趁羅剎惡鬼食啗人民之也。”《張說之文集》卷十有《蘇摩遮》詩五首,皆七言絕,句說之於詩題下注云:“潑寒胡戲所歌,其和聲云億歲樂。”《詷譜》謂宋詞家所用,蓋因舊曲另度新聲。《清真集》入“般涉調”。雙調,六十二字,上下片各四仄韻。 |--,-||。(韻)+|--,+|--|。(韻)+|---||。(韻)+|--,+|--|。(韻)&|--,-||。(韻)+|--,+|--|。(韻)+|---||。(韻)+|--,+|--|。(韻)
字希文,北宋政治家,文学家.苏州吴县人, 皇佑元年(1049年)范仲淹在苏州范庄前祖宅,创立范氏义庄。 皇佑四年(1052年),范仲淹自青州(今山东益都)调往颖州(今安徽阜阳)途中,病逝徐州,享年63岁,死后被追赠兵部尚书.范仲淹散文,诗,词均有名篇传世,其词存世不多,仅三首比较完整,但意境宏阔,气象雄奇,以反映边塞风光和征战劳苦见长.具有一定的创新风格.
Fan Zhong Yan was a Northern Song Dynasty statesman and literary giant. Wu Xian Wu county of Suzhou, Su State. In the "Yue Yang Lou Building Digest", his most famous words are "be the first to worry before the entire world; be the last to enjoy after the whole world", this encouraged generations to be instilled with a patriotic sense, and for the officials to love the people.
碧云天,黄叶地,秋色连波波上寒烟翠.山映斜阳天接水,芳草更在斜阳外. 黯乡魂,追旅思,夜夜除非,好梦留人睡.明月楼高休独倚,酒入愁肠,化作相思泪.
御街行 纷纷坠叶飘香彻,夜寂静,寒声碎.真珠帘卷玉楼空,天淡银河垂地.年年今夜,月华如练,长是人千里. 愁肠已断无由醉.酒未到,先成泪.残灯明灭枕头欹,谙尽孤眠滋味.都来此事,眉间心上,无计相回避.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Important Advice for the President
Sunday, November 27, 2005
My First Time Seeing Xian

Friday, November 25, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Free Mind Returns from China after Whirlwind Tour
Monday, November 21, 2005
Medical Malpractice and Human Dignity in China
Saturday, November 19, 2005
My Side of Paradise, a Nationalist View on China's Progress
Friday, November 18, 2005
From Hang Zhou with Love
Thursday, November 10, 2005
The Case of a Co-President

Monday, November 07, 2005
President Bush’s Latin America Geopolitical Summit and Ancient Chinese Strategist Su Qin
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Tang dynasty Xiang Yan Royal Temple Estate

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Oliver's Army, reference to Oliver Cromwell, Invader of Ireland
Oliver's Army is a song written by Elvis Costello, originally performed by Elvis Costello and the Attractions. "Oliver's Army": A different kind of British Invasion, emphasis on Invasion. Who else but Costello could write a song about the British occupation of Ireland and turn it into one of the most deliciously subversive pop nuggets in recent history? "Oliver's Army" is a shining example of what he does best: wrap provocative ideas of perpetual relevance in the ornamentation of undeniable hooks. Costello condemns imperialism and viciously mocks those who engage in power-mongering (though it would not be given the chance to succeed as a single in the US, due to the most controversial line of Costello's career, in which he compares England's treatment of the Irish to white America's discrimination towards African-Americans: "All it takes is one itchy trigger / One more widow, one less white nigger"). All the antibacterial soap in the world can't wash the song's potent melody and message off your body. Oliver's Army is definitely a reference to Oliver Cromwell, usurper of the crown and invader of Ireland. OLIVER’S ARMY by Elvis Costello Oliver's Army Don't start me talking I could talk all night My mind goes sleepwalking While I'm putting the world to right Called careers information Have you got yourself an occupation? Oliver's army is here to stay Oliver's army are on their way And I would rather be anywhere else But here today There was a checkpoint Charlie He didn't crack a smile But it's no laughing party When you've been on the murder mile Only takes one itchy trigger One more widow, one less white nigger (Chorus) Hong Kong is up for grabs London is full of Arabs We could be in Palestine Overrun by a Chinese line With the boys from the Mersey and the Thames and the Tyne But there's no danger It's a professional career Though it could be arranged With just a word in Mr. Churchill's ear If you're out of luck or out of work We could send you to Johannesburg (Chorus)
Prince Charles Salutes World War II Veterans