Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Satire on Bush

When Monica and Clinton were doing their immoral thing in the White House, they eventually were ousted by Lincoln’s spirit. This cast a dark shadow on the democrats. Whatever bizarre situation is going on between Bush and the Filipino, eventually also will be exposed by President Teddy Roosevelt’s patriotic spirit. I don’t think he is thrilled with a Filipino chef and some cheating news reporter who erroneously misrepresented the Bush administration by saying that “Gonzales would prosecute the looters” during the Hurricane Katrina crisis and caused an uproar among State, Local, and Federal agencies. It took her bad mouth on Karl Rove and also Scott McClellan, so if they get ousted, Republicans will be weakened and possibly lose the majority in the 2006 election, then Democrats will enjoy a process called “Impeachment of Bush”, all thankful for this either mean-spirited or tactless reporter who has a special exchange with Bush. This is after she bad-mouthed Harriet Miers and ruined her chance to be on the Supreme Court, and pushed Scooter Libby out. On that day when Libby resigned, Bush looked beat. But Bush still wants her to be around for some reason. Bush degenerated by living off these White House female news reporters’ feed for information. Like DEAF reporters, and a blind president, they were totally lost in the events in Hurricane Katrina, totally locked into their own world of beliefs and hedonism. Failed to act promptly as the guessing game of the missing or showing up of the pursuit of these ‘capricious reporters’. It is the practice of CNN and most, to allow 2 to show up. So this keeps the president forever guessing who will be with him in the trip. Prior to the Hurricane, the President failed to respond to a category 5 hurricane, and talked to no one. Bush was chastised to come to California without immediately going back to visit this evil reporter. Cindy Sheehan derailed a good summer, but it may be a blessing in disguise for Bush. In the name of the economic project, Bush looked like he wanted to secretly give her the info, without going through any aides, who were called back later. That this unprofessionalism was stopped because of Cindy Sheehan's arrival, so this was actually a benefit to prolong his presidency. The reporter rotated to go to Argentina, and very likely communicated to the President in the air to Air Force One, so he was delighted to land on airport with enlightened happy brisk gait. The reporter was not rotated to go to China. The President acted as if he caught bird flu. Thanksgiving for family reunion, and the reporter was rotated to be with the President, and he turned back to relive again. Border speech at Tucson, and El Paso Texas, with the reporter followed the motorcade, and he acts like he is quite on top of the world. At Annapolis speech, Navy academy, he is bloodthirsty and possibly, she is rotated back for 2 weeks break, for the coming rendezvous of Christmas and New Year fun. I did a survey and found that 50% of Nordstrom merchandize are made in the Philippines, vs. 30% from China, and the rest from other countries. So I returned my $216 coat, made in the Philippines. Bush is asking other countries to eat Chinese people’s lunch and punish the Chinese textile sector. Chinese have made great contributions in the U.S., such as building up the railroads in the 19th century, and advancing technology in the modern era, like Boeing. Why should the Chinese be punished to help the Philippines? On the Chinese Internet, the youth are very mad that the loans they made to Saddam Hussein will not be paid back, and Bush refused to compensate the Chinese for the billions of dollars in loans that Saddam owed to China. FDR may have had intimate fireside chats with Americans, but he left out major secrets from VP Truman, and this damaged post-war planning and world peace, and China sank to communism. FDR didn’t tell Eleanor, but everyday was with his mistress his secretary. If Bush does have 3 years, this is his time to leave a good name for himself, his family, and his country. We have Northern Soong dynasty PM Qin Kuai, and his wife forever kneeling and get spit on by people after he did the loyal patriotic general Yuefei in, we hope Bush’s luck is better than Qin Kuai.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Beijing Travelogue

北京紀遊 Beijing Travelogue By Catherine Chuang 蘇莊 碧雲天﹐黃葉地﹐秋色蕭蕭﹐寂寞京師﹐空寥無極﹐人間天上皆是情。 深似海﹐偶相逢﹐飄萍一生﹐難回憶。 Green Cloud Day Yellow leaves on the ground Color of autumn with chill The lonely capital is vast without end This world and above all with love Deep as an ocean Meet by chance Like patches of drifting duckweed Hard to reminisce 又在秋季來到北京﹐已習慣美國不浮華的簡單日子﹐不食人間煙火的﹐一下子投入中國首都﹐如置身紅塵十丈。
I arrived in Beijing again in the autumn. I am so used to the American simple life, without tasting the bustling of the capital. 搭了12小時的飛機﹐深夜﹐迷朦中﹐被一陣柔和的音樂喚醒﹐不知今夕何夕﹐原來是電視機未關﹐正在播演“寶蓮燈”﹐沈香救母的故事﹐優美的男音把中國語言唱的好動聽。
After a 12 hour flight, in the deep night, I was awakened by a wave of soft song. Where am I? It was the sequel of the ancient folklore, "Treasure Lotus Lantern". It is about Sheng Xiang, who saved his mother. It was sung by a very tender male vocalist. 小時後大概六歲﹐母親帶我去看此部民間文學電影﹐是香港拍的﹐由她在南京的四明女校同學林黛所當綱演沉香﹐她嫁給云南軍閥﹐龍雲的兒子﹐但卻為情自殺。
When I was 6 years old, I saw this movie with my mother. It was made in Hong Kong, and the heroine was played by Linda Lin Dai, her classmate in the capital Nanjing SiMing middle school. Linda Lin Dai later was married to a Yunlan warlord's son, but she committed suicide in her heyday after winning several best actress awards in Asia. 如今﹐又是新一批人馬在演同樣的劇本﹐想必有千年﹐共產黨不再演江青提倡的樣板戲﹐在香港看到的猙獰的殺人犯模樣的演技﹐已被中國人民傳 統的民間文學藝術代替﹐演的有情感﹐這是我認為中國進步的地方。
Today, another group is playing the same 'folklore' with a thousand year old touching story. Chinese are no longer playing Mao's wife, Jiang Qing's cookie sheet revolutionary style show, with bloodthirsty stare to want to persecute people. This is the progress of China, I think. The acting is very well with great emotion.

Su Mu Zhe by Fan Zhong Yan 苏幕遮(范仲淹)

Fan Zhong Yan
碧云天,黄叶地。秋色连波,波上寒烟翠。山映斜阳天接水。芳草无情,更在斜阳外。  黯乡魂,追旅思。夜夜除非,好梦留人睡。明月楼高休独倚,酒入愁肠,化作相思泪。

作者简介:969 -1052,字希文,吴县(今属江苏)人。宋真宗朝进士。庆历三年(1043),七月,授参知政事,主持庆历改革,因守旧派阻挠而未果。次年罢政,自请外任,历知 州、邓州、杭州、青州。卒谥文正。他不仅是北宋著名的政治家、军事家、文学成就亦杰然可观。散文《岳阳楼记》为千古名篇,词则能突破唐末五代词的绮靡风气。有《范文正公集》,词仅存五首。 Author Fan Zhong Yan: 969 – 1052 A.D., during Northern Soong dynasty, when the capital was in BianJing (Kaifeng). At year 1000, Kaifeng was the largest city in the whole world. Fan Zhong Yan was from Wuxian (same as Wuxing or Huzhou, Zhu Jia Hua's hometown, on the border between Jiangsu and Zhejiang). He was a statesman and military specialist, and had great achievements in literature. Su Mu Zhe by Fan Zhong Yan

Green Cloud day, Yellow leaves day.

The autumn color linked waves with cold smoky green.

The mountain reflecting sunset with sky connecting water.

Grass is without passion, beyond the sun.

Darkened hometown soul, chasing travel thoughts, every night, to let good dreams keep me sleeping.

Bright moon in the high floor building, don’t lean against the rail by yourself.

Only when wine is going to your worried system, turning into tears of love sick. Song dynasty great statesman, musician, and lyricist. West Region, Central Asia dance song. Su Mu Zhe is Hu Central Asia language. This theatre show is from west Gui Zi (west Xinjiang region). Performers wear masks. Every July they have this theatre for 7 days. The purpose is to chase away the devil that eats the people. “Muslim region collection”   西域舞曲。慧琳《一切經音義》卷四十:“‘蘇幕遮’,西戎胡語也,正云‘颯魔遮’。此戲本出西龜茲國,至今猶有此曲,此國渾脫,大面、撥頭之類也。或作獸面,或象鬼神,假作種種面具形狀。或以泥水霑灑行,或持繩索搭?,捉人為戲。每年七月初,公行此戲,七日乃停。土俗相傳云,常以此法攘厭,驅趁羅剎惡鬼食啗人民之也。”《張說之文集》卷十有《蘇摩遮》詩五首,皆七言絕,句說之於詩題下注云:“潑寒胡戲所歌,其和聲云億歲樂。”《詷譜》謂宋詞家所用,蓋因舊曲另度新聲。《清真集》入“般涉調”。雙調,六十二字,上下片各四仄韻。 |--,-||。(韻)+|--,+|--|。(韻)+|---||。(韻)+|--,+|--|。(韻)&|--,-||。(韻)+|--,+|--|。(韻)+|---||。(韻)+|--,+|--|。(韻)


字希文,北宋政治家,文学家.苏州吴县人, 皇佑元年(1049年)范仲淹在苏州范庄前祖宅,创立范氏义庄。 皇佑四年(1052年),范仲淹自青州(今山东益都)调往颖州(今安徽阜阳)途中,病逝徐州,享年63岁,死后被追赠兵部尚书.范仲淹散文,诗,词均有名篇传世,其词存世不多,仅三首比较完整,但意境宏阔,气象雄奇,以反映边塞风光和征战劳苦见长.具有一定的创新风格.

Fan Zhong Yan was a Northern Song Dynasty statesman and literary giant. Wu Xian Wu county of Suzhou, Su State. In the "Yue Yang Lou Building Digest", his most famous words are "be the first to worry before the entire world; be the last to enjoy after the whole world", this encouraged generations to be instilled with a patriotic sense, and for the officials to love the people.














碧云天,黄叶地,秋色连波波上寒烟翠.山映斜阳天接水,芳草更在斜阳外. 黯乡魂,追旅思,夜夜除非,好梦留人睡.明月楼高休独倚,酒入愁肠,化作相思泪.

御街行 纷纷坠叶飘香彻,夜寂静,寒声碎.真珠帘卷玉楼空,天淡银河垂地.年年今夜,月华如练,长是人千里. 愁肠已断无由醉.酒未到,先成泪.残灯明灭枕头欹,谙尽孤眠滋味.都来此事,眉间心上,无计相回避.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Important Advice for the President

President with Posthumous soldier’s family
David Smith, 11-year-old son of Sgt. 1st Class Paul Smith, holds his father's Medal of Honor, awarded Monday, April 4, 2005, posthumously by President Bush during ceremonies at the White House. Looking on are Smith's wife, Birgit, and step-daughter Jessica.White House photo by Paul Morse As a measurement to rescue his sinking poll ratings, the President picks the second most favorable subject to do work on, namely, border control and immigration. But the primary concern still is the Iraq war and the soldiers deployed there. Enclosed is the picture of the dead soldiers’ family that Bush allowed to come to the White House, he also will visit these victims on his own schedule without the press attending. The taxpayers will want the White House 1) to cancel the ongoing White House lavish 20 banquets with the Filipino chef and to give generously to the homeless, to the orphans, and to the homeless, in name of god, to the Posthumous soldier’s family. 2) Some democratic Congressional members want to summon the Vice President’s appointment and schedule book. For Bush, it will be prudent for Laura Bush to lead his White House elite female staff newspaper reporters to visit New Orleans, in order to humble these so called professionals who never visited the hurricane stricken city and give Americans the first hand reports and show their genuine care and concerns. For Bush to get feed from the reporters who have never been to New Orleans is unwise, as he should talk to local regional plagued area residents more. To quote a female CNN reporter, “I can just pop in at the White House anytime to get information.” This sounds like ‘immoral conduct’ and ‘not security conscious’ for the chief executive’s quarters. But it just so happens, that neither the President nor the female reporter may have any clue about the real scenario down in New Orleans. This irony and tragedy can’t go on anymore. 3) Former FEMA Director Michael Brown pointed out the “inadequate support from the private sector” for Hurricane relief work. We all know that President Bush has nominated Laura Bush to be in private funding philanthropic work, and she should be more pro-active. 4) CNN always provides the first rate hotel and lodging for the elite reporters like in Denmark, Scotland, or Argentina, virtually in the same hotel as the president. We would like to see the first class of bravery as well. It is a crime to interfere with the president’s relief work. Soldiers’ lives and the reporters’ lives are all equal. If Bush needs to visit soldiers in Iraq, they should be there to cover as well in the tent, if needed. Wear a bullet proof vest such as Condoleezza Rice. They should be there a few hours to set up and wait for the president as they always do as a routine. If they get kidnapped, the President should have the same resolution as to not back down to the terrorists demand as he would do to other reporters and be on equal terms with all American citizens. This will show he is the people’s president and not for a few elite. No special treatment, favoritism. 5) President needs to focus on the audience, or understand his speech writer’s text more, to read through the speeches before he starts to talk.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

My First Time Seeing Xian

China Proper Ink Jade Bowl, Purchased in Xian
不到長安﹐對中國歷史有不完全感。 今年11月隨著一個美國旅遊團﹐抵達關中﹐渭河平原﹐十一個王朝建都之地。 Without coming to Xian, you won’t gain a complete picture of Chinese history. In November of this year, we followed an American tour and arrived in Xian, in the Wei River prairie, this was the capital for 11 dynasties. Poem by Yuan Hao Wen: To be together until our hair is white on the love pair pond Without a word over sunset Drawing the picture of leaving the Qin River’s sight How many have ever been to Xian? 元好問﹕ 白頭生死鴛鴦浦。夕陽無語。 畫圖臨出秦川景,親到長安有幾人?
By Free Mind
八百里秦川脈脈 關中大平原一如既往萬千年﹐長安古道伴西風﹐ 煙籠罩萬千風情
800 Li Qin River flowing Guang Zhong big prairie is just like 10 thousand years The Xian ancient path along the west wind Smoky with that classic poise Cloud and mist Capital with a purple path The clanking jade strong spirited horses riding Five imperial tombs estates, Where are the young handsome studied men? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
我們到城南﹐鐘鼓樓附近﹐去吃餃子宴﹐絲竹交加﹐人聲喧騰﹐讓人縮短距離﹐讓我想起唐代的故事。 We went to the south gate. Near the bell and drum tower, we had a banquet of dumplings. With silk and bamboo instruments accompanying the meal, the fun open conversation enlightened and shortened the human distance. This reminds me a Tang legendary touching story. 滎陽鄭﹐有慕歌家世﹐乞食風情。 In Yingyang Principality, Henan, there was a Zheng Yuan gentleman. He had a coveted family heritage as local aristocrat, but he wound up as a beggar in Changan (Xian). In this very land, Tang Dynasty left us an embroidery quilt legend. It expressed the deep bond between the Henan and Xian. 在斯土﹐唐代留下來的繡襦記傳奇﹐令人感動的唐代鄭元﹐李亞仙故事﹐勾勒長安與河南的情感。 This aristocratic Henan man came to the capital to try to pass the examinations to become a government official. But he spent all his money on the prostitute called Li Yaxian. With his money gone, he worked as part of a funeral home’s music and crying team. His parents refused to help him. He finally ended up on the street in the cold winter. When he was about to perish forever, the prostitute came to his rescue with an embroidered silk quilt to wrap him and took him back to her courtyard and saved him. After he recuperated he passed the examination in the next spring, and became a high official. He gave her the title of fourth lady. So much is said about the Henan man and their character. They are both fragile and strong at times. They have money, but sometimes squander it and need assistance, so that they are saved just in time, and they have the wisdom so that they can become somebody. 河南男人﹐到京城投考﹐卻為女人一擲千金﹐浪子流落成為葬儀社的吹號及哭隊﹐後貧病交迫﹐奄奄一息﹐在街上﹐被名妓李亞仙用繡錦被裹起﹐送到院中﹐救活﹐調養將息﹐高考中第﹐封李亞仙為四夫人. In the night, we saw the Tang dance. It was quite a treat. But somehow, I thought it should have been better. 當晚即看了唐歌舞﹐一派富貴堂皇﹐精湛奔放的表演藝術. We visited the Xian jade handicraft art works. I bought an artistic ink jade bowl from a Henan artisan as a souvenir. 在西安工藝展覽館﹐買了河南出的價值不菲的墨玉碗﹐當作紀念. 熠熠流金泛著光, 很美的藝術品﹐有古典風味﹐讓人瑕想到葡萄美酒夜光杯﹐與黛玉的飄逸靈氣。 The jade vein has a classic air like the brush pen flowing in art. It reminds me of a Tang poem, “grapes fine wine sparkles in the night glass”, and the “Dream of the Red Mansion” main heroine Daiyu Dark jade’s transcendental spirit. 唐代詩人王翰的那首涼州曲 葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲飲琵琶馬上催,醉臥沙場君莫笑,古來征戰幾人回 秦時明月漢時關,萬里長征人未還,但使龍城飛將在,不教胡馬渡陰山 閨中少婦不知愁,春日凝妝上翠樓,忽見陌頭楊柳色,悔教夫婿覓封侯 Tang Dynasty Wang Han "Liang Zhou Song": Grape wine in the night sparkling glass When I about to drink but the Pi Pa on the horse is hurrying me to go Don't laugh seeing me Drunk on the battling sandy field Not many people return home ever since all of the ancient wars battles Qin Dynasty bright moon and the Han dynasty pass You went far on an expedition and have not yet returned Just to have the Dragon city flying general residing Not to let the Hu barbarian invaders passing the Yin Mountain In the depth of a woman's seclusion without knowing the worry She plans to go up her phoenix building Suddenly seeing the willow tender green on the crisscross footpaths between fields Only regret to have her husband to seek the duke and lord ship 為何我在西安哭泣﹖ 離開西安那一天﹐我在餐廳一角﹐垂淚﹐竟然如父親一樣﹐每當他離開時﹐大半生軍人的他﹐總會哭﹐而我如今如他一樣脆弱。 我哭又是人間一場浩劫﹐畢生無法與爺相見。父親的悲慘的靈魂﹐代表中原人的人道主義與情份﹐他與野蠻打了一場長征。皇天后土。人杰地靈。受摧殘的美麗文化。當西漢遷都由長安到洛陽時﹐駐守在漢宮外的銅人﹐都仿彿有眼淚泛光下淚。我哭一去不回的古文化﹐都散落在各地區﹐無法再重現本地風華﹐歷史政治重心。 Why did I cry in Xian? As I was leaving Xian, in the corner of the breakfast restaurant, my tears were starting to flow down. Just as my father, before when he left, most of his life in the military, he would cry. Now I’m just like him, with a tender heart. 歷史上﹐秦與楚之爭﹐但是許多楚國賢才來助秦崛起﹐如春秋的百里奚﹐戰國的商鞅﹐他們西度涵古關﹐潼關﹐而東望中原來時路﹐英雄不怕出生低﹐不論在秦國﹐在中國都長留青史﹐永垂不朽, In the history, Qin and Chu country always fought. But many Chu talents came to help the rise of the Qin Empire’s infrastructure. As Chunqiu, Spring and Autumn Era, PM Bai Li Xi and Warring States PM Shang Yang. They all came west to pass the Han Gu Gorge and the Tong Gorge, and they looked east at China Proper where they came from. Heroes are not afraid of lowly birth, no matter in Qin country, or China, they left immortal name for their great works and characters which are truly the treasures of the Chinese spirits. 西安是爺工作20年的地方﹐在醫學院為名醫服務眾生﹐黃埔軍校出身的父親﹐青年離鄉讀書﹐1937年﹐父親僅15歲﹐大好青年時光都獻給中國﹐南北征戰日本帝國侵略﹐1949內戰失敗﹐退守台灣﹐軍人生活困頓﹐唯一的堅持﹐是希望我們好好讀書﹐我考上東吳大學外語學院﹐本想當外交家﹐但外公去世﹐台灣狹義的局面﹐讓我無法回台﹐而在美國定居. Xian is where my grandfather worked for 20 years. He served in the medical school as a famous doctor. My father graduated from Whampoo Academy. He left his home at a young age as the war broke out in 1937, when he was merely 15. Most of his youth he dedicated to China. He fought Japanese invaders in China. After the Civil War of 1949, he followed Chiang Kai Shek to come to Taiwan. Military life was hard, his only insistence was to have us educated. I passed the college entrance examination to be the Suzhou University foreign language department. Originally, I wanted to be a diplomat, maybe an ambassador. But my maternal grandfather passed away, with an environment with many racial conflicts in Taiwan, I decided to live in America permanently. 但我從未忘記我的祖根﹐只是在美國並不能平步青雲﹐中國在1979年卡特建交後才普及開放﹐而無法即時回中國看望爺奶﹐成為終生抱恨. But I have never forgotten my roots. In America life was harder than I thought. China only had a wide opening after 1979 Carter’s establishing of formal relations with China. But it was too late to see my grandfather. 據我的堂妹說﹐爺卻是特別對女孩疼惜﹐與我的外公特別鍾愛我的母親一樣。 According to my cousin, grandfather favored the daughters; this is like my maternal grandfather loved my mother the most. 為何國共這場無人道的戰爭要發生﹖使骨肉分散無法團圓﹖ Did this war between communists and nationalists have to happen? 多少戰爭﹐爭執﹐到頭來﹐中原與長安仍然是一片真情﹐不滅的赤子之心.永在人們心頭上。 After all of the wars and conflicts, in the end, China Proper and Xian still very deep bond. A child’s pure heart is always on people’s minds when it comes to Xian and ancient China Proper.

Friday, November 25, 2005


There will be 20 holiday banquets to be held with White House Filipino Chef’s great cooking and panache. The Filipinos should be equally as important as any race, without any special benefits, as all races work hard. If the Iraq war is to be forgotten by the White House, then the troops should get pulled back. If Hurricane Katrina is not enough of a lesson for Bush, then he won’t be able to face the impeachment that democrats are talking about. The Beijing trip was a strange occurrence, with Bush looking like a zombie as if his soul was hollowed out. I know the reason, simply by comparing to the Argentine trip. In this trip, I followed very closely as I plan to publish many political books. I can venture to say that Bush is secretly aiding the CNN female news reporters and gave them access and in exchange for their ‘feed’, quote Susan Malveaux’s words on CNN programs, ‘The Administration rely on our Feed, and we tell them what to do.” Dana Bash also revealed that “we have someone who can access to the President as few could”, this was when there was danger of a riot breaking out during the plenary session in Argentina. Bush acted eager and bounding on the airport tarmac in Argentina, the news showing that Quijano and Dana were waiting by the beach side of the Hermitage hotel. But perhaps in Beijing, his secret object was not waiting for him. We know the bad reputation of Philippine personnel, like Imelda Marcus and Jim Cunanan who killed fashion designer Johnny Versace. White House is not lack of intelligent planners, but is askew on moral grounds, and they will run into great impeachment and indictment, and lose the presidency before the expiration day. White House is under siege, and has been reduced to Bush’s obscure longing for immoral news reporters who try to influence policy. But many people will soon find out, as “the paper can never wrap the fire long”. It is in vain to ask Bush to show genuine spirit as he appears at podium, because he is obsessed with something or someone. He will have to give his presidency for this, or give up his ‘habit’. Advice: President Bush should be more in touch with the world, on track with Iraq and domestic issues, and prepare for his state of the union speech in order to preserve his presidency.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Free Mind Returns from China after Whirlwind Tour

Free Mind's sister ponders the Temple of Heaven from Afar
This was my fifth trip to China. China is in a continual robust building spree for the entire nation. We wish that Chinese people can exercise prudence and will not be hotheaded in ideology. Most importantly, to always pay regards to the great ancestors' work and the Nationalist modern founding work, not just to the fortune gods and the new multi-millionaires. The economic innovative minds like Zhao Zi Yang and Jiang Zemin are worthy of praise for leading China to become a thriving and for playing down the fanaticism of the past hard-line communism. This type of rationale should continue, as the nation walks out of the shadow of colonial dominance and suppression, and concluded long the dynastic era, transforming into a country of democracy, winning the war against Japan in the long battle of resistance, contributing to the world peace. Elevated minds should give weight to the nation's true saviors, the Nationalists, who did the true hard work of steering China on the path toward a successful future. To be a first-class system, the political body, regardless of its name or ideology, should have the muscle and capability to face the popular masses, and the people's social, political and economic needs all must be fulfilled, not just the economic side alone.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Medical Malpractice and Human Dignity in China

China is walking toward a new era of self-administrative government power. It is taking the practice to infuse people with a sense of human rights. In the case of a Nanjing man who was facing a mighty bureaucracy after a doctor botched an operation, leading to the removal of his right lung and further surgery to repair his esophagus, his malpractice suit is a test of social justice and an individual's right to basic medical needs. His case was brought before a local court, and he fought the medical power elite. Eventually the medical jurisdiction of Nanjing was overturned by the central Beijing investigative medical board because of the medical error, and compensation followed. The man felt a sense of justice because he had been crawling to steal the detailed medical records of his botched medical procedures. He had to pay $150 to get the botched organ fixed, and he had to borrow $1000 to get the Beijing medical board to examine the records, as he had lost the ability to do labor work. So in China, individuals are fighting for a basic sense of entitlement to dignity, and 1.3 billion lives should not be cheapened just because there are so many of them. Each individual has a basic human right, as the American way such as Thomas Jefferson proclaimed in his famous phrase etched in the Jefferson Memorial, "All men are created equal". Only after each one fights and paves the road to overturn the local medical elite power structure can gradual social reform and respect for each life be gained. Much like the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S., China has gone through slaughter by foreigners, and domestic warlords, and communists, a social movement needs to go through phases to truly put people on an elevated plateau. The laws of a nation should not just be a set of vacant decrees from the government, but laws should be of practical value to the citizens, and be followed and applied fairly, so that the Constitution is not just a piece of paper. The substance of legal protection is earned through each one's efforts. The medical case was reported by Chinese state-run CCTV News, and viewed by Free Mind in Shanghai. Although it is still at an inception stage, the Chinese people's legal consciousness is being developed rapidly as the progression of mimicking the west is ongoing.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

My Side of Paradise, a Nationalist View on China's Progress

Freemind Travels in Chiang Kai-Shek and the Nationalist contributors' region with great fondness and love. By hearing Chiang's accent, I was coaxed into buying strands of pearls without any regret, and I think they should be honored to feel the great vitality of this side of paradise. The Nationalists are starting to win recognition by the masses. The government is ever self-conscientious to put a balance into their 'legitimacy'. But it is not void that the Nationalists lost China in 1949. Although they lost to the Communists, they already had defeated Japan, and laid the foundation of peace and prosperity. So it is always a win and a victory for the Chinese people and culture, so that now there is this opportunity to remake China. I think tonight, I see the smiles of grandfather, Dr. Zhu Jia Hua, many others, and see Chiang Kai Shek sipping tea by the West Lake with me and want me to tell their tales of a marvelous group and human wonders that they have done to answer the calls of human freedom for their great civilization and the world. Freemind at "this side of paradise".

Friday, November 18, 2005

From Hang Zhou with Love

By Vaton Yunqi Resort, near the Qian Tang Jiang River, a mountain mansion-style hotel gives a Chinese artist imbued with love for nature an inspirational environment. A film group will hold a convention here tomorrow. After Beijing and Xian, this is a different atmosphere of beauty. The mind travels from the Terra Cotta warriors' regimented military spirit to a region with a resiliency of oppression.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Case of a Co-President

White House political adviser Karl Rove addresses the Federalist Society Thursday night. Joshua Roberts / Reuters Karl Rove is the alter-ego of George W. Bush, and is said to be like a co-president. So if you understand Karl Rove, you will have a glimpse of George W. Bush’s thinking. Karl Rove made an interesting speech tonight (November 10) at the annual convention of the Federalist Society. The American founding fathers, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton are very much like the Chinese Nationalist founding fathers in that they were dynamic thinkers. In his book on “Alexander Hamilton”, Ron Chernow wrote that founding fathers Madison and Hamilton worked together in writing the Federalist Papers, which were published as installments in newspapers. Hamilton could write up to 5 articles per week. In his speech at the Federalist Society, Rove said, “In Federalist 78, Alexander Hamilton described the Judiciary as the branch of government least dangerous to the political rights because judiciary has no influence over the sword or purse. It is beyond comparison, the weakest of the three branches of power.” Hamilton thought that, “Liberty can’t have anything to fear from the judiciary alone.” Rove: “Hamilton’s optimism has not been borne out.” In Hamilton’s era, at the country’s founding stage, just like the Chinese Nationalists attesting the policies, no one knew what the outcome of the setting up the system would bring. Rove said that James Madison thought that “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” The founders believed the role of the judiciary was vital but also modest. They envisioned judges as impartial umpires charged with guarding the sanctity of the Constitution, not as legislators dressed conveniently in robes. The Chinese Nationalists took back Chinese sovereignty after 268 years of occupation and rule by a non-Han government and race, and also concluded the dynastic practices and walked into the Republic. The founding of the Chinese nation was in three stages, as Dr. Sun envisioned in his “Outline of Building the Nation” and was carried out accordingly. The first stage was the military political phase (after the revolution 1911 and consolidating into one unified country in 1927), the second phase was the Training and Cultivation Phase (after the Northern expedition) and the third phase was the Constitution phase (after the conclusion of WWII in 1946). Very unfortunately the Nationalist never let the Republic blossom and evolve from the embryonic stage, and at a young age it was killed by the Communists in 1949 in China. As with the Tang and Han Dynasty’s governmental structures, the system must evolve and go with the democratic tide, built on the construction work of respecting basic human values. Senator Schumer interviewed Supreme Court nominee Justice Alito on November 10. Schumer “We talked about gun control. Somehow, Alito is coming out on the conservative side. He doesn’t believe in originalism. He says that principles should be applied differently at different times.” Bush’s persona is being assaulted. Rove is not just Rove, he personifies Bush. When Rove is stricken, this in effect is attacking Bush indirectly, and the Republicans are sadly out of breath. From the tarnished imagery, a loss in the elections to the Democrats in New Jersey and Virginia governors, the future success all depends whether Bush will continue to misstep and allow Republicans to decline and Democrats to advance. Bush doesn’t seem very concentrated lately, during the Latin America trip looking preoccupied and aimless as he was plagued by a week of losses, on Miers’s withdrawal, Libby’s indictment by Fitzgerald, and Rove’s continuing to be investigated in CIA leak case. One of the contentious issues will be the “Tax Reform” on the mortgage deduction. This may be Bush’s final downfall; if it passes he will lose his base of support by middle-class homeowners. If Rove lets the Presidential Tax Reform board to destroy the last faith of the American people toward the president, then his 37% approval rating can drop to 20%. The corruption of the White House correspondents still lingers on. Dana Bash’s first question to White House press secretary Scott McClellan after Miers’ withdrawal and the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court was “Why didn’t the President nominate a woman as perhaps Laura Bush wants?” This is right after they just chased out Miers, a pioneering female attorney figure in Texas.. Bash also vowed and chastised Bush’s visit to Argentina by saying, “We are going to ask him about Karl Rove, no matter where he is.” She emphasized that she didn’t see anything, just went from the airport to the hotel. But they follow the president like robots everywhere around the world without any inkling about the geography and culture. She presumes that Bush came to Latin America was to escape the Washington bad blood and tension and negates any work ethic of the President. The team worker’s robotic line is that the president will continue his trip despite an incidence, be it a London bombing or Latin commotion. I will escape this junky reporting as I will be in China myself to be with the people firsthand, without any untrue accounts of China, if anything pitiful at all. With bird flu outbreak, it is very likely that she might say, “the President will continue with his trip to Asia despite the bird flu” The Senate is investigating on the leak to the Washington Post about the CIA operating secret prisons in Eastern Europe. The reporter’s credibility can also be questioned; the First Amendment right to a Free Press is not unconditional and does not provide a carte blanche for abuse. There should be an investigation into the source of the CIA prison story, because it makes the U.S. look bad. I doubt that a member of the administration or Congress would leak this story to the Washington Post, but the Post got the story from somewhere. Probably someone who wanted to hurt Bush leaked the story, but in doing so, it makes the entire U.S. look bad. The CIA should not be running secret prisons, but people shouldn't be leaking out CIA secrets either. I think what Harry Reid is saying is that there are already "committees with normal jurisdiction" over this type of thing, so a new bicameral 2 branch committee does not need to be formed. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and House Speaker Dennis Hastert are circulating a letter calling for a congressional leak investigation into the disclosure of secret U.S. interrogation centers abroad. "If Speaker Hastert and Majority Leader Frist are finally ready to join Democrats' demands for an investigation of possible abuses of classified information, they must direct the House and Senate Intelligence Committees to investigate all aspects of that issue," said Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation into manipulation of prewar intelligence, which is a totally separate issue. There should be an investigation into this also, but if this manipulation cannot be proven, the investigation would backfire on the Democrats, by disproving one of the Democrats' main criticisms of Bush. So there are at least 3 separate issues here, all should be investigated separately; I don't think they are really related: 1) Who leaked the CIA prison story to the Washington Post? 2) Is the CIA actually running secret prisons? If so, they should be shut down. 3) Did Bush manipulate intelligence to justify the Iraq war?

Monday, November 07, 2005

President Bush’s Latin America Geopolitical Summit and Ancient Chinese Strategist Su Qin

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez addresses a rally during Bush's visit to Argentina
President Bush’s Latin America Geopolitical Summit and Ancient Chinese Strategist Su Qin This is the first time that President Bush went to Argentina, Brazil and Panama. It gives a great illustration of the American geopolitical contours. In particular, the encounter of the force by Venezuelan President Chavez and his demonstration was a poignant echo of the rising discontent over American imperialism by Latin Americans. Chavez asked the rest of the Latin countries to rise in unison to oppose American imperialism. What he needs is Su Qin’s strategic help with the counteracting war strategy. Su Qin was the six countries’ shared and delegated prime minister during the Warring States (475-221 BC). Su Qin believed that if you are cutting the land or making concessions to a powerful empire, you are not going to survive in the end. He admonished and persuaded the neighboring Chu Country to stand on their backbone, and not to be served up to the neighboring bully. Su decided to get the rest of the 6 countries, all formulated in their geological formation, as satellites along a longitudinal line to connect them into a block against the voracious enemy from the west. The Chinese Nationalists should have learned strategy from Su Qin, to form a united frontline against the overall colonial powers. But instead, their strategy was bilateral with each country, in the hope that the other country would come out to intervene. The Old Marshal’s strategy was pro-Japan, yet still being friends with Russia. But his son, a.k.a. “the Young Marshal”, could not balance this at all. Such a desire never paid off, as both Russia and Japan were trying to gain advantage from China. 戰國時的謀略家蘇秦,東周晚期 Su Qin ( - 317 BC) was the strategist in Luoyang, Henan Province, during the WARRING STATES era, late Eastern Zhou dynasty. Throughout the entire history, he is the only person who was serving in the capacity of a concurrent prime minister for 6 different countries. He wore six countries’ seals under his belt. He had the authority to sign any treaty at anytime. Look at how Su Qin took full advantage of the diplomatic channels to reach his goal--to get six states to form a coalition. Su Qin is a legendary persuader in Chinese History. In 1973, artifacts were discovered from a Han Dynasty tomb in Hunan Province, China. Among these artifacts are the “Warring States’ Zhong-Heng Strategists Books”, containing Su Qin’s writing on persuasion techniques. Su Qin combined the Yin-Yang and Open-Closed theories as his central approach. Su Qin headed to the state of Zhao in about 335 BC. By 333 BC, he succeeded in convincing all six lords to form a coalition. They agreed not only to defend against “Qin”, but also against any aggressor(s) amongst themselves. They all appointed him as their prime minister to enforce the coalition agreement, the only person in Chinese history to have the honor of serving six states concurrently. “Qin” became so wary of the coalition that it did not send its troops out of its territory for at least 15 years. Su Qin was assassinated in 317 BC. Su Qin was the powerful strategist during the most dynamic era, the Warring States era. Zhan Guo (475 – 221 B.C.) with 7 countries, Qin, Chu, Yan, Qi, Wei, Zhao, Han Su Qin’s methodology was He Zong (unify the geopolitical longitude countries). These are the states to the right of the Qin Empire. There was the HanGuGuan Pass that leading to關東 GuanDong(East region to the Pass). The Qin Empire itself was called關西Guan Xi (West of the Han Gu Guan pass, and Tong Guan pass). The pass is near the Yellow River makes a right angle turn into Henan Province, and the section is the middle stream. Su Qin was powerful enough to restrain the Qin soldiers beyond the Han Gu Guan Pass for 15 years. The Qin Country was not able to conquer all of China until 221 B.C., 96 years after Su Qin’s death. Patent by Free Mind Free Mind’s great love toward China Proper and great discovery on Chinese and Japanese Lingual roots: These terminologies originated from here, China proper soldiers were called the Guan Dong army. The Three Kingdom Wei country’s army is called Guan Dong army, and was recorded in the poem and history. The Wei king and General曹操 Cao Cao wrote a poem about his Guandong army with affection and pride. However, this Guan Dong army phrase became the same as the WWII Japanese invader army killers in China. Japan also has Guan Dong and Guan Xi regional terminology. -------- information One of the largest and most famous geopolitical coalitions in ancient Chinese history was based on power calculations similar to assessments of CNP. The director of the military research division of the General Staff Department of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), Colonel Chai Yuqiu, recounts that in 334 B.C., during the Warring States era, the strategist Su Qin proposed that the six states of the vertical pillar of the strategic rectangle that made up the Warring States geopolitical game board unite against the hegemonic state of Qin. Su Qin explained that together, the land of the six nations was five times greater than the territory of Qin, and their combined military power was ten times greater than that of Qin. If the six nations united together to attack Qin, it would be destroyed. Su Qin successfully persuaded all six to "unite vertically" (he zong) to prevent their destruction, one by one, by Qin's hegemony. It was not until the next century that Qin's leading strategist was able to break up this coalition, which had been based on quantitative calculations of comparative power. (501) ------------------ It looks like President Bush is calling the united front from the Latin countries to go against China, the rising power as that of Su Qin vs the powerful Qin Empire. November 7, 2005 President Bush Meets with President Torrijos of Panama Casa AmarillaPanama City, Panama “At the FTAA, 29 countries -- I mean, at the summit on the FTAA, 29 countries said, let's make sure in 2006 we continue discussing a way forward for the FTAA -- 29 of the 34 countries. There was a strong approval for the concept of working together to put agreements in place that will enable us to compete with China in the long run, for example. And so I found the spirit for free trade to be strong. There were five nations that said, well, we don't want to do it as soon as 2006. On the other hand, I went to Brazil yesterday, and there was strong agreement in Brazil that we work together to advance the Doha Round of the WTO. “ “The impression I came away with, which is an accurate impression, is that there's a lot of people who recognize -- by far, the vast majority of countries recognize it's in our nations' interests to advance the trade agenda. “ 地理學在縱橫學中的地位    所謂縱橫之學,究竟為何?    據蘇秦游說各國的言辭觀之,蘇秦於地理,尤其是經濟地理,極其精通。    比如,蘇秦之說秦惠王曰:「秦四塞之國,被 山帶渭,東有關河,西有漢中,南 有巴蜀,北有代馬,此天府也。」    其說燕文侯曰:「燕東有朝鮮、遼東,北有林胡、樓煩,西有雲中、九原,南有□沱、易水,地方 二千餘里,帶甲數十萬,車六百乘,騎六千匹,粟支數年。南有碣石、鴈門之饒,北有棗栗之利,民雖不佃作而足於棗栗矣。此所謂天府者也。」    其說趙肅侯曰:「趙地方二千餘里,帶甲數十萬,車千乘,騎萬匹,粟支數年。西有常山,南有河漳,東有清河,北有燕國。」    其說韓宣王曰:「韓北有鞏、成皋之固,西有宜陽 、 商阪之塞,東有 宛 、 穰 、 洧 水 , 南有陘山 , 地方九百餘里 , 帶甲數十萬,天下之彊弓勁弩皆從韓出。」    其說魏襄王曰:「大王之地,南有鴻溝、陳、汝南、許、郾、昆陽、召陵、舞陽、新都、新郪,東有淮、潁、煮棗、〔六〕無胥,西有長城之界,北有河外、卷、衍、酸棗,地方千里。地名雖小,然而田舍廬廡之數,曾無所芻牧。人民之眾,車馬之多,日夜行不絕,輷輷殷殷,若有三軍之眾。」    其說齊宣王曰:「齊南有泰山,東有琅邪,西有清河,北有勃海,北所謂四塞之國也。齊地方二千餘里,帶甲數十萬 , 粟如丘山。三軍之良,五家之兵,進如鋒矢,戰如雷霆,解如風雨。即有軍役,未嘗倍泰山,絕清河,涉勃海也。臨菑之中七萬戶,臣竊度之,不下戶三男子,三七二十一 萬,不待發於遠縣,而臨菑之卒固已二十一萬矣。」    其說楚威王曰:「楚,天下之彊國也;王,天下之賢王也。西有黔中、巫郡,東有夏州、海陽,南有洞庭、蒼梧,北有陘塞、郇陽,地方五千餘里,帶甲百萬,車千乘,騎萬匹,粟支十年。此霸王之資也。」    俗話所謂三句話不離本行。蘇秦的游說既然每每從地理入手,地理學想必在縱橫學中佔有極大的份量

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Emperor Tang Xian Zong, Revival King

Emperor Tang Xian Zong, Revival King

唐憲宗 李純 (778-820) 唐代中興君主,在位時面對籓鎮割據的混亂局面,憲宗果斷用兵,先後取得一系列的勝利,從而嬴得「中興」的美譽,但寵信宦官,終導致晚唐宦官專政。

Tang dynasty Xiang Yan Royal Temple Estate

Tang dynasty Xiang Yan Royal Temple Estate. I traveled there last fall, and I honored my father by asking the mason to carve my father’s name on a stone tablet at the temple. Today is the anniversary of my father’s death. The entire temple estate was Tang Xian Zong Emperor Li Chun’s residence for seven years. Emperor Tang Xian Zong, Li Chun 778-820 A.D. The eleventh Tang dynasty emperor, known as the Revival King (805-820). In the chaotic divisive feudal era, Li Chun resolutely applied force, won a sequence of victories, and gained for himself the reputation as the “Reconstruction King”. He used talented Prime ministers like Pei Du and Li Jiang, to reform the Yangtze and Huai River region tax for increasing revenue. But he also indulged in trusting the eunuchs which led to their powerful maneuvering the court in the late Tang dynasty. 唐憲宗 李純 (778-820) 唐代中興君主,在位時面對籓鎮割據的混亂局面,憲宗果斷用兵,先後取得一系列的勝利,從而嬴得「中興」的美譽,但寵信宦官,終導致晚唐宦官專政。 中國唐代第十一代皇帝(805~820年在位)。即位後重用裴度、李絳等有才能的宰臣,整頓江淮稅賦以增加

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Oliver's Army, reference to Oliver Cromwell, Invader of Ireland

Prince William to Enter Military Academy

Oliver's Army is a song written by Elvis Costello, originally performed by Elvis Costello and the Attractions. "Oliver's Army": A different kind of British Invasion, emphasis on Invasion. Who else but Costello could write a song about the British occupation of Ireland and turn it into one of the most deliciously subversive pop nuggets in recent history? "Oliver's Army" is a shining example of what he does best: wrap provocative ideas of perpetual relevance in the ornamentation of undeniable hooks. Costello condemns imperialism and viciously mocks those who engage in power-mongering (though it would not be given the chance to succeed as a single in the US, due to the most controversial line of Costello's career, in which he compares England's treatment of the Irish to white America's discrimination towards African-Americans: "All it takes is one itchy trigger / One more widow, one less white nigger"). All the antibacterial soap in the world can't wash the song's potent melody and message off your body. Oliver's Army is definitely a reference to Oliver Cromwell, usurper of the crown and invader of Ireland. OLIVER’S ARMY by Elvis Costello Oliver's Army Don't start me talking I could talk all night My mind goes sleepwalking While I'm putting the world to right Called careers information Have you got yourself an occupation? Oliver's army is here to stay Oliver's army are on their way And I would rather be anywhere else But here today There was a checkpoint Charlie He didn't crack a smile But it's no laughing party When you've been on the murder mile Only takes one itchy trigger One more widow, one less white nigger (Chorus) Hong Kong is up for grabs London is full of Arabs We could be in Palestine Overrun by a Chinese line With the boys from the Mersey and the Thames and the Tyne But there's no danger It's a professional career Though it could be arranged With just a word in Mr. Churchill's ear If you're out of luck or out of work We could send you to Johannesburg (Chorus)

Prince Charles Salutes World War II Veterans

Nobody knows the whereabouts of the original Forbidden City in China. So when the clue comes to you via an unintended way, then you stumble on a more forgotten human trek to the terminology and original location before the evolving geological and human civilization migration. The civilization had the terminology from China Proper, and it moved to the south, Nanjing, and north to Beijing. Britain’s Palace may not move its site, but its global influence and empire seems to wane and British royal blood’s history, and the future goes on. Prince William just joined the army. They still remember the history. Like Oliver Cromwell’s invasion of Ireland, the British invaded China, and subject the weakened state. The Nationalist mind was to climb out of the shame and struggle out of the derelict rubble and human shame and a will to rebuild the derelict Great Wall, knocked down by the invaders Qing tribe. They should make atonement for burning the Chinese Yuan Ming Yuan Palace. But the Qing’s written languages are far gone, unlike the beginning of the Conquest, the royal tomb still had both Chinese and Qing language on. The invaders forgot their own culture and language, and yielding to the land they occupied. So we have much trouble in remembering the original Forbidden City. August 21, after dedicating a wreath, Prince Charles led the military and political leaders to salute to London center memorial monument. He mentioned in his speech that the British army in Far East struck the “Japan Brutality”. For the war memorials, the front row are the WWII veterans, they are raising 30 war flags, and led by the Irish pipes marching on. Prince Charles told the war veterans, “You are a special generation—sturdy, loyal and on your post. For so many years, you are the anchor, corner stone of this country. “ He mentioned that the British troops fought back against Japan’s violent crime. He feels regrettable that the Europeans understand so little about the Far Eastern war field. 英国纪念战胜日本 查尔斯致词提反击日本暴行 2005年08月23日01:30 新京报   8月21日,在敬献花圈之后,查尔斯王子率军政领导人向伦敦市中心的纪念碑敬礼。在致词中他提到英军在远东地区反击“日本暴行”   本报综合报道 英国王储查尔斯王子21日率军政领导人参加了在伦敦白厅外阵亡将士纪念碑前举行的大型纪念活动。8月15日,英国全国各地分别举行了大范围的“战胜日本”纪念日活动。21日的上述活动标志着英国今年纪念 二战胜利60周年活动的结束。   查尔斯和英国政府领导人及二战老兵向位于伦敦市中心的阵亡将士纪念碑敬献了花圈。随后他们一道参加了纪念仪式,悼念英国阵亡将士。走在纪念队列最前面的是二战老兵, 他们高擎30面战旗、在爱尔兰风笛队引导下行进。   查尔斯对二战老兵说:“你们是特殊的一代———坚韧、忠诚又忠于职守。多少年来,你们都是这个国家的基石。”他提到英国军队反击“日本暴行”的历史,并对欧洲人很少了解远东地区战场的情况表示遗憾。   英国副首相普雷斯科特及武装部队负责人英格拉姆、国防参谋长沃克上将等也参加了纪念活动。英格拉姆说:“今年的二战纪念活动,让我们有机会向那些曾经经历了艰苦战争并作出牺牲的一代人表达我们的敬意和悼念。”同一天,英国外交部还在二战时任印缅战区司令官的蒙 巴顿勋爵纪念碑和斯利姆元帅纪念碑前举行了纪念活动。1945年8月15日,日本向盟军投降,从而宣告二战亚洲战场的结束。