Friday, December 30, 2005

On Keeping the Central Daily - Who is the Helmsman for the KMT?

多維郵報 2005年12月29日出版,總第 986 期 立場獨立 報道迅速 觀點多元 Do Wei Post, published December 29, 2005, number 986 issue ( 24 ) 連戰有意買下中央日報 Lian Zhan Intends to Buy Down Central Daily 据中國時報引述權威人士透露,盡管國民党售出「三中」后,仍將買回中央日報与中華日報,但党主席馬英九已決心「党營媒體全部不留」;讓反對出售中央日報的榮譽主席連戰開始認真思考,將集資甚至自己出資,向國民党承接下中央日報,保住這份有七十八年歷史、象徵國民党縮影的刊物。 According to China Times spokesman, although the KMT sold out “three China” (name brands with China in it, like Zhong Guang, China Broadcasting, Zhong Shi, China TV, Zhong Ying, China Film), 中視、中廣、中影「三中」, the KMT still would want to buy back Central Daily and Zhong Hua Daily. But KMT chairman Ma Yingjiu decided to leave nothing of the party managing media, “will not keep any party related media”. This made honorable chairman Lian Zhen to think seriously. He even wants to pay himself to take Central Daily on its own from the KMT. In order to keep this 78 years, symbolizing KMT’s publishing. Free Mind Comments: I start to really respect Mr. Lian Zhan for his action to have the heart to keep the Central Daily. You have to truly believe in the thesis of the party’s founding and the honor of its contributions to China, in order to feel the love and intensity and the value of the newspaper. Yes, it is a party newspaper, but so is the People’s Daily. It has the character of a party. So what is wrong? There is nothing wrong with the newspaper. It is a vehicle reflecting the party, be it KMT or the Communist party. If the KMT party’s newspaper is suspended, to balance things they ought to kill Communist Party newspaper also to remake China. The problem is that you can’t erase history. By erasing the newspaper, you are dishonoring the legacy. I feel very sad about Ma’s not being able to save this newspaper, and still holding the KMT chairman position. We must reform gradually, and not to suspend a belief. The KMT will not cease to exist, though it is gasping sometimes. It is better than 2004. It has come a long way through many KMT supporters’ efforts. Ma Yingjiu won the KMT chairmanship by support of mostly lower and middle level party members, not by an oligarchy. In fact, it is to the surprise of many powerful and rich supporters, that they didn’t want Ma, but Wang Jinping. For the 2008 presidential election and gain votes, so to get rid of the baggage of the KMT party, then this will make Ma feeble. After all, it looks like the mainland China-born but with a strong Taiwan identity Lian Zhan, his blood is still thicker than water toward the KMT. This is why they say Blood is thicker than water. I have a spirited word for Ma Yinjiu and my advice to him: The patriotic Northern Fleet’s thinking is that “As long as the ship is here I am here, but if the ship is gone I am gone.” Why sink the last media flagship of the KMT? You fight till the last teardrop and you ought to have the courage to stand tall and as a lawyer, discern the case of the communists and the nationalists, and to win an ultimate sacred project to restore a sense of dignity to be a new proud Chinese civilization leader. Otherwise, just let someone else be the helmsman for the Nationalist party. You have to be loyal to China and Taiwan both to win the 2008 Presidential election. 据透露,國民党營中投公司將以三點七五億元先買回中央日報、中華日報、幸福人壽、中央文物供應社等股份。据估計,核算資產与負債,要買下中央日報,可能不到一億元;既然國民党中央不愿「留報」,為了不讓中央日報關閉,連戰有意以個人名義買下。 國民党中常會報告「三中」處理情形,至于中央日報与中華日報的處理,并沒著墨。 中常委吳育升認為,若由党營的中投公司購回中華日報与中央日報,等于「留下尾巴」,國民党既然退出經營,購回難免會引起外界非議;他建議不妨比照北市府處理北市公車處,由員工認股、自主經營,完全符合法律規定。但党內高層坦言,要中央或中華員工自行認股,可能性恐不高;如果無法施行,又無其他買主愿意承接,關閉恐是唯一方式。 据了解,中央日報在連戰擔任主席時代,定位為党唯一的机關報,不輕言裁撤;但馬英九上任后,堅持一個媒體都不能留,在二??八年前一定要完全處理掉。馬英九曾指示副主席關中成立專案小組,評估中央日報留或不留的各种可能情況。 馬英九初步傾向,如無适當買主,傾向結束中央日報,必要時可辦理停刊、清算,結束所有党營媒體。親近連戰人士透露,既然說服馬英九無望,連戰開始有向國民党買中央日報构想。希望保住這份伴隨國民党走過四分之三世紀的刊物;且如果兩岸關系改善,也不排除中共開放政策讓台灣媒體登陸的可能,但現在言之過早。

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Queen Elizabeth’s Ruby Necklace and Tiara

Queen Elizabeth’s Ruby Necklace and Tiara The Queen's ruby necklace was a gift to her from the Emir of Qatar in 1985. The necklace you see from the State visit to Malta (ruby and diamond) was actually a wedding present to the then Princess Elizabeth off her parents upon her marriage to Philip of Greece & Denmark. It is not part of crown property but a personal item belonging solely to HM the Queen. The ruby parure worn by the Queen Mother was originally set with opals and left to the Crown by Queen Victoria in 1901. Queen Alexandra believed opals bring bad luck and had the parure, along with the Indian tiara, reset with Burmese rubies she and Queen Victoria had received over the years from the Indian princes.

Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks Visited Shanghai, Nationalist China, in 1929

Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks Visited Shanghai, China in 1929 The picture shows that the Chinese Nationalist government, as a new republic, had a great rapport with United States, and major American movie stars visited China. The first Oscar Awards were given on May 16th 1929. Because of the First World War and the reconstruction work after the war, the European continent had no time for film development. During this gap, America was far away from war fire and was able to make great breakthroughs in technology, art, and film making. Hollywood became the center of world film. So the Oscar Awards became a very important event for the world. The first award was given by Douglas Fairbanks. At the end of 1929, the couple started to tour the world and promote the film industry. Shanghai was the first stop for the couple. Before they arrived, Shen Bao (Shanghai’s old principality is Shen, and was named in honor of the early Shanghai developer during the Spring and Autumn Epoch, China Proper prime minister Huang Xie, Chun Shen lord), Xin Wen Bao (New News) had detailed coverage. At that time, American films occupied a huge lion share of the Chinese market, so they had large audiences. When their luxury ocean liner arrived, there was a crowd of over 5000 gathered at the Wu Song Port with fans and film industry celebrities. Mary Pickford and Her Collection of Jewelry This actress was never shown on film wearing more jewelry than a string of pearls to preserve her image of innocence, but in real life she preferred very large rubies and star sapphires. She owned both the 60-carat Star of Bombay and the 200-carat Star of India. And she was not shy about wearing them both at the same time. She was known as "America's Sweetheart" (though born in Canada), but Mary Pickford was capable of much more than she generally showed in her crowd-pleasing film appearances as a ringlet-haired youngster. In fact, she was a capable dramatic actress and an astute businesswoman as well: She produced many of her own pictures, negotiated some of the toughest, most lucrative starring contracts in silent-film history, was one of the founders of United Artists, and helped establish the Motion Picture Relief Fund. And as the wife of actor Douglas Fairbanks, and coproprietor of their "Pickfair" estate, she was one of the leaders of Hollywood's social set. Douglas Fairbanks (28 March 1920 - 10 January 1936) (divorced) Douglas Fairbanks Date of birth (location) 23 May 1883Denver, Colorado, USA Date of death (details) 12 December 1939Santa Monica, California, USA. (heart attack) Mini biography He was raised by his southern mother who had separated from his father... (show more) Actor - filmography (1930s) (1920s) (1910s) The Private Life of Don Juan (1934) .... Don Juan Mr. Robinson Crusoe (1932) .... Steve Drexel... aka Tropical Knight (USA) Reaching for the Moon (1930) .... Larry Day Terra Melophon Magazin Nr. 1 (1930) .... (episode "Welches ist ihr Typ") The Taming of the Shrew (1929) .... Petruchio The Iron Mask (1929) .... D'Artagnan The Gaucho (1927) .... The Gaucho The Black Pirate (1926) .... The Black Pirate... aka The Black Buccaneer Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1925) (uncredited) .... Crowd extra in chariot race... aka Ben-Hur (USA: short title) Don Q Son of Zorro (1925) .... Don Cesar de Vega/Zorro The Thief of Bagdad (1924) .... The Thief of Bagdad Robin Hood (1922) .... Earl of Huntingdon/Robin Hood... aka Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood (USA: complete title) The Three Musketeers (1921) .... D'Artagnan The Nut (1921) .... Charlie Jackson The Mark of Zorro (1920) .... Don Diego Vega/Señor Zorro

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

National Teacher Wang Daohan Passed Away in Shanghai

多维邮报 2005年12月25日出版,总第 983 期 立场独立 报道迅速 观点多元 Duo Wei Post, 12/25/2005, number 983 National Teacher Wang Daohan Passed Away in Shanghai ( 1 ) 多維追擊:一代「國師」汪道涵在上海逝世 多維記者報導/因為胰臟癌复發,有「國師」之稱的中國海峽兩岸關系協會會長汪道涵12月24日7時在上海瑞金醫院逝世,享年90歲。而在今年1月3日,前海基會董事長辜振甫在台北病逝。 Because of the recurrence of pancreatic cancer, with the title “National Teacher” China Strait Coastal Relation Association President Wang Dao Han passed away in Shanghai’s RuiJin hospital on December 24th at age 90. Earlier this year on January 3rd, his counterpart in Taiwan, former Hai Ji Ocean Foundation Association Chairman of the Board Gu Zhenfu passed away in Taipei. 汪道涵自從80年代引介江澤民接替自己擔任上海市長,也看著江澤民順利接任第三代領導人后,在大陸政壇就有其不可替代的地位。 Wang Daohan inducted Jiang Zemin to be his successor as Shanghai mayor. After Jiang Zemin became the third generation leader, Wang Daohan became an irreplaceable figure in the political arena. 汪道涵与台灣海峽交流基金會(海基會)董事長辜振甫1993年4月在新加坡舉行了著名的汪辜會談,推動了海峽兩岸的經貿往來和民間交流。 Wang and Gu Zhenfu held a celebrated conference in Singapore in April 1993, this helped push the economic and trade exchanges between Taiwan and China. 汪道涵是安徽嘉山人。早年就讀于上海交通大學机械系。一九三八年加入中國共產党。1949年后歷任華東工業部部長、机械工業部副部長、對外經濟聯絡委員會第一副主任、對外經濟聯絡部副部長、國家進出口管理委員會、中國投資管理委員會副主任等職位。 Wang Daohan studied in the mechanical engineering department in Jiaotong University in Shanghai. 1980年后,汪道涵曾任中共上海市委書記以及上海市副市長、市長等職務。他在1987年當選為中共中央顧問委員會委員,1991年底起任海峽兩岸關系協會會長。 為海峽兩岸關系揭開新篇章的汪、辜二位歷史人物分別在2005年的年頭和年尾辭別人世。 汪道涵是一個非常希歡讀書的人,內容包括文學評論、歷史專著、名人傳略、音樂、美術,到科技專著、經濟理論等。不過他對經濟、管理類書籍最感興趣。据說,汪道涵不但喜歡看書,也喜歡推荐好書給別人看。 Wang Daofan was an avid reader of literature, history, biography, music, art, technology, and economic theory works. He was mostly into the management and economics aspects of books. 因為愛看書,逛書店就成為汪道涵最大的嗜好,每個月都會購買一些書。他愛讀書的程度,已經到了床頭都放滿書。盡管工作非常忙碌,汪道涵下班回家后,還是繼續看書。這些書中的內容,也成為汪道涵說話時「引經据典」的來源。 He loved to go shopping for books and would buy a list of books on monthly basis. The head of his bed was filled with books. He could make great references and basis from what he read. Free Mind comments: It is a great loss for China and Taiwan that two men helped to promote peace have left. The two negotiators had artful skills in negotiation and respected the other side’s position and carved out a high caliber construct as the foundation for peace to secure trust among people. It will be a challenging task now that two of them have both gone this year. One weak point is that America’s side is not expressed well in the general media. To most Chinese, America remains a blocking stone to hamper Chinese togetherness. In reality, there is evidence that America is very responsible in the advancement of science and other projects in Taiwan. Although some Americans are selfish, most Americans are kind and generous.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A Noble Cause for the World, the Missing Reconstruction of Nationalist China

Words from Meiling Soong's February 18, 1943 Speech to Congress:
A Better World
Based On the Universal
Principle of the Four
Freedoms Must Come
Into Being

Meiling Soong's image in a stained glass window of a large Methodist Church in Washington D.C. A Noble Cause for the World, the Missing Reconstruction of Nationalist China Historical Correctness for the World Conscience On February 18, 1943, Madame Meiling Soong Chiang made a 20 minutes speech to the U.S. Congress. A Methodist church in D.C. inscribed her image in a stained glass window with these words: A Better World Based On the Universal Principle of the Four Freedoms Must Come Into Being She emphasized that Chinese people have a right to survive struggles for the Four Freedoms promulgated by President Franklin Roosevelt. Half of Europe (minus Eastern Europe) ought to thank General Marshall’s Marshall Plan, but he made a blunder in China. “In late 1945 and in 1946, he represented President Truman on a special mission to China, then torn by civil war; in January, 1947, he accepted the Cabinet position of secretary of state, holding it for two years. In the spring of 1947 he outlined in a speech at Harvard University the plan of economic aid which history has named the «Marshall Plan».” On November 22, 1945 As President Truman’s special envoy to China, Marshall arrived in Chungking. He acted as if he was a colonial governor, and chastised Chiang’s government in many areas with scathing remarks. There were no good English spokesmen for the Nationalists to allow them to respond to the accusations, which was an Achilles’ heel for them. “A prejudiced envoy can’t achieve a fair mission, which is within prediction.” This is how Dr. Zhu Jiahua believed. Marshall’s prejudice led to American mishandling of China. After China made great sacrifices, then the U.S. started to criticize China. Europe had to rely on their sacrifices in re-appropriating the Air Force and tanks allotted to the Burma war zone, so that these supplies could go to North Africa to help the British and the U.S. General Rommel commented that the Air Force and tanks were superior to the Germans’ and consequently the victory belonged to the U.S. But this is at the expense of the great sacrifice of the Chinese Far Expeditionary Force. China Nationalist troops helped in the key battles, and to secure the supply line to the Mediterranean and the European Continent, and the eventual success against Hitler. But after China put up such hardship and sustained in poverty because there was not enough of a harvest to feed the people, American policy was lopsided toward Europe at Asia’s expense, and weighted toward Western Europe than Eastern Europe. After their great sacrifice, not only did China not get the reconstruction aid from General Marshall, but he came to China in condescending role, why didn’t he make these harsh words when China was making its great sacrifice and taking heavy losses? The betrayal was in already in the process, after the victory, Marshall only posed as a colonialist to insult China but was not constructive to make China one unified nation. Other than Chiang and his few close cliques, many Nationalist leaders were open-minded and some were pro-left. Free Mind’s grandfather loved all people, and wanted everyone to be together successfully. In the end, China was given to the most radical reactionary communists, and sank the entire China into craze of massive persecution, and starvation. The Communist government in China has denied the Chinese people the Four Freedoms – Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Poverty, and Freedom from Fear. Only a very selected few have been allowed access to great wealth, much more so than Meiling Soong’s family. Marshall also was prejudiced in his treatment toward the Eastern Europeans. His proclivity and racism determined U.S. policy and broke so many people’s dreams to have a decent life on earth. To my suffering family and many people rich or poor, a fundamental human dignity was denied. Many were compromised in order to exist. The contribution of the Chinese Nationalists to the world peace is immeasurable. We urge the responsible world leaders not to have a Chinese split or a conspiracy to derail any progress in China becoming one unified nation. The American gratitude to China should be expressed and not suppressed to live up to the true meaning of the Four Freedoms. When Bush went to Moscow’s Red Square to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe, thanking the Russians for their role in defeating Nazi Germany, he also should have planned a similar celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the end of World War II in the Pacific, and thanked the Chinese Nationalists for their role in defeating Japan. If Bush wants to avoid alienating Russia and Japan, he should not do this at China’s expense. Irregardless of Nationalists or Communists, Chinese people and the Chinese land have made their great sacrifices. It will have to wait for America’s next leader to complete this noble cause. Any ideology like Communism should never supersede or superimpose on one’s cultural virtues and values, or otherwise, it is going to be phased out.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Lullaby and Love’s Token

Lullaby and Love’s Token
Over The Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby Like a picture of a family reunion, you have this song of fantasy that you are a little girl and uncles, aunts, and family elders are gathering together once more like before. Once again, you have a dream just like when you were still a girl. For those who saw me in my cradle I search somewhere over the rainbow Clinging to aunt’s skirt Looking up to uncles’ height of intelligence Never saw the drooping sight of roses When I was with grandparents I got an 28 carat ruby ring from uncle’s foreign wife She would want me to have it The gift to her from grandmother Why did it take 26 years after grandmother’s death? Family heritage must be passed on. As love’s token --Written by Free Mind for Christmas – Over The Rainbow (Arlen-Harburg) Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard ofOnce in a lullaby Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true
Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

Bush Presses Editors on Security

Footnotes, an interesting article saved for future reference. By Howard KurtzWashington Post Staff WriterMonday, December 26, 2005; Page C01 President Bush has been summoning newspaper editors lately in an effort to prevent publication of stories he considers damaging to national security. The efforts have failed, but the rare White House sessions with the executive editors of The Washington Post and New York Times are an indication of how seriously the president takes the recent reporting that has raised questions about the administration's anti-terror tactics. Leonard Downie Jr., The Post's executive editor, would not confirm the meeting with Bush before publishing reporter Dana Priest's Nov. 2 article disclosing the existence of secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe used to interrogate terror suspects. Bill Keller, executive editor of the Times, would not confirm that he, publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Washington bureau chief Philip Taubman had an Oval Office sit-down with the president on Dec. 5, 11 days before reporters James Risen and Eric Lichtblau revealed that Bush had authorized eavesdropping on Americans and others within the United States without court orders. But the meetings were confirmed by sources who have been briefed on them but are not authorized to comment because both sides had agreed to keep the sessions off the record. The White House had no comment. "When senior administration officials raised national security questions about details in Dana's story during her reporting, at their request we met with them on more than one occasion," Downie says. "The meetings were off the record for the purpose of discussing national security issues in her story." At least one of the meetings involved John Negroponte, the director of national intelligence, and CIA Director Porter Goss, the sources said. "This was a matter of concern for intelligence officials, and they sought to address their concerns," an intelligence official said. Some liberals criticized The Post for withholding the location of the prisons at the administration's request. After Bush's meeting with the Times executives, first reported by Newsweek's Jonathan Alter, the president assailed the paper's piece on domestic spying, calling the leak of classified information "shameful." Some liberals, meanwhile, attacked the paper for holding the story for more than a year after earlier meetings with administration officials. "The decision to hold the story last year was mine," Keller says. "The decision to run the story last week was mine. I'm comfortable with both decisions. Beyond that, there's just no way to have a full discussion of the internal procedural twists that media writers find so fascinating without talking about what we knew, when, and how -- and that I can't do." Some Times staffers say the story was revived in part because of concerns that Risen is publishing a book on the CIA next month that will include the disclosures. But Keller told the Los Angeles Times: "The publication was not timed to the Iraqi election, the Patriot Act debate, Jim's forthcoming book or any other event."

Monday, December 19, 2005

Would a Shiite-Dominated Iraq to be like an Iranian protectorate?

President George W. Bush listens as Terrence Hunt of The Associated Press delivers a question Monday, Dec. 19, 2005, during the President's press conference in the East Room of the White House. In response to Mr. Hunt's question, the President responded, "We're at war, and we must protect America's secrets." White House photo by Paul Morse Would a Shiite-Dominated Iraq to be like an Iranian protectorate? Our advice to Bush and the press about Iraq is to follow your conscience and not misrepresent the true voice of the people. From the interview of a right wing TV host O’Reilly with Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld on the situation in Iraq (December 18, 2005). Rumsfeld seems to be acknowledging that there are some roundabout talks on the American troops’ philosophy in Iraq. Rumsfeld gave an information update about Iraq, Iran, and Syria, saying that Iran is not the central front in the war on terror, and talking about Zarqawi being funded by Al Qaeda. O’Reilly challenged Rumsfeld for not disclosing more to the American public, asking “How come the President and you guys are not saying that more?” Rumsfeld shot back, “We are, but why aren’t you guys covering it?” In President Bush’s speech today December 19, he said, “there is an opportunity to amend the constitution.” “And we'll want to make sure we're monitoring and involved with that part. In other words, involvement doesn't mean telling the sovereign government what to do; involvement means giving advice as to how to move forward so a country becomes more unified.” One interpretation is that Bush wants Iraq to have a constitution with all parties included, but he wants the Iraqis to do this themselves, otherwise Bush will in effect be ruling Iraq personally. We urge him to carry this out, not just talk. Senator Levin’s comments on President’s Bush’s speech: “Insurgents will continue if the constitution is not amended”. “Sunni is not a national compact”. “We have to bring Sunnis on board”. “Iraqis need to amend constitution to be inclusive” “Iraq Constitution as it is now is a divisive document” A senate bill was passed already to urge Bush to amend the Iraqi constitution, but he ignored it by simply saying “there is an opportunity to do it.” One wonders why Bush is using delaying tactics against the Sunnis and against Iraqi National unity, unless he likes Iran who relishes seeing Iraq in upheaval. Could it be a collective effort in masking the true situation and issues by the Media and Bush? Or is it simply incompetence on both parts? Failure in communication to the American People will result in failure in Iraq, with people urging troops to return prematurely. As of now, 80% of the people don’t believe that President Bush has a good cohesive plan and will win a victory. Iran wants a Shiite-dominated Iraq to be like an Iranian protectorate. One wonders why Bush has not realized that a divisive constitution is not in America’s interest, and this will really end up helping Iran, as Iran wish Iraq be divided so that America would be preoccupied in Iraq, and not in Iran. Bush’s words are: “Iraq is the central front for war on Terror”. Has he overly depended on his White House Female Press’s input as source of information? One finds it hard that information on the Sunni situation is suppressed. One finds that Bush is in the end is supporting Iran’s aims. Iran wants Iraqi to be in trouble, so US can have the “frontline in Iraq”, and will not touch Iran. Quote from General Clark: “If the Shiites and Kurds dominate the Iraqi military, then this will end up helping Iran.” When you marginalize Sunnis, and benefit Shiites, you are in effect helping Iran. Iran is in process of selling $1000 billion worth of natural gas to China, and Iran is relishing Bush’s continual support of oil rich Shiites and Iran’s lineage and stronghold in Iraq. So Bush and China and Iran all can have access of Iraqi Shiite’s oil under this version of Constitution, which gives a lopsided amount of national resources to Shiites and thus can play an international key role in oil. So the conclusion is that the Iraqi constitution must be amended to include Sunnis, otherwise Iraq will be under the domination of Iran.

German President Paul von Hindenburg (1847-1934)

Paul von Hindenburg (President 1925-1934) Paul von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg. 1847-1934. Field Marshal. President of the Weimar Republic of Germany, 1925-1934. Working for the People under the Dictator Free Mind's grandfather said to戴傳賢Dai Chuanxian: “陳立夫CC Chen Lifu and朱家驊 Zhu Jiahua are like Northern Soong dynasty’s PM王安石Wang Anxi and蘇東坡Su Dongpo. This caused Dai Chuanxian to ponder the quality of the Nationalist statesmen and a high quality remark and parable by a youthful underling. It is a statesmen’s dispute, not political murderous act. CC Chen Lifu told蔣介石Chiang Kai Shek: CC Chen told Chiang Kai Shek when he served as his ji yao mi shu, top assistant: "If you get mad at me, I'll quit." “I advised Chiang Kai-Shek to learn German's General Hindenburg as saying "To be angry and have temper tantrums is to blame yourself, you must re-examine yourself, and to be the way to polish yourself." Chiang was silent without words. A way to quiet Chiang Kaishek and humble him and cultivate him as he looked up more to a military marshal like清朝Qing dynasty 曾國藩Han general Zeng Guofan. So I think he got Chiang to think about the powerful Zhu Jia Hua though he never held any army. 我曾勸他要學德國的興登堡將軍說「發脾氣是自己責備自己」、 「要做到常自省,才是修身之道」。蔣公聽了默默不語, Hindenburg was born in 1847 in Poland. Died 1934 in Eastern Prussia. A German marshal, second president for the Weimar Republic 1925-1934. 保罗·冯·兴登堡 April, 1925, General Hindenburg was elected for Wiemar Republic. This is one month after Dr. Sun died and in Beijing, Dr. Zhu Jiahua led a June 1925 national wide anti-colonial demonstration against the workers being shot in Shanghai, the so-called Shanghai May 30 Tragedy incidence in the history. 1914, Hindenburg defeated Russia troops to bring honors, and his rank was raised to marshal. 1919, after Versailles peace treaty signing, he resigned. During the International alliance investigation committee, he spread the "little dagger theory", claimed that German army was not conquered at the battlefield, army after the armistice, after stopping all battles, were assassinated by the November Revolution. 1930, Presidential cabinet system started, PM will be responsible toward the Republic president, not toward the Congress. All the Parliamentary Democrat party (including Social Democratic party, Central party, to prevent Adolf Hitler to become a German president, to support General Hindenburg jointly.) 1933.1.30. Hindenburg authorized Hitler to become German PM, though he was sick toward the Nazis, but gradually sunk to their influence. 1933.3.24. Abolished Weimar republic constitution and paved the road for Hitler's complete control. Hindenburg was lying in his sick bed, treated Hitler as emperor, and called him "Your majesty". According to his will, he should be buried in his estate in simplicity. But Hitler used Hindenburg’s popular status as a national hero, and buried him at the glorious war battlefield against Russia, and erected a memorial. After Hindenburg’s passing away, the last obstruction to Hitler’s being a tyrant was removed. Free Mind’s comment: When Hitler utilized Hindenburg’s lifelong work as a national symbol to oppose Russia, Germany’s greatest threat; it is against Hindenburg’s wishes, who only wanted simplicity. Hitler provoked the war hysteria, and led the German people into destruction. Mao Tse-tung similarly led the Chinese into hysteria against humanity in his class struggle agenda. Dr. Zhu who received a Ph.D. from Freie Universität Berlin (Berlin Free University) must have felt quite ominous that the powerful Hindenburg watched the rise of Hitler and could not suppress that. When General Hindenburg passed away, this is the last obstruction for Hitler’s path to power. A historic tyrant rose and misled the masses onto national destruction and made innocents shed lives and is a curse on history.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Invasion of Iraq – Part of the Grand Plan for Middle Eastern Stability

President George W. Bush is joined by Samir Sumaidaie, Iraq Ambassador to the United Nations, in the Oval Office Friday, Dec. 16, 2005. The Ambassador holds up his finger, dyed purple to signify his vote yesterday in his country's parliamentary elections. White House photo by Paul Morse On December 16th, press secretary Scott McClellan said: “the President had some good discussions with some other leaders in the Middle East: the President of the United Arab Emirates, the King of Saudi Arabia, the Prime Minister of Kuwait and the King of Jordan. And he talked to these leaders, and they discussed the successful elections that took place and the high voter turnout, and how violence was down. And they talked about the importance of the formation of an inclusive government. “ Free Mind’s comment: Although the U.S. invaded Iraq, the U.S. never intended to destroy or possess Iraq. The American people are paying billions to rebuild Iraq, and the American military have shed lives to remove the totalitarian government of Iraq by Saddam and his inner clique, so that the new Iraq will be a nation in which all Iraqis are looked upon with equality. The American people should reach out to let the Iraqis and people in the Middle East to know that we want long-term peace and stability in the region and no harm is intended, so they know that there is more to the U.S. than just the invasion. 1) When the Taliban was disbanded in Afghanistan, the terrorists (Al Qaeda) started to move into Iraq. If the U.S. did not invade Iraq and doing surgical work, the Middle East would have been a hotbed for state-sponsored terrorism. The invasion was the “stick” for Iraq, but the carrot is prosperity and modern democratic government. 2) Because of surgical work in sweeping the Western Euphrates clean of terrorists (Al Qaeda), the political process of self government by voting (Sunni population) can follow. This idea was presented by General Casey on December 16 in a briefing to the Pentagon via teleconferencing. This suggests that the American military movement removed Al Qaeda from being the oppressor over the Sunni population, so that democratic voting is possible without fear. This has not been clearly presented to the American public either by Bush or by the press. 3) The Iraqi government must be inclusive, and should amend the Constitution, so that the oil rich like Kurds and Shiites do not suppress the Iraqi citizens’ rights over the rights of the Sunnis. Other than a narrow crowd of the Saddam loyalists, most Sunnis need not suffer with the new government. The new laws must apply justice to every citizen equally. Only from Iraqi people’s mouths, we can detect the feelings which are representative of that nation’s ethos. 1) The Iraqi ambassador Sumaidaie said: “Thank you, Mr. President. I believe that yesterday was a great day for Iraq, it was a great day for freedom. I think it was the turning point and the beginning of the end of terrorism in Iraq. “Iraqis have written, with their blood, a chapter of their history which will be remembered for decades, with the help of the American troops, with your help, Mr. President, and the help of the American people, which we will remember and appreciate for generations. “ “Thank you very much, Mr. President. And I believe that we should keep our eye on the ball and make sure that the mission is accomplished and we build an Iraq which is stable, at peace with itself and with its neighbor, and forever, I hope, a reliable ally of the United States. “ source from White House. 2) General Casey on Western Iraq, a sparse Sunni stranglehold leading to Syria, "was cleared of Al Qaeda in order to allow voting to take place", source from C-SPAN in the Pentagon calling on General Casey via teleconference. This is the beginning of the end of the American presence. . Because the Sunnis voted . The insurgency will be dampened But this is only the potential. Can they “Amend the Constitution”, so that oil wealth will not be for the Shiites and Kurds only? This alienation will drag the force down. General George Casey, Multinational Force, Iraq: Update on Military Operations in Iraq: It was a great day yesterday, onto 2006. Foreigners coming in through Syria, not a major change in operational style. Sunni Insurgents came together and fought against the terrorists, with leaders of Mavadi, with our help too. 45% voter turnout. With Western Euphrates valley, those voters would not turn out had we not pushed Al Qaeda out. This is the military and political track merging and coalescing into the power of building a new nation. The new Iraqi government must be all-embracing and all-inclusive. With the voting for a permanent governing body taking place successfully, now we simply need an inclusive, all-inclusive representation of the law, so that everyone can be equal, with an amendment to the Constitution. When the national resources are shared among all factions, this will ease the disintegration and disillusionment of people in the overall system. This not only helps build the economy and robust trade activities, this will provide built-in security and identity of the new nation, so that foreign terrorist interests can not penetrate into the people’s minds, and won’t flourish on Iraqi soil. This will in turn benefit the Greater Middle East, and promote world peace and ultimate friendship with the west, including the United States.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

President Visits with Iraqi Out-Of-Country Voters

President George W. Bush stands with out-of-country Iraqi voters Thursday in the Oval Office of the White House. The President told the media later, "I was struck by how joyous they were to be able to vote for a government -- a permanent government under a new constitution." White House photo by Paul Morse We can see that Bush is having some fun amidst all of this trouble, and anybody deserves some relaxation. But the female White House correspondents better not see this, or they will get jealous. Other than it looks silly, it is harmless, people should be lighthearted to keep healthy. Scott Mcclellan gave a press briefing today, December 15, 2005, and he started out by saying: “Good afternoon, everyone. Happy holidays. I look forward to seeing everybody this evening at the White House holiday party for the press. We just concluded a meeting in the Oval Office with the President. ..” One day of the President’s Life He kept events inside of the White House, and shunned away from a few daring white house female correspondents. Because he is afraid of the sharp questions thrown at him, White House correspondents can only ask people that just talked to the president at the stakeout. They are eager to have a full-blown press conference so they can fire questions at him. Questions like: “When do you resign, Scott?” “Will Rumsfeld quit after the election?” “Novak says that President knew who the CIA leaker is, when will he confess?” Just because there is a party for them it won’t quiet them down, these questions will be fired at the White House later, if the questions are prohibited during the party. What is this party good for? It can’t be called Christmas, everyone is competitive to be the one to have the best story, everyone wants to outsmart the President and beat him. News reporters not allowed to go in with the Iraqi Fulbright students. But to make it up for them, there will not be such a painful wait, just address him in the evening press party. Why are they afraid to call it Christmas party, despite that the president is a Methodist? Even nowadays if the religion has laxed, it’s out of social etiquette in America to dress in bikini even in an unofficial barbecue party on the ranch in the summer. One hopes that life will go on after the Christmas party for the press.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Feedback on President Bush’s speech, December 14, 2005

Feedback on President Bush’s speech, December 14, 2005 It was a good speech. He was spirited and sounded sincere, looking focused most of the time. Since his November 11th Veterans Day speech, which was a turning point, many have wondered why he had not come with this speech earlier. He dwelt on something, fixated on someone. We hope he can have true advisers and not surround himself with White House correspondents because they are not qualified. The President’s poll sank to the lowest in the first week of November. That was right after late October debacle for the White House, oppressed by the White House female reporters day in day out with threats and the a litany of events where the news reporters challenged him and won, leaving on October 28 with a defeated look. The President made it up to them by taking them to the Beach front hotel in Argentina in the first week of November, and the hedonism imagery and chaos of looting and demonstrations by the Venezuelan president plummeted the confidence level to all time low of 36%. The bottomless pit was stopped when he made the Veterans Day speech and Rove came out with a speech the night before. The Korea APEC Summit also raised his image as a leader. Now he segregates himself inside and the reporters outside his domain. We shall see that if when the Iraq votes finish, things will collapse and the hedonism of unrestrained trespassing by the female reporters will flatten his administration by getting rid of Rumsfeld, Chaney, Rove, Rice, etc., and eventually Bush the biggest prize who they hate so much, but must grab him for their selfish aim to fame. At end of October, Harriet Miers, Scooter Libby, and now they want to remove Rumsfeld. I suggest that he enlists his father’s advisers on his team, if he is understaffed because Rove and McClellan are all under attack by the ferocious press. As a president, he is disabled by them. His job is not to try to please them. We can see he is struggling with their wishes and demands. His quote, “As we advance the cause of freedom in Iraq, our nation can proceed with confidence because we have done this kind of work before. After World War II, President Harry Truman believed that the way to help bring peace and prosperity to Asia was to plant the seeds of freedom and democracy in Japan. Like today, there were many skeptics and pessimists who said that the Japanese were not ready for democracy. Fortunately, President Harry Truman stuck to his guns. He believed, as I do, in freedom's power to transform an adversary into an ally. And because he stayed true to his convictions, today Japan is one of the world's freest and most prosperous nations, and one of America's closest allies in keeping the peace. The spread of freedom to Iraq and the Middle East requires the same confidence and persistence, and it will lead to the same results. “ Comparing post-World War II Japan with Iraq was not that good of an example, because while the U.S. made Japan into a peaceful democracy, at the same time much of the rest of Asia was taken over by Communists, and with the Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War, and Taiwan Straits battles, Asia was far from peaceful, and always in fear of being taken over by Communists during the 1950’s and 1960’s. The similar risk with Iraq is that even if Iraq becomes a peaceful democracy, this may not guarantee peace and democracy for the rest of the Middle East, as Bush hopes. So he should be careful with his examples. Hopefully, the U.S. will not repeat its mistake with Asia by only focusing on one “trouble spot” while neglecting the greater region. Like C.S. Lewis story, “Narnia”, Bush has a righteous quest for a high ideal, which long term peace in the Middle East. While many share his goals, his strategy can be questioned, and it will be many years before we can truly judge if Bush’s methods are practical. We, in the Western world, have still not learned to cope with different kind of cultures, and we unwittingly ignore or offend them. There were many brave Chinese who led the way to lead their countrymen out of the shadow of colonialism, and yet, they didn’t advocate annihilation of the west. We can’t say that the westerners like the Americans can feel this way toward the Chinese and the Sunni Arabs. Without any benefit like MacArthur’s buttressing of Japan and the Marshall Plan endowment in Europe, China was left into a long struggle of devastation on land, and collapsing economics. The insurgents used this chaos to take over and execute the landlords, good or bad, even the small landowners, so they could take the land for themselves in the name of “the people”. It is always easier to say that the early Republic was corrupt, to justify not giving any help. But one never reads the book on how inexperienced Truman was, as Roosevelt was secretive and never explained his real plans for post-war Asia or Europe to anyone, even Truman. China Nationalists were busy in building and protecting the country, and they happened to have great people who died at inopportune times, and their best minds could not speak English. Because of this drawback, they had to hand over China to the Communists under Stalin and honor the agreement of Churchill, Roosevelt, and Truman. Iran’s President doesn’t believe, or doesn’t want to believe that the holocaust ever happened; this is the same as the western public knowing nothing about the 1937 Nanjing annihilation until Iris Chang wrote “Rape of Nanjing”. To this day, President Bush is still in denial about China just like the Iran President. But we hope God can enlighten these poor souls who can not see the justice and can not feel the righteous pain any normal human being should have. May God instill a sense of ‘human empathy’ to the lost souls.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Nanjing Lesson

This is a sad photo of the Nationalist capital being raped and annihilated in 1937. It started on December 13, and the killing spree lasted for six weeks. Later, Japanese two cities were bombed under Truman’s order. Although no American media has any report on the anniversary of this historical incidence, I may report this as an exclusive coverage in order to pay homage to the Nationalist people and government for their courage and struggles against the advanced mighty military Japanese brutal regime. I have in past articles mentioned the reasons for this unfortunate annihilation to have taken place. But one day, justice is going to be more prevalent throughout every corner of the world. The main lesson is that you can’t let another country divide you. The communist were used by Stalin to attack the Nationalists, and to capture Chiang Kai Shek to force him to have a unified front against Japan. Japan forced the war on China 5 years before China was ready, when the government was undergoing very fast military exercises and training, and buying planes from Italy and tanks from Germany. But they were still far outnumbered and decimated. But the hearts of the people never surrendered to Japan. Let me praise China on their courage, to give the Nationalists honor and due credits for having protected the land. The Chinese Communist Party is starting to give credits to the Nationalist government and troops for resisting against Japan, and there are libraries for people to pay tribute and recognition to the Nationalists. This will eventually help the truth to prevail even to the most gruesome aggressive countries’ callous people. The first lesson is that Chinese must love one another and respect the wealthy coastal regions as well as the poor interior regions. Secondly, if China is fair to the poor cotton farmers living in the interior, to fight against the cheap U.S. cotton farm subsidy which is damaging to the Chinese textile industry, they can seek solutions by offsetting the numbers of Boeing purchase, or Russian’ weapons. Otherwise, the inner poor regions will be victimized by both domestic policy and foreign governments’ high hands. Thirdly, it is the government’s responsibility to take care of the inner region from assault by foreign competition. Fourth, the American Congress today a passed bill to protect a specific group like the Philippine immigrants. Meanwhile, people from Korea and Taiwan are complaining about waiting 6 years to immigrate, while Bush gave a preference to Mexican immigrants in his latest policy. H.CON.RES.218 Title: Recognizing the centennial of sustained immigration from the Philippines to the United States and acknowledging the contributions of our Filipino-American community to our country over the last century. My comment: Why is there no media coverage of the anniversary of the Nanjing Carnage? The World Bank director Paul Wolfowitz wants to favor Indonesia vs. France on the tariff issue, because he worked in Indonesia before as an ambassador. Conclusion: 1) America is borrowing the good example of the ROC creation of National Assembly, the Constitution, and the Election of the Legislators in 1946-1947, the minute that the country could take a breather. But Stalin would not want it, and insisted China to be taken over by the Communists, and Mao subjected China into a disaster with 35 million killed, comparable to the victims under Stalin’s regime. So one can be philosophical to look at the Iraq case in contrast to the ROC in 1946-1947. Is it a blessing in disguise that Iraq can have a democratic system with billions of dollars in aid? 2) Is America committing a crime in overly killing like the 30,000 President Bush quoted the other day? 3) China must find a niche in dealing with trade wars, and not to let the poor inner region people sink into oblivion, balancing the plight of the living standard with excessive military weapons purchases and a luxurious rich class. 4) With the Swiss bank money returned by the Lafayette scandal, set up a foundation and publishing houses and media centers to honor the nationalists who fought hard, worked hard in Taiwan and China in name of humanity. 5) Set up an institute with Chinese sets of egalitarian laws and humanity. To brag that communists are more patriotic to China than Nationalists will in the end be squashed by the world power. My prayer to God is to empower the weak and the kind Chinese Nationalists so that their human dignity can be sustained.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Message to Rice and Credit to Bush

Message to Rice and Credit to Bush Comments on President Bush’s latest speech on Iraq, December 12, 2005. Remarks by Senators after Bush’s Speech Senator Levin: “You need to amend the Iraqi Constitution. You must share the resources, to bring the three ethnic groups together in Iraq” Senator Reed: “The Bush Administration should tell the Iraqis to make an amendment to the constitution. They need to achieve a broad base, this is essential to defeat the insurgency. The President made a wishy-washy speech, in the area where you need clarity.” Free Mind Comments: You need to tell the Iraqis that an amendment to the constitution is not only necessary but crucial. This will result in Iraqi unity and avoid large scale civil wars. President George W. Bush, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 12, 2005: “Under Saddam, Iraq was a country where dissent was crushed. A centralized economy enriched a dictator instead of the people; secret courts meted out repression instead of justice; and Shia Muslims, and Kurds and other groups were brutally oppressed. “ Comparative study on Saddam and Chiang Kai Shek If Saddam and Chiang are considered tyrants, then all citizens from all ethnic groups suffered under them. In Iraq, Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds all suffered under Saddam’s rule. Do not provoke racially biased remarks to divide the groups, because this is not correct or fair, and violates God’s principle. People make great errors by thinking that Chiang Kai Shek was equivalent to Chinese Nationalists, and vice versa; Even though Saddam is a Sunni, the Sunnis as a group are not equivalent to Saddam or Saddam loyalists, and Saddam not equivalent to the Sunnis. Ramsey Clark’s Statements on the Insurgents: Mr. Clark believes that if a country is in jeopardy, and is being invaded, and insurgents want to overthrow the government, then of course, any government can apply ways to control the crowd. This is different from annihilation or seeking personal revenge when there is a revolt. We almost never prosecute the Insurgent Mao and his followers when he didn’t help the legitimate Chinese government battle the invasion by Japan, but we investigate Chiang Kai Shek with a microscope. We should learn about Sunnis in depth, and be careful not to fall into the trap of drawing the conclusion that Saddam did not persecute Sunni dissents. Today, a Sunni Indian stood up and praised the US works in Iraq as a case in point, that he as a Sunni did not enjoy special benefits under Saddam, and he thanked President Bush for removing Saddam. In China and Taiwan, Chiang Kai Shek is our example to draw upon. Chiang treated all dissenters with the same severity, not only the local Taiwanese dialect-speakers, but also Mandarin-Speaking Chinese. He kept a tight rein on the people that came to Taiwan from mainland China. But Chiang Kai Shek enriched the Taiwanese local farmers, while the military, government, and teachers were all underpaid. Lee Deng Hui’s rhetoric and radical fascist reactionary hatred is mobilized toward all the Mandarin-Speaking Chinese that came to Taiwan, or were born on Taiwan Island, this is a racist attitude, as many of these people had fears toward Chiang as well. We praise President Bush for handling the Taiwan Strait crisis very well, so far so good, as there has not been any fighting between mainland China and Taiwan Island. For this, I am sure God will help Bush and credit him with this virtue. If Bush doesn’t want to be thought of as a racist in the Hurricane case, then he should not prefer Shiites, Kurds over Sunnis. We urge President Bush to give everyone a fair chance and a decent way of living in Iraq, and to persuade the Iraqis to amend their laws so that Sunnis can truly return to the table, and can find cohesive unity in something where dignity is present. Only in this way, can long term peace be achieved and a shared bright outcome for Iraq and the U.S. can be enjoyed by the generations to come. Only in this way, can victory be obtained with everyone proud of the system, and the U.S. animosity will be dissolved in the new Iraq, and the Sunni young will look upon America and American President Bush as a liberator, not as an annihilator, so they will not seek revenge. Some Media Portrayal is a Disservice to the American People Many callers to C-SPAN complain that CNN does not have positive reports, instead focusing on the snapshots of shootings or bombings, misleading the American audiences, and this coverage is a disservice to our country. Most of these soldiers served in Iraq from 2004 to 2005. If some of the press still disbelieve this being the fact, and demand the president to express his views on Secretary Rumsfeld’s candid remarks on the quality of reporting, they should conduct a survey themselves to see if it is true, or perhaps based on each TV station. One thing that is true, American lives are being shed and they are sacred and soldiers’ voices do count, and they seem to agree with Rumsfeld that the media is giving an unfair and unbalanced view on Iraq. If we can’t call them all back right away, at least, we should minimize their loss and respect their voice. Freedom of speech applies to foot soldiers too, not just to the Washington elite or White House correspondents. The viewers need on-location in-depth positive and negative reports, not touched up, not sensational, and not freely criticizing the administration by abusing the First Amendment.

Rumsfeld is Being Challenged for His Remarks about the Troops not being reported positively enough

Rumsfeld is Being Challenged for His Remarks about the Troops not being reported positively enough. Like the President, Rumsfeld wants to concentrate on the positive. He only said that the media seems to report negative things with sensational imagery. This opinion is widely echoed in the C-SPAN program hosted by Brian Lamb from many callers who had been in Iraq. 已經有部隊當證人﹐告訴CSpan的老闆﹐白恩連﹐我們在伊拉克出生入死﹐做許多好事﹐水電﹐電訊﹐醫療﹐學校﹐但一回到本國﹐看到主要媒體如CNN一片糟糕的形像﹐用戲劇化的手筆來報導。 Many witnesses testified on C-SPAN to let owner Brian Lamb know that American soldiers work hard in Iraq on battlefields, and in reconstruction to fix electricity, communications, to give medicine, and to set up schools. But once they return to the U.S., the main media like CNN has only dramatized imagery in short clips. It is untrue. The soldiers said, "we are in villages, and rarely any news reporters will be there, and the reporters are only in the city where there is bombing or shooting is taking place." They suggest to check into different Internet sites to find out the reality. Rumsfeld's soldiers are all backing up his remarks that the media's portrayal is not really reflecting what is going on in Iraq. 而媒體小記者還撒嬌的叱問﹐請白宮新聞主任﹐證實總統是否也與國防部長的意思一樣﹐認為媒體做不忠的報導。明明白白有人證﹐而且一個媒體害群之馬﹐想要總統表態﹐意在幹掉國防部長﹐拭目以待結果如何。 The female White House reporters got very anxious as if their reputation got hurt by the defense secretary for saying that our troops need to be given a good positive report, and asked the press secretary to confirm if the President agrees with Rumsfeld. Scott McClellan tactfully replied that the President believes that there is good progress in Iraq, and that his speeches describe the progress. The implication is that the President would rather talk about the positives than to criticize the media coverage, he doesn’t want to get into a dispute with either the media or Rumsfeld. There are 99% of callers who all say it is true that the media presents overly negative reports on Iraq, the media meanwhile still coerces the President to discredit Rumsfeld’s remarks and clean up their sacred reputation when they have never been to Iraq but the soldiers were there with their blood and sweat. Can the media discredit the soldiers work? Free Mind’s suggestion to the questionable media about what is really going on: 1) Like in Social science field research, conduct a survey of all the soldiers who have been in Iraq. 2) To be there in person. 3) To drop the nasty connotations in attacking the secretary of defense because you don’t have enough information and he has more. If you don’t agree, finding out for yourself in person is the best way to pursue your case. Not to fool around with the President. Many people are sick of you.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Spy Who Loved Me

The Spy Who Loved Me Free Mind Comments On December 7, House Republicans agreed to accept Senator John McCain's measure barring mistreatment of enemy combatants in U.S. custody, rejecting White House efforts to have the legislation exempt the Central Intelligence Agency, according to two congressional officials. Rumsfeld adroitly pointed out today to reporters that the CIA torture issue is not under his jurisdiction. He could have told the reporter directly, “You are fast on your feet, but slow in your brain and lack study in understanding the government structure. The CIA is under whose domain? Who is to be blamed? Bush himself. Not my jurisdiction.” But instead, he was diplomatically answering, “White House is in charge of this matter and is the point of contact.” If a news reporter is being sent as an agent to address questions to the White House, there isn’t any procedure against it. The bosses can send ‘canned’ questions to try to derail the Presidency. Then send someone else to pursue the ‘prize’ or ‘the target’ to push it down. They can send an ‘innocent girl’ reporter to ensnare and ask the initial question to decompose the administration. Then they can send a follow up male reporter to verify and if they run into a person dumber than themselves, they will get what they want. Today, there is this woman reporter again in her effort to try to divide the government personnel up, this time is between Rice and McCain, again the real target is the White House. She was marginalized by other smarter reporters. This woman doesn’t have enough guts like other female reporters to wear a hat and a T shirt to report on the Hurricane, but is always posed in suit to give an ‘unrealistic’ touch up story. Neither does she have any wisdom, knowledge, or any compassion; she is simply a pawn in the game of media power jostling with the administration. Yet, she thinks she is somebody and she acts with arrogance. To be famous can also break you such as Cunanan, who was the focus of the entire nation, for venting his anger against a chain of important and rich males, by killing them for their supposed wrongdoings to him. To assert your identity and worth is not to cling to a power structure, or showing your face in the White House like a robot, you have to earn it.

Congress near deal on bill that bans torture

Congress near deal on bill that bans torture Thu Dec 8, 2005 6:44 PM ET

By Vicki Allen WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional negotiators were near a deal on Thursday on a defense bill that would put into law a ban on the torture and inhumane treatment of detainees, a step the White House has opposed. A congressional aide said House of Representatives Republicans had accepted the amendment pushed by Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain that swept through the Senate 90-9 despite fierce White House opposition. House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter would not say whether the full McCain amendment would be in the final defense authorization bill. But the California Republican said it would accommodate "our ability to continue to harvest important intelligence in the war against terror and at the same time provide for a humane environment" for detainees. Hunter, a White House ally, has said McCain's amendment was unnecessary because there already were laws banning torture. The White House has argued that putting the rules into law would hamper its ability to obtain information from prisoners by reducing their fear of the unknown. But facing broad support in Congress for McCain's amendment in the wake of abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and harsh interrogation practices at Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere, the administration negotiated with the Senate on the final bill. Hunter said he expected to have a bill "that will be embraced by all parties." Rep. Ike Skelton of Missouri, the top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, said he was "very optimistic at the end of the day we're going to have an excellent bill." John Ullyot, a spokesman for Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Warner, a Virginia Republican, said he expected the final bill to be ready on Monday. It then faces final passage in the House and Senate as Congress scrambles to conclude business next week to break for the year. A congressional aide said the package on detainees included the McCain amendment with no changes, and said other detainee-related amendments did not affect the McCain language. The aide said it had made some changes to another Senate amendment to curb access to courts of terrorism suspects held at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but provide for appeals of their convictions to federal court. White House and Senate negotiators were still working out language to give the administration some discretion in protecting covert agents from prosecution if they were found to have abused prisoners, aides said. Hunter was also pushing to include language to have U.S. training of Iraqi forces include requiring humane treatment of prisoners. "We want to make sure that their training inculcates proper prisoner treatment as well as war-fighting capabilities," Hunter said.© Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved.

Frist Kills Pentagon Spending Bill to Protect Abusive Interrogations; Top Torture Scandal Figure Gets Confirmation Hearing (7/26/2005) Frist Kills Pentagon Spending Bill to Protect Abusive Interrogations; Top Torture Scandal Figure Gets Confirmation Hearing (7/26/2005) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: WASHINGTON - The American Civil Liberties Union today expressed deep concern that-on the same day as the Senate majority leader canceled a vote on the entire Pentagon spending bill because of an amendment that would have banned cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment-a top figure in the ongoing torture scandal is being promoted to the number two post at the Justice Department. That nominee is Timothy Flanigan, who also served as Attorney General Alberto Gonzales's deputy in 2001 and 2002, when Gonzales was White House counsel. "Once again, while the privates and sergeants get marched off to jail, the policy-makers get promoted," said Christopher Anders, an ACLU Legislative Counsel. "This nomination means that the nation's top two law enforcement officials at the Justice Department, which normally would be responsible for prosecuting any wrongdoing, will be men who are up to their eyeballs in this scandal." Flanigan's nomination hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon comes on the same day that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), canceled consideration of next year's Pentagon spending bill because it contained an amendment by Senator John McCain (R-AZ), that would have banned the cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment of detainees. At the White House, Flanigan was one of a handful of administration lawyers responsible for determining the scope of acceptable interrogation and detention policies in the "Global War on Terrorism." He currently serves as general counsel at Tyco. It was these interrogation policies, the ACLU said, that set the stage in the four years since 9/11 for the detainee abuse or torture that was on display most starkly at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad and at Guantanamo Bay. The ACLU noted several troubling instances in which Mr. Flanigan has been identified as a key figure in this policy-making. Flanigan, for instance, is on record defending water-boarding: "We did not want to leave permanent damage," he told the American Prospect. He was also one of the primary engines behind the creation of an entirely new system of military commissions for detainees. These proceedings were to feature far fewer due process protection than even military courts, including the use of secret evidence, no outside appeals process and fewer restrictions on the death penalty. In order to fully explore Flanigan's role in these policy discussions, the ACLU called on the administration to release the most sought-after classified document in the torture debate: an official Justice Department memorandum to the C.I.A. authorizing, among other things, the use of "water-boarding," which simulates the sensation of drowning. The ACLU said that it was particularly concerned at the White House's recent decisions to promote senior military and administration officials involved in the torture scandal. These officials include: Attorney General Gonzales; Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the three-star top commander in Iraq, who is reportedly under consideration for a four-star command; Judge Jay S. Bybee, who drafted the administration memorandum narrowly defining torture while at the Justice Department, and who was appointed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in 2003; and William J. Haynes, general counsel at the Pentagon and a nominee to the Fourth Circuit. Although the ACLU does not take positions on executive branch nominations, it urged the Senate Judiciary Committee to oppose moving forward on the nomination until it has fully investigated the questions the ACLU raised in its letter. "The administration continues to block the American people from a full and thorough review of whether the federal government has violated the Constitution and broken the rule of law," Anders said. "The time for that conversation is now." To read the ACLU's letter to the committee on Timothy Flanigan's record, go to:/safefree/general/20040leg20050726.html

Senator seeks to bar detainees from U.S. courts Posted on Thu, Nov. 10, 2005 Senator seeks to bar detainees from U.S. courts Lindsey Graham said he was against "criminalizing the war." Some Republican colleagues disagreed. By Liz Sidoti Associated Press WASHINGTON - A Senate Republican wants to bar suspected foreign terrorists held at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, from challenging their detentions in U.S. courts. The proposal is drawing protest from human-rights groups and opposition from the Bush administration. The senator, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, said he also faced some resistance from Senate GOP colleagues as he considered whether to try attaching his proposal to a defense bill that the Senate is debating this week. Senators could vote on the proposal as early as today. "What I object to is criminalizing the war," said Graham, a 20-year Air Force lawyer. "Enemy combatants, POWs have never had access to federal court before." His effort comes as the GOP-led Senate prepared to rebuff the White House a second time by approving another defense bill that would ban the cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment of foreign prisoners in U.S. custody. The measure also would require U.S. troops to follow interrogation procedures in the Army Field Manual. The administration has threatened to veto any bills containing the provisions. Top House Republicans have indicated their opposition, too. The proposals, sponsored by Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.), are in Senate versions of a $445 billion military spending bill that was passed last month, and in a defense policy bill that is before the Senate. The House bills do not include the provisions. McCain yesterday voiced worries that efforts to kill the provisions could succeed. Under a scenario that McCain said was possible, House-Senate negotiators would strip the provisions from the must-pass spending bill, then never complete the other bill that includes the detainee language, the defense policy bill. "That's what I am told the strategy is," McCain said, declining to say who had told him that. "I hope that it's not true. I hope that they won't do that." McCain said he did not yet support Graham's detainee proposal. "We need to go slow on this a little bit," McCain said. Graham said he accelerated his work on the proposal after Monday's Supreme Court decision to review a challenge to the administration's planned military trials for foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo. Initially, the administration refused to allow the 500 or so detainees at the U.S. naval base to challenge their imprisonment by filing habeas corpus petitions. The Supreme Court in 2004 ruled that U.S. courts were open to filings from the detainees. Many detainees were captured in Afghanistan and have been held at Guantanamo for several years without charges. Lawsuits have piled up since. Graham said the administration wanted to deal with the issues instead of having Congress involved. The American Civil Liberties Union and other rights groups oppose the proposal. The Center for Constitutional Rights said that it would "will only serve to reinforce the growing perception that the United States has become an enemy of human rights."

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Is it Ethical for the White House Correspondents to Enjoy the Holiday Banquet?

Is it Ethical for the White House Correspondents to Enjoy the Holiday Banquet while the Soldiers are at the Front Lines and Hurricane Katrina Victims are without Housing and Food? Who funds these banquets? Is this all at the taxpayers’ burden? Some of these reporters made wrong portrayal of the White House and had harsh comments about the local residents during the emergency of Katrina without ever visiting. This is damaging in that people think only that the White House and the reporters are enjoying hedonism while others are not allowed, all at taxpayers expenses, or the Executive Funding provided by the Congress, as part of the Defense Bill of $445 billion. As a way to appease them, so they think highly of themselves, and perhaps they can bend the administration in their way. Governor Blanco published 1000 pages of information on Hurricane Katrina, and on December 6 the House held hearings on the Hurricane Katrina victims, the conducts and exchanges between White House and certain media, can be studied and scrutinized, to prevent serious scandals. The protesters Cindy Sheehan also can be a party breaker if the banquet gets too outlandish and luxurious, so that she can have the President pay attention to the dead victims and their voices are no less than the White House female correspondents who would not go to locations that many patriotic Americans do. Their only mission is to collect pay checks and pester the President, from airport to hotels, and steal advanced information and as a prerogative, to give their skewed views on any issue. These privileged reporters would go to TV programs to broadcast themselves with vacant expression as there is really not any sensible information other than some vague suggestions of their ambiguous relationship with the White House, which can never be confirmed. If confirmed, both sides will lose; as the Press is not paid by the White House, so they have to remain ‘impartial’ or critical of the President, otherwise the press will lose credibility; meanwhile, the administration cannot favor any one news reporter or news agency, or the other news agencies will protest. If the press has a free rein, they can peel the skins off the administration, like Supreme Court nominee, VP’s office Scooter Libby, President’s substantial aid Rove, press manager Scott McClellan, and then they can roam around freely inside the White House, with freedom to speak against everyone, on every issue. The only party that can keep tab on them is the public and the judicial branch, but the Supreme Court is swamped with cases already.

China and US Second High Echelon Strategic Talk starts today December 7, 2005 China and US Second High Echelon Strategic Talk starts today in D.C. Every country’s media was notified, two countries representatives will meet the press at the State Department. The media can take photos, but cannot ask questions. 中美第二轮高层战略对话今日举行 2005年12月07日04:59 中国青年报   本报华盛顿12月6日?(本报驻美国记者 翁翔) 中美第二轮高层对话12月7日将在美国首都华盛顿举行。在华盛顿的各国媒体被告知,当天两国代表将在国务院与媒体简短见面,媒体只可拍照,不可提问。据本报记者了解,中国代表团已于当地时间5日抵达纽约,6日转赴华盛顿参加为期两天的高层对话。   中美间首轮定期高层对话今年8月在北京举行。第二轮则转战华盛顿。中美间每年两度 高层对话最初是由胡锦涛主席去年在智利与布什总统会晤时最先提议的,并得到布什的积极回应。这个由中美最高领导人共同推动落实的对话机制有几个特点:一是对话超越两国日常具体或细节问题,更多着眼事关两国及全球的战略性问题;二是通过对话更好地了解彼此利益,逐步形成两国关系的战略与理论框架;三是在看待两国关系时,双方都需要更多地考虑到各自的国内事务。   首轮对话相当成功,并在一定程度上影响到两国领导人今年9月在纽约首脑会晤。白宫高级官员在11月布什访华前曾表示,“胡主席在纽约介绍的有关中国和平发展的构想,给(布什)总统留下了深刻印象。胡主席谈到,作为中国领导人,他在改善人民生活等问题上面临许多挑战。(布什)总统被这个(改善生活的)目标真诚地打动”。据悉,11月的北京之行,布什与中国领导人的会晤亦富有成果。   作为美国国务院处理日常中美关系的头号人物和中美高层对话首席代表,常务副国务卿佐利克9月21日在美中关系全国委员会上发表了“中国往何处去”的演讲。这个演讲可以说既是佐利克试图提出美方的有关中美关系的“战略与理论框架”,也算是对中国“和平崛起”理论一种回应。   佐利克所提出的中国应该成为国际体系中的一个“利益相关的参与者”新说法在中美两国都引起了广泛争论和解读。佐利克所说的“国际体系”是指什么?“负责任的利益相关参与者”的标准是什么?这个标准是由谁来确定的?美国应如何不挑战中方的核心利益?这些问题随之而来。虽然总体看,佐利克的讲话反映出其对未来中美关系发展持积极和肯定的态度,但其中的许多提法还需进一步澄清、说明和商榷。这也是中美第二轮高层对话需要谈论交流的问题。   上个月,原中央党校常务副校长、现任中国改革开放论坛理事长的郑必坚在《人民日报》(海外版)发表题为《中国共产党在21世纪的走向》文章。该文指出,要持久地促进中美双方沟通理解,一个带根本性的认识问题是怎样看中国共产党,怎样看中国共产党在21世纪的根本走向。郑必坚从改革开放、经济全球化及内政外交的核心理念等方面阐述了中国共产党未来走向的问题,可算是中方对佐利克有关“我们应该如何看待21世纪初的中国”的初步公开回应。   在提出“中国往何处去”这个大问题的同时,佐利克也详细列出了美国关注的问题清单。其中包括:中国的“重商主义”行为、军力发展的“透明化”及“民主自由”问题,等等。所谓中国军力“透明化”问题需要由中美两军交流来解决,中方在美国国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德10月访华时曾就此坦诚相告。从中国代表团组成来看,经贸问题在中美高层对话中占有重要地位,国家发展和改革委员会副主任朱之鑫将和美国主管经济事务的国务次卿薛纳就经济议题进行对话,讨论包括投资、 能源政策、总体经济政策等结构性的议题。   此次外交部常务副部长戴秉国来美将与佐利克再次坦诚地交换意见。戴秉国如何回应佐利克以及中美如何互动备受各方瞩目。中美如何建立更深层的合作关系?如何顾及彼此的核心利益?这些已远远超越了双边关系的范畴,全世界都在静心观察。 Free Mind Comments: Chinese defense personnel are in D.C. to have the second round of talks at the state department. No questions can be asked, just photos. This is prudent, as it concerns sensitive issues regarding National security. An inexperienced reporter can address the administration with questions functioning as an agent for a foreign interest, or to sabotage national security or influence domestic policy by forcing troops to be withdrawn. It warrants tight security scrutiny and is handled well by Scott McClellan. Reporters always have rights to ask questions, but he is not obligated to answer. On a very timely question to attack Rumsfeld’s comments on the Media’s untrue portrayal of the battleground December 6 is a case in point to suggest that it is related to the visit of the Chinese military strategists. On top of that, it is indirectly attacking Bush and in the hope to sabotage Rumsfeld, or Bush, or weaken their solidarity by a party with another agenda. On whether Bush agrees with Rumsfeld’s views that reporters don’t give a just portrayal of the soldiers in Iraq. This is the best policy, to simply ignore it, so there is no cooking up of news for them to be successful and famous by misleading the American public.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Analysis of Economic Policy Relating to American Mainstream and Middle Class

“Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.” -Isaac Asimov Like a good friend, Asimov gives advice on how we may be stubborn to omit the objective truth and reality. Three Revolutionary Democratic Innovative Economic laws upholding the Middle Class way of life. 1) Dollar cost averaging investment Differing from the older generation, average new Americans have become more proactive in investments in mutual funds and pension funds. The old generation finances were handled by their brokers completely. This is the anchor basic idea for the new generation of investors and the mutual fund theory. From a long horizon, you acquire shares of stocks on an averaged path, and avoid the extreme highs and lows. The return was 10% vs. 2% bank interest rate before the market crashed in year March 2000. In the advent of such cataclysmic event, the mutual fund account vs. your stock brokerage account may still have kept a bulk percentage of long time savings. Even if 35% was preserved, it is still mighty compared to maybe 5%. 2) Concept of Depreciation. For business owners, capital goods like eye examination equipment, and dentist tools, when the hefty purchase is incurred, it is deductible over its depreciation time, and this softens the blow to the business operators. To keep the strength of small businesses, this type of benefit should not be taken away. Likewise, a rental house also has these sound provisions built in. If a person is laid off because of outsourcing, in any corner of America, he has a rental, and he commits a loss of a furnace, any large purchasing item, this should not be depreciated across a spread of time. This is because this person has to come up with $3000 from his pocket right away and he may not have 30 years to gradually deduct it from the government tax code. Likewise, for $4000 painting, $3500 lawn sowing, all needs to be handled and committed as a loss without having to wait 28 years to recuperate the loss, so there is a bouncing back capability for him to keep his business without too large of tax burden. Two evils of the Tax code 1) Lack of Protection to the small business owner. If someone is defined as a small business owner when they are making under $200,000, when he makes between 0-200,000, he is taxed with 37% federal, 8% state, he needs to write a check for $45,000 for IRS. When he is in reversal of fortune, his loss is $200,000, the tax code only allows him to deduct $3000 annually, the government deserts you and drains your capacity to be back with your business. If he has lost his power to be a comeback kid as a business man, he needs to be encouraged by the government, so not to deplete it to the point of extinction. 2) Across America, no housing owner would like to see the deductions get manipulated, in California, or the Midwest. Housing usually is a means to weather the calamity like layoff from recession, or outsourcing. The government should have the morals not to take this away from ordinary citizens. Housing equity is often used as collateral for people starting a small business, so growing housing values are an important healthy part of the economy. 3) Market pricing along the demand and quality line In the high priced Tokyo, consumers learn to cope with it to make purchase when things are on great sales. This applies to high fashion luxury item and regular commodities as well. A handbag from $2000 down to $1000 for example. American $550 can be had when it is down to $150. Ellen Tracy, American designer, made in Korea, high quality fabric, can be purchased at Macy’s. When a consumer tossed out a $216 coat (made in Philippines) for its lack of quality and heaviness, they can opt for a higher quality and lighter cashmere coat of $189 (discount at $130), made in Dominical Republic by Kristen Blake (US), fabric from Italy, 70% virgin wool, 10% Cashmere, 20% Polyester. The consumers choice and market competitiveness ultimately decides who wins and who loses. In the Shanghai airport, despite at the duty free store, coats are priced at $1000, made in China with Chinese design. This is out of the bounds of the American middle class purchasing power. In the past 30 years, Macy’s has gone from Made in Japan, to Made in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China in 1985, to now in Korea, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Philippines Dominican Republic, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine. Japan is very rare right now. One praise to Japan is that they tend to use real substance, either cotton, or quality wool. Even in Chinese supermarket, you can find high concentrated sesame original oil, then Chinese over-diluted product. It is an issue of business ethics. Warning for Made in China, the fabric is all artificial synthetic materials, unlike other countries with real cotton or wool, this will lose the competitive edges. Advice for the President, as a way to help him with State of the Union speech, as he is above a middle class American, and he never travels in duty free shops or Macy’s, Nordstrom. FEMA director did buy things in Nordstrom. December 5, 2005 President Discuses the Economy and Tax Relief in North Carolina John Deere-Hitachi Construction Machinery Corporation Kernersville, North Carolina “Do you realize products going from the United States to Central America were taxed? Products coming the other way weren't. It seemed to make sense to level the playing field, which we're in the process of doing. But it also means that by working together with Central American partners, North Carolina textiles are more likely to be able to compete with Asian textiles. My predecessor worked to get China into the WTO. And one of the conditions was that the United States and other WTO members would take steps to prevent their markets from being flooded with cheap Chinese textiles. Last month, we reached an agreement with China to have them meet that obligation under the textile agreements. It's an important agreement. It means that not only are we for free trade with China, but we expect China to be fair with American textile companies and American workers.” Free mind comments: President Bush doesn’t know that the Chinese are paying a hefty price for American made cars, like Plymouth is $48,000. In Taiwan, we used to get the heft American made products via Commissary outlet, before department stores were built. To help EU, China made a $10 billion purchase of 150 Airbus via the visit of Premier Wen Jiabao. China also made purchase of Boeing planes via the visit of President Bush in November 19 visit. I believe the punishment of the Chinese textile sector is not fair to the Chinese workers. Millions are being laid off. They can’t be working at the Boeing site. Meanwhile, the coal mines explode throughout China. For the moral conscience of an American president, one wonders if he believes men are born equal. Should the 1.3 billion population in China be left to the havoc of unduly politics and trade wars? The essential issue is with a large population, textiles, mining, sectors all employ a large labor force, and they do pay for the higher capital goods and purchasing items like Boeing and Airbus, to help other sets of American and EU Workers. Bush has said that America is a country of rule of law. The American Congress instrumented the Chinese exclusion act in 1882, which is a stain on American history because Chinese have become the only ethnic race to have a law specifically excluding them. We hope in his speech, he can be aware of this U.S. historical injustice and be sensitive in his remarks toward the Chinese.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Contrast between blue and green before and after the result of yesterday's city and county mayor's elections

Contrast between blue and green before and after the result of yesterday's city and county mayor's elections. 台湾县市长选举前后蓝绿阵营对比。 点击此处查看全部新闻图片   台湾县市长选举今天举行,据票选结果初步统计,国民党籍当选十四席,民进党籍六席、亲民党一席、新党一席、无党籍一席,总计属于泛蓝的有十七席,泛绿六席。其中,国民党光复台北县、宜兰县及嘉义市意义重大。 Taiwan county and city mayor election was held today, 12/3. According to the initial statistics, KMT had 14 seats, Min Jin DPP party had 6 seats, Qin Min party 1 seat, Xin New party 1 seat, No party 1 seat, altogether pan-blue has 17 seats, pan-green 6 seats. KMT restored Taipei County, Yilan County, and Jiayi City, this is very meaningful and significant.

台北县赢家周锡玮感谢连战马英九王金平等人 Taipei county winner Zhou Xiwei thanks the support

Taipei county winner Zhou Xiwei thanks the support from Lian Zhan, Ma YingJiu (KMT head), Wang Jinping (Senate Head), Soong Chu Yu (Qin Min Party Leader),Yu Muming (Xin New party head). Taipei time, 7:45 pm, December third, 3:45 am, Pacific Time, 12/3, Taipei county Nationalist KMT candidate Zhou Xiwei announced his victory at Election Headquarters and expressed his thanks for the party unity and love among KMT, Qin Min and New Party to allow such a landslide in Taipei County. 台北县赢家周锡玮感谢连战马英九王金平等人 2005年12月03日21:21 人民网   人民网12月3日电 据台湾媒体报道,台北县国民党籍候选人周锡玮在晚间7时45分宣布当选后,周锡玮出席在竞选总部发表当选感言。他说,感谢连战、马英九、王金平、宋楚瑜和郁慕明的支持,是他们的相亲相爱团结一致,才能让台北县大赢。

Thursday, December 01, 2005

北京的心領神會 Beijing Intuition

北京的心領神會 Beijing Intuition When I first saw Nanjing from the upstairs business class section of a plane, it was unbelievably beautiful. There was just one other family with the woman's sparkling diamond and happy smile, and a few businessmen reading about stocks, and one planning their program agenda. All was dark inside and outside. But from my window, I was the only person seeing the greeting five clouds with silver and gold swirling patterns just like the ancient classic paintings. The mountain peaks were just like the wonder of the saintly drawings. My immune system is stronger each time I visit China, and this time, I didn’t get sick through the entire trip. Not only that, China’s germs cured my hives when I was in China proper. After 12 hours of flight to Beijing in an economy seating position, I made many excuses to go to the back to drink so I could ease the soreness, so it was not such an ordeal. The first night, for some reason, there was no dinner provided. So we ventured out to Beijing’s famed Qing Zhen (Islamic) restaurant. To my surprise, it was not crowded in the famous old restaurant, but we did arrive at 9:45 pm. Instead of ordering a hot pot style with lamb and vegetables, dipping and scalding thin slices of meat in boiling water to instantly cook them, I ordered fish, ox tail and Hangzhou’s LongJing tea. I started to notice a round table filled with Arab men. Some were staring at us. I could not understand a word. They looked like they were celebrating an event. Later, I talked to Guy in English, “They are Muslims”. Then a man bursting in tears. Another man was in a rambunctious mood, very animated, loud, and rugged. Guy said, “He behaves like your father.” Then it started to dawn on me, the similarity of the Middle Eastern men and the Chinese north of Yangtze men. They may be in exaggerated loud voice, and looking uncouth, but they really have very inexpressive love which they fail to transmit. The horrible war pushing them to behave like ‘animals in cages’, very vehemently trying to preserve themselves, as many of them lost their homes and the country is broken. The psychologist would say ‘their superego exudes when they are a bit drunk, as they are tired of fighting with ego stretching to a limit, but their id and dark side in self defense is all what people can observe.’ The western gentlemen are always in a 3 piece suit, and rarely do they behave out of the status quo and proper conduct. I feel that the 3 piece suit man, cowboys in blue jeans, Chinese coolie outfit, Muslim in the fisting game for drinking bouts, like the drunken China proper soldiers, China Xian men’s generosity in asking people to taste his pomegranate, and the civil Confucius type of man, all are men. I felt sad whenever I see American soldiers in close combat with Iraqis. The howling sounds are like animals in danger. I hope the young Iraqi generation does not hate the Americans and before long, Americans can return before the Sunnis get annihilated by the wrong philosophy of condemning men for being from Saddam Hussein’s region. Sometimes, you end up killing perhaps the kindest people who simply don’t know how to explain themselves. During the Mongol’s ruling day, the poem in south Yangtze region was saying that “Last year I sold my elder daughter to pay the silk tax, this year, I have to sell my youngest son.” Mongol had the champion test examination for Mongolians, and for the Han category champion. It was not racially equal, though this examination system is Han’s and the occupied land is Han’s. When Mongolians and possibly the Turks and Islamic races invaded China, they slaughtered the entire villages, and the Ming founding emperor Ming Tai Zu, after ridding the Mongol empire; revitalized and repopulated China Proper counties with his migration policy, which was documented in the County historical records. On this trip, I discovered the Mongol Yuan’s capital, Dadu (Beijing) in its original light and form. I saw the Mongolian Lama Relic white tower. Hutong (lane), the name was from the Mongol language, meaning, wells. I suppose that the Mongolians had a well assigned to each alley. So each street is referred to Hutong (lane, well). Though the ecology system disappeared, the name still follows. Beijing later became Ming’s border city and principality feudal land, guarded by a strong prince Ming Cheng Zu. I feel I’m back to Ming’s land in Beijing. Though Ming was conquered by Qing, Qing still has Mongol, and Han cultural signs. In the end, Han still is the winning side, though was altered and sometimes needs comprehension to discern the deep side. I am lucky to have an original ancient China proper culture father to pass down all his secrets about his culture, which must be hidden sometimes in order to preserve itself, and is deeply cherished into eternity. I felt so peaceful after taking a shower and lying on the Japanese airline Nikko venture hotel room bed. It is soft but firm and flat and good like a Zen meditation mattress and calm like a scholar. I was thus stepping into the realm of the Ming Empress. Here is her domain and she was a believer in Buddhism. Her husband, Ming Chengzu, was prince guarding the Beijing border city, and later became the third emperor of Ming dynasty, and the founder of the Beijing Forbidden city. Her husband five times led the far northern expeditions in big desert north against invaders. The Ming emperor relocated from Nanjing to the Beijing Forbidden City, a replica of the Nanjing capital. The northern Qing tribe invaded Ming dynasty and occupied the Forbidden City. Han-ethnic China Proper Henan province general Yuan Shi Kai took the Qing dynasty invaders' language plaques down from the three big palace halls, a symbol of ridding China from the 268 years of Manchurian conquest from 1644 to 1911. Nationalists removed the Qing dynasty rule and founded the Republic and in essence, restored China back to Ming's ethos and culture. This is how the Ming empress gave me the invitation to her world by broadcasting a "Treasure Lotus Lantern", an aged old folklore story, on CCTV. The words were very softly spoken, as the program was not turned off during my sleep. I have not been in contact with this show since my childhood, as I immigrated to the U.S. 30 years ago. It touched my deep psyche. It is more than joy but a sense of an origin and a real loving world. I admit that in America, life is very calculating at times, and people speak with very defensive undertone. It awakens the beginning self, when you are disarmed in mother’s womb. This is the power of Fengshui and mystique. Going up the Great Wall, which is always windy, makes one feel sad about the Ming generals and soldiers’ putting up with difficult lives to live and work on the Great Wall. I could feel and see that why they appreciated whenever the king would visit them and ate the same Great Wall noodles with them together. They use the thick silk quilts as the screen door to enter the very much improved bathroom. China’s is making great improvements; it is now a lot better than the American military’s outhouse and trailer.