Tuesday, January 31, 2006

America's Intentions - Comments on Bush's State of the Union Address

Today George W. Bush did a very Yang (sunny) style of presentation in his State of the Union Address. It is the very best of him, his training, his Bush dynasty aura, and resolute leader talent, and brings a bright America out to the front. It is said that 30 channels of viewers were watching in Iraq and Iran. That is the best for the world to see how America has the most elegant system in work and in action. Tonight is not the night to talk about problems within, but only to focus on the bright outlook. America will win because for its intentions, will lose because of its ignorance. Japan lost because of its bad intentions, stipulated clearly in the 50 pages of PM proposal to the emperor, the blueprint for the invasion of China. They underestimated the Chinese, including the patriotic warlords. America opposing Islamic fundamentalist terrorists is like the Chinese Nationalists fighting for freedom against Japan. It is true that both Nationalists and Communists were fighting against one another, but the Nationalists mobilized 70% of the fighting against Japan, while the Communists only did 30%. Bush: “We love our freedom and we will fight to keep it.” One of the main sources of opposition is radical Islam. Terrorists like Bin Laden are serious about mass murdering. We seek end of Tyranny in the world. America committed shameful act of giving Chinese Manchuria to Russia, this is the most cowardly act, to give a surrendered land robbed from one country to another, just like at the end of WWI, giving Shangdong Peninsula from surrendered Germany to Japan. From the Nationalist efforts and foundation for peace, America enjoyed 60 years of leadership and peace and prosperity. But now the tide is changing. China and India have rid of all negative blocks, and Mao’s backward mentality has gone awry. Though India never contributed to WWII as an independent democracy, it suffered under the British colonial system. Now they are yearning to have a better life and their own voice. Both civilizations are ancient, America as a young child really does have some unknown fears because they may lose the balances to lead. So Bush is concerned with the leadership. One thing best is about the “American Competitive Initiative” to keep an edge in education and give to talents and science an edge. Will double critical physical science over 10 years. In nanotechnology, supercomputing, alternative energy, math, science and high waged jobs, with tax credits to promote bolder plans. This is to insure that America will have innovation. About immigrants a correction needs to be made. “Some people think that immigrants are bad. Yet, this country can not do without them.” It should be only the illegal immigrants are bad, I don’t think anyone believes that the legal immigrants are bad. He should not combine legal and illegal immigrants into one category. As before, America does not have the guts to admit its mistakes, like with Nationalist China. After World War II, Russia, England and America together choked off a new Republic’s strive to fight for sovereignty. But America when they used the Nationalists and their soldiers, asked them to sacrifice and gave their precious blood and lives, America never questioned their ‘corruption’, America urged them to sacrifice. America asked them to uphold the four freedoms, but America did not want to lend a helping hand once the war was over. America saw starved to death bodies, and complained this was due to ‘corruption’. But if America was so powerful and pure, they could oversee the aid process and help China rebuild and eliminate the corruption. We saw Eleanor Roosevelt wearing a mink coat, but when Mei Ling Soong wore a mink coat, she was condemned as corrupt. No one ever questioned how Roosevelt’s or Kennedy’s family got their money; they are not that pure either. America only gave China junky canned goods that were past the expiration date to substitute for the real decent aid, America didn’t give best weapons to Chinese, but Russia would transfer Japanese guns to the communists. Sooner or later, America needs to have a plan, and an admission of guilt. Only then, America can be respected. By continually touting the correct Japanese democracy isn’t going to make Chinese Nationalists happy. America government was mishandled. There were some kind American private associations that did help China. I must thank those kind American souls. It is due to these good Americans, that the Chinese, Islamic, and the rest of the world still loves America as ever.

Monday, January 30, 2006

America Needs to Be a Better Broker

Comments on General Wesley Clark’s speech at Capitol Hill, Dirksen Senate Office Building, January 30, 2006. Main points of his speech: On the Domestic front . The U.S. policy should value the country always before the party, and needs to respect political opponents. . We need an independent Supreme Court investigation on Abramoff and “culture of corruption”, to get the facts out in the open and get it over with. . Pushing for the tax cut to become permanent compounds the budget deficit, these tax cuts were passed as a temporary fix for the recession. The tax cuts compound the budget deficit. Also, we should encourage pay to play. In past 5 years, we have seen leadership without vision and foresight. Foreign relations For 1940 to 1990, American military was outstanding against the tyranny of communism. The effort was bipartisan, deterring the Soviets without using force. We had a unified strategy, persevering in diplomacy. In the end we won, the Berlin Wall came down, and the Soviet Union disintegrated into 11 separate states. . America needs to be a better broker to bring back the Sunnis to the political process, and to avoid the civil wars in Iraq. We didn’t mitigate strategically. We rightly struck back after 9/11, but soon the errors began, we went in without a plan, and without committing enough force, so that the locals ride the coattail of impunity. . North Korea and Iran profited, and are now accelerating their nuclear programs. . To create a better American thrust, and a new Atlantic charter, together we can move along with international forces. . Giant China grabs resources for their stupendous growth. We need to readdress grievances. We need to have transnational institutions for sets of multinational threats that are besetting us now. Free Mind comments: America sold China to appease Soviet expansion after WWII. It was a grotesque mistake. The U.S. thanked Soviets for their sacrifice in Leningrad, but without thanking the Chinese people for the greater sacrifice by the Chinese Nationalists in the Pacific region. An international scale of war, everything is interrelated, including the logistics and manpower. As supreme commander for all U.S. forces in World War II, why would George Marshall refuse to look up to the Nationalists soldiers’ accomplishments? If corruption is the excuse for the Nationalists, can we assume that America has no corruption today and during that era? What was the Americans’ fear and debt toward them? That is only bearing on God’s mind right now, and it will start to unfold and enlighten to the conscientious ones. This is a lesson for humanity.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

福祿壽三星高照 Fu Lu Shou Blessing Prosperity Longevity Three Lucky Stars Shining High Upon Us

福祿壽三星高照 Fu Lu Shou Blessing Prosperity Longevity Three Lucky Stars Shining High Upon Us











南河北河要分清。 Winter Recognizing Star Song Three Stars Shining high enter the winter The clusters are sparkling 獵戶座(Orion)獵戶座在冬夜十分醒目,其中腰帶部分的三顆二等星在高高照耀著,民間稱為三星。當三星高照天空,意味著冬天的來臨。此外,M42是一星雲,名為獵戶座大星雲,在三星下方,是一片淺綠色的扇形星雲,中央有四顆新恒星。獵戶座的參宿七是最亮的星,亮度近乎零等,距離850光年,它有顆七等伴星,千萬要小心,否則便看不到!獵戶座東北角的參宿四,也是顆零等星,距離600光年,是顆紅巨星,隨時會爆炸。 金牛座(Taurus)金牛座在獵戶座北方,好像衝向獵戶座一樣。最亮的畢宿五星等1.0,表面溫度約4000度,表面呈紅色。金牛座裡還有一疏散星團M45,它就是十分著名的昴星團,俗稱「七姊妹星團」,肉眼可以看見其中六顆亮星,至於其餘一顆則下落不明。它們和另外幾百顆星都是昴星團的成員。昴星團中其實還有一個星雲(NGC1435)。在《梅氏天體表》裡排行第一的蟹狀星雲M1,也是在金牛座裡。這個行星狀星雲,是1054年中國超新星爆發後的遺跡。 御夫座(Auriga)御夫座在英仙座西側,五顆亮星排成一個五邊形。御夫座α星(中名五車二)是一顆星等為0.2的亮星,距離我們52光年。御夫座ε星(中名柱六)是著名的長周期變星,幅度雖不大,只有0.7等(3.1-3.8),但變光週期卻近萬天!M36是一疏散星團,星等6.3,十分美麗;M37也是一疏散星團,星等6.2等,呈紅色;M38也是一疏散星團。 雙子座(Gemini)雙子座與御夫座相鄰,亮星有北河三、北河二,其中以β星北河三稍亮些。北河二是六合星系統,但不容易分開。M35是一疏散星團,肉眼可以看見,十分美麗。 大犬座(Canis Major)大犬座在獵戶座東南,天狼星是全天最為明亮的星,星等-1.4,距離8.3光年,這麼接近,也難怪顯得這麼亮。實際上它比太陽強23倍。天狼星也是一雙星,其伴星是白矮星,星等7等,是由一位天文學家在1862觀察天狼星的運動時發現的。 小犬座(Canis Minor)小犬座在雙子座南邊,亮星只有南河三(0.4等),其餘星都很暗,在5等或以下。 (以下四個星座都是由古星座「南船座」(Argo)分拆出來的) 船尾座(Puppis)船尾座在大犬座東南,眾亮星排一多邊形。M93是一美麗疏散星團,星等6.5。 船帆座(Vela)船帆座亮星不少,γ星天社一是聚星,星等為1.8。μ星是一雙星。 羅盤座(Pyxis)此星座沒有亮星,最亮的星僅為4等。 船底座(Carina)船底座有一非常耀眼的恒星,名為老人星,星等-0.72,是全天第二亮星。它距離我們200光年,表面呈黃白星。 波江座(Eridanus)波江座很長,範圍由獵戶座西邊延伸至鳳凰座東邊。但其中只有一顆亮星,名為水委一,星等0.46。 天兔座(Lepus)天兔座在獵戶座南邊,幾顆亮星排成一四邊形,星等多為2-3等。M79是一小球狀星團,星等8等。

神荼鬱壘二神像 New Year Door God Posters on the Door

神荼 鬱壘 New Year Posters on the Door Door Gods Shen Tu and Yu Lei to Chase Away Evil Spirits Shen Tu God is older than tea. Free Mind’s Chinese culture research, copyrighted. Free Mind discovered that Door God is older than the tea god.
Based on the language evolution, one can tell which way happened first.
畫著傳說能伏惡鬼的神荼、鬱壘二神像 In ancient legend, there are two door gods pasted on the front door, left and right. One is called 神荼Shen Tu, the other 鬱壘Yu Lei. Tea 茶 is like Tu 荼 minus one line. Tea, this character, is fairly new, it appeared in the Tang dynasty. If you read all the earlier ancient literature, there is no such character of tea. This means that tea, is a particular custom formulated in to a school of study during the Tang Dynasty, and before, it was more ingredients than just the green leaves. In Tang, Tea was refined into an institution, a school, an industry. 765 AD, Lu Yu wrote the world’s first tea specialty “Art of Tea Scripture”. 陸羽(公元733-804年),字鴻漸;一名疾,字季疵,號竟陵子、桑苧翁、東岡子,唐復州竟陵郡 (今湖北省天門縣) 人。陸羽精於茶道,以著世界第一部茶葉專著《茶經》而聞名於世,因被後人稱為「茶聖」。 Lu Yu, 733 – 804, we refer him as “Saint of Tea”. When one studies linguistics, one opens the window into the ancient custom. 春聯起源於古代的「桃符」,古代民間在新年時懸掛於大門左右,畫著傳說能伏惡鬼的神荼、鬱壘二神像,或寫著二神名的兩塊桃木板,用來驅鬼避邪,所以王安石的詩中:「總把新桃換舊符」。 In the ancient time, there were Taoist drawings on the peach wood which can chase away the evil spirit, like the peach wood sword. So replacing the new peach wood substituting for the old faded Taoist drawing. 我的中國文化大謎題揭曉﹐文字的秘密與生活習慣研究求證 Free Mind's Great Civilization Investigation. Five Pearls of My Great Finds in Breakthrough in the Language Secret and Cultural Customs Each one can be a Doctors Dissertation Subject. This is self-guided research and derived wisdom. Hopefully, this can encourage all interested to prove that my conclusion is correct, if not, to disprove me otherwise.

Mao robbed the Chinese intellectuals of the ability to pose such an interesting quest into the original cultural life, because he changed the character into simplifying character. He short-changed a generation’s curiosity in probing the grace of a language.

I am continually assiduously into Shang Dynasty research. I hope that I can make more advanced links in early geography, ancient life, Yi Jing, astronomy, and science. 1) Door god Sheng Tu, in Chinese consciousness, is older than tea. Why? 神荼這個神在中國人民意識中﹐比茶久遠多了。 為什麼﹖ 茶這個字﹐到唐朝才出現。 之前﹐篆字體﹐都是荼﹐多一橫。 唐朝才有茶﹖可以這麼說﹐茶道的規模﹐是由唐朝發展規模起來的。 唐朝的茶道極發達。陸羽733 - 804﹐茶聖。 陸羽精於茶道,以著世界第一部茶葉專著《茶經》而聞名於世,因被後人稱為「茶聖」。 終於在公元765年寫成世界上第一部關於茶的研究著作《茶經》的初稿。 765 AD, Lu Yu wrote the world’s first tea specialty “Art of Tea Scripture”. 陸羽開創的茶葉學術研究,歷經千年,研究的門類更加齊全,研究的手段也更加先進,研究的成果更是豐盛,茶葉文化得到了更為廣泛的發展。陸羽的貢獻也日益為中國和世界所認識。 2) 隋朝﹐開始出現“造像”詞語﹐為什麼﹖ 答: 北魏盛行刻像於石窟﹐造像於石壁﹐阿富汗人的習慣。 In Sui dynasty, the word "Making picture" phrase and expression started to appear in China, why? Answer. Prior to Sui dynasty, the Northern Wei dynasty, the people used to inscribe the imagery onto the stone, to make a wish for blessing. This is due to Afghanistan custom. Chinese in Henan Province liked to make only characters, not so much into imagery. 3) 北朝的公主是白人。 Northern dynasty princesses were white. Why? 4) 把絲的秘密洩漏出的不是漢人﹐為什麼﹖ 答﹕北魏公主﹐490 A。D。遠嫁到和闐時。 The revealing silk making to the west was not Han people, why? It was the northern dynasty princess who was betrothed to Xinjiang and smuggled silk worms in the bamboo to pass the Great Wall Gate at the west Jia Yu pass and spread to her husband's country. 5) “Magic”this word came from China﹐why? It is a Chinese word, and it passed through Persia, traversed to the west. 英文魔術字彙來自中國魔技﹐經過波斯。

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Happy New Year!

Dear everyone! Let me borrow Google Dog with red envelope to wish everyone a happy New Year!

Year of the Dog fortune god will descend on the kindest and on the fairest of all!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!




In the booming sound of the firecrackers, one year is gone Spring wind sends warmth into the herbal wine named tu su Tens of thousands of homes, doors, are in the shining sun Always tend to replace the old faded Taoist picture into new peach wood

By Wang Anshi (1021-1086), Prime Minister of Northern Soong Dynasty

王安石:(1021~1086),北宋政治家、思想家、文學家。字介甫,晚號半山。撫州臨川(今屬江西)人。 Wang An Shi 1021 ~ 1086 A.D. Northern Soong Statesman, prime minister, literature giant, Jiangxi province. Emperor Soong Ren Zong, he sent a proposal in 1058 with 10,000 characters for reform, to change the feeble state and to strengthen the country, with wealth and a powerful army, to restrain the officials linked to large landowners. In 1070 A.D, he became the prime minister. He supported taking back the regions west of the Yellow River, and changed the strategic battle plans toward XiXia, West Xia (a tribe from today's northern Afghanistan). But he met with resistance with a conservative party. He retired into JiangNing, alias, Nanjing. 仁宗慶歷進士。嘉佑三年(1058)上万言書,提出變法主張,要求改變“積貧 積弱”的局面,推行富國強兵的政策,抑制官僚地主的兼并,強化統治力量,以防止大規模的農民起義,鞏固地主階級的統治。 神宗熙宁二年(1069)任參知政事。次年任宰相,依靠神宗實行變法。并支持五取西河等州,改善對西夏作戰的形勢。因保守派反對,新法遭到阻礙。熙宁七年辭退。次年再相;九年再辭,還居江宁(今江蘇南京),封舒國公, 改封荊,世稱荊公。卒謚文。   他強調“權時之變”,反對因循保守,是中國十一世紀的改革家。他主張“絕求正所以經世務”,設置專局,使子与門人纂修各經新義,以為誦習的定本。《詩》、《書》、《周官》三經新義最為重要,《周官新義》尤能闡發新政理論。他的詩文頗有揭露時弊、反映社會矛盾之作,體現了他的政治主張和抱負。散文雄健峭拔,舊時被列為“唐宋八大家”之一。詩歌遒勁清新。詞雖不多而風格高峻,《桂枝畫金陵怀古》頗有名。所著《字說》、《鐘山目錄》等,多已散佚。今存《王臨川集》、《臨川集拾遺》、《三經新義》中的《周官新義》殘卷、《老子注》若干條。

Friday, January 27, 2006

Advice for America at the start of the Chinese New Year, the year of the Dog

This is the year of the Dog. According to the prediction, America should have 5 good years coming. For President Bush, by being born in the year of the dog, his own personal luck is less than the overall America as a country. He should reflect what America, this great nation, has accumulated through the years from different forces. He should reflect on the contributions of the Chinese, and the work that China has done to help America. America has tapped into Chinese resources, talents, and sacrificial blood to complete the success story so far, either domestically or abroad. We wish that he would come out of a lone Texas view and give a cosmopolitan look at the world on his radar screen. I don’t think Bush is like the Japanese Meiji emperor (1852 – 1912). The Meiji emperor’s will had three steps. Step 1. To conquer Taiwan. Step 2. To swallow Korea Step 3. To conquer Manchuria, and Mongolia. Afterwards, entire China. Then, Asia and the world. Japan’s PM wrote a blueprint for the invasion of China in details, to remind Japanese not to forget the Meiji emperor’s will, as the stepping stone, then to Asia, and the globe. As the PM predicted in his 1927 lengthy declaration to the Japanese emperor, “Japan sooner or later will have a decisive battle against the U.S.A.” This craze for invading the world and the Meiji ambition was not finished until 2 atom bombs were dropped. MacArthur is like a Chinese Confucian general with righteousness and kindness. He applied methods, and dictated just laws to rebuild Japan. The Chinese Nationalist government members like my grandfather had kind hearts, and were able to forgive Japan. It takes a saintly heart to do so. Zhu Jia Hua returned to Nanjing. My grandfather signed the waiver of the emperor’s neck. As he went to the schools, they felt so sad that the Japanese teachers had no classrooms, but taught students on the ground. They were the ones who still remembered humanity and reconstructed China. China was left with a collapsing economy after many years of war, bombing, and famine. Yet America showed no humanity to this highly humane group of people. For this, I start to believe there are two types of men. One is simply not capable to believe in love and grace. One, like my grandfather, is a loving figure with grace.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Bush’s Transformational Model for the U.S. Military and Foreign Policy

"Zhong Shan" warship is docked in Canton's Hwangpu seaport. From 1917 to 1932, for 15 years, the Zhong Shan warship was stationed in Canton / courtesy of Liang You Good Friend Magazine


Yong Xiang warship

Model of ZhongShan Gunboat (1910 - 1938)

What Happened to Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s government? In computer algorithmic jargon, you need an “exhaustive search” for the best solution. On US Transformation Strategy: Intentional vs. Unintentional Critique on Rice’s Speech at Georgetown University and Bush’s Speeches Rice brags that after World War II, America transformed Japan from militarism to democracy. Bush oftentimes in his self amazement mentions that his father was a combat pilot against the Japanese enemy. However, this transformation excluded China, and by doing so did a disservice to humanity. This is called unintentional transformation to communism by ignorance. Why couldn’t America see that China needed to be transformed into a democracy also after WWII? Why did America fail to do so? American personnel failed to inform President Truman of the reality in China. At the time, there was a struggle of the Chinese democracy in parliament against Chiang Kai Shek’s controlling style of government. Truman either was naïve enough to severely underestimate the threat of Mao and the Chinese communists, or he secretly wanted the communists to take over China. But once Mao took power, he declared his hatred for the U.S., and fought in the Korean War starting in 1950, and this war wasted over a 1 million Chinese lives, and 125,000 America lives. In Taiwan, again, only the Taiwan independent movements are articulate, and able to influence the Washington D.C. lobby. The other half of Taiwan is in blurry, out of focus to Americans. So we are speaking for the ‘Unknown Democracy Group and the People”, rather than focusing on what Chiang Kai Shek and Chiang Jinguo had done wrong to the Taiwanese people, but instead focusing on the many good people and good projects that were correct in China and in Taiwan over the years, that helped Taiwan to resist communism and build itself into a modern country. If you condemn a whole group as being elitist out of ignorance, that is very dangerous, because you are falling into the trap of like Hitler condemning Jews. The concrete data and facts are all out there, but seldom are there people who can identify, sort out, and demonstrate, this is because either the communists or the DPP have no interest in telling of the heroic acts of the Chinese Nationalists. Instead, they all want to focus on the bad parts of Chiang family. What Happened to Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s government? What happened to Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s ship, called the Zhong Shan ship? Despite a fierce and heroic battle, it was sunk into the bottom of Yangtze River in October 24, 1938 by the Japanese, as the Americans and British looked on at the Japanese invasion of China without helping. Is it right to only transform some countries to democracies, while neglecting others that become communist? History proves that a narrow-minded strategy of focusing only on one country while neglecting its neighbors will cause major problems down the road. If the U.S. had spread its rebuilding/democratization effort between China and Japan, rather than only paying attention to Japan, Asia would be a much more peaceful and stable place. Now that China is communist, the U.S. should not ally with Japan and blame the Chinese people, this is just compounding old mistakes with new ones. Chinese first suffered under Japan, then under communism, and if the U.S. now wants to ally with Japan to make China suffer further, this would be a great historical injustice.

金玉良緣 Gold and Jade Romance Match

金玉良緣 “莫失莫忘﹐仙壽恆昌”, "不離不棄,芳齡永繼” Gold and Jade Romance Match 大概因為穿一襲古典錦緞新襖﹐紅紗裙。 今天方夫人誇我﹐像薛寶釵的個性。圓潤服貼。 這其實是外公外婆的訓練﹐應酬時必需大小姐模樣。 長輩也以洋娃娃稱我。 For celebrating the coming New Year, the consulate general’s office hosted a reception for the Bay Area community. I wore a Chinese embroidery New Year gown with a red chiffon dress. The outfit may be why Mrs. Florence Fang commented that I’m like Xue Baochai, a figure from the Dream of the Red Chamber. She meant that I was sweet and sociable. This is due to the golden era when I was with grandparents’ social circles and they referred me as a “Foreign doll”. Gold and Jade necklace 金玉良緣 寶玉的通靈寶玉 “莫失莫忘﹐仙壽恆昌” Bao Yu has a spiritual magic jade piece, inscribed with 8 characters “Don’t lose, don’t forget; Saint Longevity and perennial thriving” 薛寶釵金項圈 “不離不棄,芳齡永繼” His betrothed girl Xue Bao Chai’s gold necklace has 8 characters to match his “Don’t leave, don’t desert; fragrant age linger on” 論中國男人內心深處﹐永遠的中國情人﹐是黛玉或寶釵﹖ In the depth of a man’s heart, his forever lover, is Daiyu or Baochai? 黛玉要寶玉做到“不離不棄”﹐但那不是她份內的。 Daiyu wants Baoyu to “Don’t leave, and don’t desert”, but that was not meant for her part. 而理想夫人卻是薛寶釵﹐識大體不吵鬧﹐近乎無情的地步與淡然處之。 Ideal partner was Xue Baochai. She is so easy going that to the point of unemotional about his zealous love toward the other girl. 中國男人卻一定要爭取至少兩者兼愛﹖ 多少紛攘﹖ Why must the Chinese man fight to get two shares of love? How many complications?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Secret Book, Secret Hideout

We all have obligations in this world. Once I deliver, then I can retire into obscurity. I have a book, in which I want to describe what the U.S. has done wrong to the Nationalist government. I search for many locales to rest my soul. The strategy is not one place. A place that I have no more desire, no deep love or hate. Because I have done my duty to explain the facts which are etched in many people's souls. If only I can help to bundle these facts and deliver in a format that can be accepted by this commercial world, and biased mind sets. After I talked to that Buddhist friend, I believe in my capability to do so. Then I can peacefully rest my soul.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bada Mountain Man, Ming Prince 八大山人

即青云谱道院,位于南昌市南郊,该道院已有2500多年的历史,清代的著名画家朱耷就隐居在此。 朱耷(1626-1705),别号八大山人,他19岁那年,明朝被清灭亡,他便长期隐居在青云谱道院当道士。朱耷在绘画上独辟蹊径,是清代水墨写意画派的大师,对后世画家的影响很大。 A Ming Prince that I love with my soul I’ll come visit you and pay you a tribute, my dear Ming people. You represent the passion and deep love forever on a sorrowful ethnic group and nation that was occupied and forced to surrender. But your heart didn’t ever forget your culture and your gentle people. Just like I can never forget about my grandparents and their deep love. As your descendants, I understand your art very much with an unfathomable painful expression. Green cloud music score Taoist estate, is situated at the south of Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province. It has over 2500 years of history. Famous painter Zhu Da, a.k.a. Ba Da Shan Ren Eight Big Mountain man, 1626 – 1705, Ming prince lived in seclusion here since when he was 19, in 1645, the year Ming dynasty was taken over by Qing tribe. He was the water ink impressionist master and influenced generations of painters to come.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Year of the Dog Promises to Renew All Heroic Acts 国泰民安玉犬来

This paper cut out was made in 江西 Jiangxi Province. Jiangxi Province girl wishes everyone a happy and blissful Lunar Chinese New Year! An artistic word for the symbol of dog, on the year of the Dog. 犬护祥和宅;人过幸福年。 白梅凌雪尽;黄耳报春来。 戌日耀吉瑞;狗年臻福祥。 Year of the eleventh of the twelve earthly branches to shine the luck sign Year of the Dog attains a high level of blessings 鸡舞司晨早;犬蹲守夜勤。 舜犬重临华夏; 犬年大展雄姿。 Saint King Shun once again comes visit the Chinese land Year of the dog promises to renew all heroic acts 犬卧宅阶知地暖;鹊登梅萼报春新。 Dog sleeps on the house step So one knows that the ground is warm; Lark atop plum flower buds to announce the arrival of the new Spring 犬卧阶前知地暖;鹊登梅上唱春明。 犬看门户民长泰;法治国家世永春。 The dog guards your home, the people are peaceful A country of rule of the law has generations of spring 犬能守夜户常泰;人若忘恩天不容。 日新月异雄鸡去;国泰民安玉犬来。 The year of the fast changing pace rooster is past National prosperity and the peaceful people with jade dog coming!

Joyous Lunar Chinese New Year

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Round Moon and Flowers are Fair 月圆花好 Ancient Classic

http://bbs.chinabroadcast.cn/simple/index.php?t93476.html  《月圆花好》 西厢记 Song: Round Moon and Flowers are Fair   (范烟桥词严华曲)  浮云散明月照人来,团圆美满今朝最,清浅池塘鸳鸯戏水,红裳翠盖并蒂莲开。双双对对恩恩爱爱,这款风儿向着好花吹,柔情蜜意满人间。 Movie theme song was adapted from the original proses of Tang dynasty classic novel, 鶯鶯傳 Ying Ying Ji, Memoir of a PM Daughter Cui Ying Ying, or 西廂記 Love Story from the West Wing Prime Minister Estate Translation: Floating clouds are scattered and the moon shines on your face This is a beautiful reunion for today Clear and you can see through the pond Pairs of love yuan-yang purple feathered ducklings In fun chasing water Red lotus with green umbrella top Twin lotus flowers on one linking stalk Every pair is in love caressing A soft wind is blowing toward the fair flowers Tender love and honey intending for the mankind This is a 1930s and 40s historical epoch song, based on a historical classic story set during the Tang Dynasty. In the Prime Minister’s estate, in the West Wing there lived the beautiful daughter, Cui Ying Ying. The story is about her love with a man, Zhang Shen, in secret rendezvous against the value system in that time. The movie 西厢记“West Wing Love Story” song. The movie was made in 1940 occupied Shanghai and became very popular in H.K., Taiwan, and Macao. It created Golden throat and a genre of popular style songs.   金曲赏析:上个世纪三四十年代表现历史题材的歌曲,多是儿女情长的作品新编,比如电影《西厢记》插曲、严华曲、范烟桥词的《月圆花好》,此曲在港澳台地区一直久唱不衰。提到此歌,不能不提这首歌的词作者“大才子”范烟桥,他虽然并没有把多少精力投在电影上,但他当年为国华电影公司改编的《西厢记》、《秦淮世家》、《三笑》,一部连一部地卖座,捧红了包括周璇在内的一大批明星。在这些电影里,“哀怨、柔弱、精致、迷离”等等词汇都可以套用在吴文化上。 西厢记 West Wing Prime Minister Residence Garden Love Story A Tang Dynasty great liberated romance. Classic for Cui YingYing and Zhang Sheng. Tang Dynasty northern cities often became encircled by tribes. The country had great strength to repel invasion. The government used even foreigners as military generals. This led to the mid-Tang Anlu Shan riot. Japanese culture is a microcosm of Tang dynasty, not the other way around. If I want to see the Tang Dynasty, I go to 京都 Kyoto, to reminisce about Luoyang. In 8th century, Kyoto was built copying Luoyang’s blueprint in the city Fengshui. Gardens of the Heian period (794 – 1185) aristocrats. The city of Heian-kyo (modern-day Kyoto, Kyo = capital, Chinese Jin, to= du, Kyoto is Jindu, capital city) and the Shinden (Chinese words God’s palace) residences at which the gardens were built. The first permanent imperial capital, Fujiwara-kyo (kyo = capital), was built in 694 south of what is now Nara city. It had a formal, symmetrical plan based on Chinese models, as would all the capitals after that up until, and including, Heian-kyo, founded exactly 100 years later. The Chinese writing system came to Japan in the sixth century A.D. During the sixth and seventh century A.D., the incipient Japanese aristocracy began to imitate Chinese and Korean culture in an attempt to “civilize” themselves. The original designers of 京都 Kyoto City, by imposing an ancient Chinese civic scheme upon its streets and borders, conceived of the capital as a kind of noble garden. Unlike cities that grew outward from a military center, Kyoto was deliberately, artistically planned, and the gardens throughout the city display the same mindful concern with design. Most tourists who come to Kyoto, however, are pilgrims. When I look at Kyoto today, it may bring me back to the Tang Dynasty because Kyoto was built during Tang and based on Tang’s Fengshui and architecture and sentiment and art. So this song, is a reflection of Tang dynasty, based on a great romance. 6.《月圆花好》 下载 Download to hear, Click! http://www.hubce.edu.cn/stdgs/8_11.mp3

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Two Representatives of State Affairs Cordial Visit, and Celebration in the US with People from both PRC and ROC

Welcome to both Blue and Red Diplomats Two Representatives of State Affairs Cordial Visit, and Celebration in the US with People from both PRC and ROC This New Year’s wave of celebration brings me a chance to meet both the Red Counsel General 彭克玉 Peng Keyu of PRC and the Blue TECO Deputy Director General 李鴻祥 Lee Hong Xiang from the Republic of China in Taiwan. Mr. Lee’s Parents are both from Henan province, with a righteous heart as a regional character, and deep compassion love of humanity. His wife Shelly is a native of Taiwan, with traditional hospitality. I had casual chat with his wife, and she is a very good natured person with spontaneous care for others. She told me that she lived in Chicago for 10 years, and that is very nice to show that she has genuine understanding of America. We wished them all the blessings and ready for the Chinese New Year. Enclosed are pictures from today’s welcoming banquet for Mr. Lee and his wife. We would like Taiwan and China to be like big brother and small sister, to be happy together for the promotion of economics and great happy life with good quality. 唐太宗 Emperor Tang Tai Zong’s Taoist術士李淳風Li ChunFeng based on 易經YiJing’s Book of Change, 64 combinations, generated 60 predictions with pictures to illustrate them. 推背图 颂曰: 中国而今有圣人 虽非豪杰也周成    四夷重译称天子 否极泰来九国春 Direct lines from the Tang Dynasty prediction: China now has a creative saint arriving Not ultimate heroes but to fulfill a full-blown great stable government Four Directions of nations re-interpret to honor China Culminating the negative force into a great fortune for 9 states in spring vitality According to the Tui Bei Tu, it predicted that current China national fate is omni-directional great prosperity! It also pointed out that China will have great talent and saint to emerge to help!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

An Issue of Discrimination and Freedom of Expression in America

An open letter to CPU-NC: Hello! Enclosed are some pictures from yesterday's New Year's party at Counsel Peng's residence in San Francisco. Yesterday was a good party. The cordial Counsel Peng, his wife, Mrs. Florence Fang , Lin Qing, Betty Yuan, Mr. and Mrs. Wei, and many good friends all were very warm and happy. As a member of South Bay Karaoke Club, I was not too shy to dedicate an old Shanghai nostalgic song. The reason is that I attempted to sing this song in my Taiwan Dongwu Soochow University Alumni party (Dongwu University was founded in Suzhou and Shanghai), but I was not able to do so. My alumni yearbook's Shanghai portion was edited out. So I must try to emphasize that I love Shanghai. Happy New Year! Elizabeth Free Mind’s Comments: The past political hatred against Chiang Kai-Shek has gripped many Taiwanese minds and they always vent their venom without second thoughts. Some people blurted out “Old Thief” when they referred to the old Nationalist governments and it really hurts when this ‘reflex’ behavior is revealed and I shun away from being their friend, even though they may be artistically or technically very advanced people. It has become a reflexive distortion after years of confusion of both Taiwanese propaganda and Chiang’s mistake to distort the true Nationalist democratic spirit. The backlash is that the Taiwanese turned into fascists without knowing that it is wrong to condemn the whole group of race and ethnic culture to be aggressive tyrants, when they have become tyrannical themselves. I have reflected this issue to the previous CPU leaders before. It is not correct to suppress an ethnic culture in the American Chinese community by Taiwanese self-proclaimed Taiwanese. Their version and definition of Taiwanese, or a politically correct Taiwanese is not to include people like me, who were born in Taiwan but of parents from mainland China. So in the alumni gathering, despite that Dongwu University was founded in Suzhou and Shanghai, in my articles, and alumni publishing materials, I was discouraged to mention anything about Shanghai. This is a conscious control to eradicate the mainland China consciousness from our life and memory. This is an unacceptable behavior by the Taiwan racially-motivated extremist party DPP. I must declare this is a wrongful act in today’s society and in America.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Khalil Gibran's Philosophy, JFK, and I

Like Gibran, the mystic. An Arab wearing a robe, with a sword in his hands, battling the new modern era, and the colonials. Then he came to the U.S. and became a big city dweller. He never could forget that far away country’s consciousness and the humanness which is lost in the big metropolitan format and confinement. She remembers that little girl on the dirt road. We all came from far away.

The Man Who Changed Kennedy

Gibran wrote: "There are today in the Middle East, two men: one of the past and one of the future. Which one are you? Come close; let me look at you and let me be assured by your appearance and conduct if you are one of those coming into the light or going into the darkness. Come and tell me who and what you are. Are you a politician asking what your country can do for you or a zealous one asking what you can do for your country?. . . "

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Salute to Great Overseas Chinese

Salute to Great Overseas Chinese One of grandfather’s mentors was Dr. Chen Youren, 陈友仁 Chen Youren was a former Nationalist government Foreign minister, who was the first to take back China’s land that was lost during the Qing Dynasty court’s unequal treaties with the British. Chen Youren was from the Guangdong government, and a friend to Soong family members like Soong Zhiwen and Qingling Soong, and was an English teacher to Meiling Soong after she returned from her higher education in Wellesley. As the celebrated humorist 林語堂 Lin Yutang said, “I was deeply touched by Chen Youren’s English article, and I decided to work for the government.” 再生包公 要求收回汉口英租界 “The people looked up to these overseas Chinese like Chen Youren or his legal consul, Zhao Bin. They either were born abroad or went abroad to study and got a Ph.D. or a law degree, and they have ways to help us.” 赵冰以外交部法律顾问的身份,与陈友仁跟英国谈判,收回汉口、九江的英租界。 In China, we are inferior to the British, but if you have an Oxford degree, can you talk to them on an equal playing field? The mentality in 1920’s China against the British is very much like the present day Middle East. People yearned for equality and an end to the suppressive control. Khalil Gibran was the 1920’s mystic Arabic writer with his book, “The Prophet” on the top chart of the Arab world and also in the U.S. He influenced JFK’s coined phrase, “Ask not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” The conceptualization of the world in “New Frontier” in Gibran’s thinking was of the two types of Middle Easterners. This was true of China also, where some people were looking to the past, some to the future. In China, the newly educated abroad were bound to generate equal treaties to help the motherland’s tragic fate. Thanks for their hard works. Dr. Chen Youren was born in England and received a degree from Oxford. Dr. Zhao Bin received a law degree from Oxford. Who would be better served to help the British and the Chinese to untie their unequal treaties? Dr. Chen Youren as the Nationalist government foreign relations minister, Dr. Zhao Bin as the Nationalist government foreign department’s legal consul. They both negotiated with the British as a team, and took back concessions like Hankou of Hubei province and Jiujiang of Jiangxi province. In the aftermath of when the British military opened fire on the Chinese citizens in Hankou, and sent war ships in to fire on Sichuan province, and the furor of the laborers and students strikes from 1925 - 1927, the British finally recognized the overall sentiment in China from north to south, was not to put up with the British colonial military suppression anymore. After 16 times of negotiations, England and China signed the “Hankou Concession Recovery Agreeement” on February 19, 1927. This concluded the 66 years of Hankou occupation of China’s territory on Chinese soil. Hankou was dubbed “A nation within a nation”. This created a new era in Chinese modern diplomatic foreign relations. The Middle Yangtze River’s British colonial stranglehold like Jiu Jiang and Han Kou were returned back to China. One important factor is that this mainly was due to the overseas Chinese scholars who had the mentality and the training from the respectable Oxford University which was held in awe in the colonial British’s mind.

Blair: West likely to seek sanctions against Iran

"I do not think there is any point in people, or us, hiding our deep dismay at what Iran has decided to do," Blair said. By Adrian Dennis, AFP/Getty Images http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2006-01-11-blair-iran_x.htm Posted 1/11/2006 7:33 AM Updated 1/11/2006 12:04 PM Blair: West likely to seek sanctions against Iran LONDON (AP) — British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Wednesday that Western countries were likely to seek economic sanctions against Iran after Tehran restarted its nuclear program but Iranian leaders said they would not curtail the research even in the face of sanctions. Iran on Tuesday broke U.N. seals at a uranium enrichment plant and said it was resuming nuclear research after a two-year freeze. Enriched uranium can be used as a fuel for both nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. "I think the first thing to do is to secure agreement for a reference to the Security Council, if that is indeed what the allies jointly decide, as I think seems likely," Blair told the House of Commons, adding that he was in close contact with Washington on the issue. "We obviously don't rule out any measures at all," Blair said when asked about possible sanctions. "It's important Iran recognizes how seriously the international community treats it." (Related: Ex-president: Sanctions won't alter nuclear program) In Moscow, the Foreign Ministry said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had discussed the issue with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and both sides shared "a deep disappointment" over Iran's move. White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Tuesday that if Iran continued on its present course, "there is no other choice but to refer the matter to the Security Council," which could impose sanctions. Hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowed to press ahead with the country's nuclear program, dismissing the international outcry. "I tell those superpowers that, with strength and prudence, Iran will pave the way to achieving peaceful nuclear energy. The Iranian nation is not frightened by the powers and their noise," Ahmadinejad told a crowd during a visit to the port city of Bandar Abbas. His speech was broadcast live on state-run television. Former President Hashemi Rafsanjani said earlier on Wednesday he was "astonished" by the West's attempt to "bully" Iran. "If they cause any disturbance, they will ultimately regret it," he warned in a speech for the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha broadcast live on state television. "Even if (the Westerners) destroy our scientists, their successors would continue the job," he said. "It would not be easy for them to solve the (nuclear) case by imposing sanctions or anything like that." Rafsanjani, who was president of Iran in the 1990s, lost to Ahmadinejad in the run-off elections last June. In the election, he ran as a moderate, compared with the ultraconservative Ahmadinejad. But the policy of pursuing the nuclear program has become a point of national pride for many Iranians, a rare issue that crosses the country's reformist-conservative divide. Rafsanjani currently serves as head of the Expediency Council, a powerful body that mediates between the elected parliament and Iran's unelected Islamic clerical leadership, which holds ultimate say in the country. Iran insists its research is for peaceful energy production only. But the United States suspects Tehran has ambitions to produce nuclear weapons. "In the near future, (nuclear) energy will be completely carried out by the Iranian nation," Ahmadinejad said. He accused the West of using fears of nuclear weapons as an excuse to prevent Iran's technological development and to control the country by forcing it to buy nuclear fuel abroad. "They falsely say that they oppose nuclear weapons. They want to have nuclear monopoly to sell it drop by drop at an expensive price and use it as an instrument for domination over nations," he said. Rafsanjani also accused the West of trying to hold back Iran's development. "Keeping the Third World and the Islamic world several steps behind has been the West's traditional colonial policy," he said. Blair said Iran's decision to restart its nuclear program, coupled with Ahmadinejad's recent inflammatory comments about Israel, "cause real and serious alarm right across the world." Ahmadinejad recently called for Israel to be "wiped off the map" and said the Holocaust was a "myth." Blair recalled that the International Atomic Energy Agency had previously suggested Iran be referred to the Council over its nuclear program but the international nuclear watchdog agency later backed away because Iran agreed to halt its nuclear activities. "This is why it is extremely important therefore we take a fresh look at this now," Blair said. "The decision by Iran is very serious indeed," Blair told the House of Commons. "I do not think there is any point in people, or us, hiding our deep dismay at what Iran has decided to do." Iran said Tuesday that it had broken IAEA seals at its Natanz uranium enrichment plant and resumed research. While Iranian officials stressed the work would not involve enrichment, the IAEA said Iran planned to carry out small-scale enrichment. The West has long opposed uranium enrichment by Iran. Foreign ministers from Britain, France and Germany, who have spent two years trying to persuade Iran to halt its uranium conversion and enrichment activities, are scheduled to meet in Berlin on Thursday to consider what to do. Gernot Erler, a German deputy foreign minister, cautioned Wednesday against referring the dispute to the Security Council, saying it could further destabilize the Middle East. He said Iran must offer fresh guarantees on its nuclear program for talks with European negotiators to continue. In Rome, Italian Foreign Minister Gianfranco Fini said Wednesday the world had entered a "new phase" in relations with Iran and would find the most effective ways to deal with it. "Iran's determination to continue its nuclear program outside existing agreements is a cause for constant, deep concern," Fini said in a statement. Free Mind’s Comments: Chen Youren was the most conscious and heroic diplomat in that he could understand England, his birth country, a powerful colonial country like the Britain’s point of view, yet to protect his motherland China’s interest. As the Nationalist government’s foreign minister, Chen Youren was the first man to undo the unequal treaties. He did it by non-violent measurements and in written agreement on the 1927 treaty to forsake the British’s colonial concession in Hua Zhong Middle China cities, Jiu Jiang and Han Kou by the Yangtze River to China which was forged after the 16 times of exchange and negotiations. Blair only made the fuss in the parliament to admonish Iran’s nuclear uranium enrichment program. Italy’s foreign minister can only admit “we enter into a new phase with Iran”, and one must adopt the most effective strategy and see what happens with Iranian ultraconservative president. The Iranian national sentiment sees the nuclear program as a matter of national pride, and a vehicle or means not to subject to the western powers. This nuclear project has the endorsement of the Iranian people, be it secular or religious. In fact, this is a national united issue which bonds together the elected Parliament and non-elected clerics.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Taichung Mayor Hu

Taichung mayor Hu visits San Francisco, and the overseas Chinese community. For people who were born in Taichung, it is a happy feeling to see the mayor coming to visit us. In his speech at the World Journal, he stressed that the important thing is to work it out in adversarial times. Using soft and creative measurement for his campaign strategy, he sent the message and won the voters’ hearts. He had no funds and his wife told him to give up, but he held his pride high and withstood the attacks with dignity. The opposition tried to say he was too sick be a mayor, by falsifying and distorting his medical records. He donned on an ancient patriotic general’s outfit and hilariously revealed his bare back. This is a way to say that he works despite humiliation and assaults by the central court, and wishes to serve his people. He said that Taiwan voters’ average age is 31 years old. He won nearly 60% of the votes and this shows a young demographic significance that desires the Nationalists to run a stable Taiwan, and does not want the political turbulence of the DPP style.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tax Reform

The President had a nice visit to the Chicago Board of Trade. The thrust of the people to accumulate wealth is in the 1) stock capital gains, 2) housing. The tax system can be improved, for long term stocks inflation should be subtracted from the capital gains calculation. If Exxon is held for 10 years, you should not tax the gains as it is in one shot. The same with housing, if tax deductions for mortgage interest or property taxes are reduced or eliminated there will be no benefit or drive to own real estate, the profits will be marginalized, so no one will trouble with ownership. Then the economy will be a stalemate because no one would want to do much. The stagnation will force a world recession, hard to climb out of it. The tax code must be relative to time, and not be cold blooded. The taxes should be smarter, to average gains and losses over multiple years, so the tax is not too high in any one year. A small investor tries to make headway in a tough environment, to weather all of the pitfalls, stock market drops, and recessions. If the tax law is not fair, then there will not be much chance for the middle class to gain ground or inch ahead. The overall nation’s economy will be better supported if the middle class has a fair tax code system.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Nationalists for Justice Committee Response to Chen Shui Bian’s New Year’s Speech

Nationalists for Justice Committee Response to Chen Shui Bian’s New Year’s Speech CSB said that the ROC constitution is an outmoded constitution, and done by a one-party dictatorship. 1) A Constitution such as the U.S. Constitution from 1789 doesn’t get outmoded. It simply gets amended, which the former ROC president Li Denghui has done to the ROC constitution many times already. 2) It was not produced by a one party dictatorship. The writer for the ROC Constitution was not a member of the KMT, but was from another political party. 3) Both Chiang Kai-Shek and Chiang Jinguo did much more to help the native Taiwanese families, and gave them more shares than the poor mainlanders. Farming and industry developed greatly under Chiang’s government. Chiang Jinguo supervised an intelligence system commanded by his predecessors, but Chiang Jinguo distorted this into his ‘special secret services’, which were used against both Taiwan natives and mainlanders who were his political opponents as the so called “White Terror”. The Chiang family does not represent all of the KMT. The KMT should not be accused and abused, as this is a fascist behavior to condemn a whole group. If Meiling Soong could have used a Karl Rove-like adviser to assist her to choose Chiang Jinguo's successor of the chairman for the Nationalist party in 1988, then we would not have the current day DPP chaos, in which the world is suspicious of the DPP because of the 2004 Presidential assassination mystery. I quote a U.S. Cable Network CNBC hostess Marie Bartiromo, on the Taiwan presidential election eve assassination, “A bizarre incidence”. Every court and party needs a good adviser, to keep it from falling apart. Like King Arthur’s Camelot needed Merlin, Bush needs Rove. But alas, Meiling Soong’s regret for not having a wise adviser can be felt and, I can feel her sigh. Written by Free Mind On the Good Side of Humanity and Speaker for Historic Truth

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Planets' Secrets

The nine planets in our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, pictured in their relative sizes, from lower left to upper right. The orbits of the planets are ellipses with the Sun at one focus, though all except Mercury and Pluto are very nearly circular. The orbits of the planets are all more or less in the same plane (called the ecliptic and defined by the plane of the Earth's orbit). The ecliptic is inclined only 7 degrees from the plane of the Sun's equator. Pluto's orbit deviates the most from the plane of the ecliptic with an inclination of 17 degrees. The above diagrams show the relative sizes of the orbits of the nine planets from a perspective somewhat above the ecliptic (hence their non-circular appearance). They all orbit in the same direction (counter-clockwise looking down from above the Sun's north pole); all but Venus, Uranus and Pluto also rotate in that same sense. Free Mind Critique: People should let the scientists and the executives do their work. What good is the ACLU if the bombers get all of our secrets? If we are attacked by a nuclear bomb, what good are civil liberties? The secrets of the stars cannot be revealed.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and Longevity!
The gold tortoises symbolize longevity and prosperity.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

煙雨濛濛的愛 A Lover in the Misty Rain

Celebrating Our Love 煙雨濛濛的愛 A Lover in the Misty Rain 在煙雨濛濛中 你漸行漸遠 那是永遠的失落 In the misty light drizzle You were slowly moving away But that was the last departing I could not tell you That I cared and loved you 從不能告訴你
我是愛你的 Asking what is love Loving your silence But passionately followed me The entire Taipei
Turned into a playground 問世間情為何物 愛你不語 卻熱情的追蹤 全台北
I only dared to hope That you would detect the subtlety of my love 只能奢望 明白我對你的愛 微妙的說不出
原諒我熬不過命運 But forgive me that I could not escape fate.

當風生水起時 When Wind Rises and Water Surges

當風生水起時 When Wind Rises and Water Surges 萬古千秋浪濤濤 留得我心泛餘情 Many thousand autumns billowing Left my heart inundated with remnant feelings 不敗英雄永恆恨 一國佳人痴心戀 Perennial victory for a hero’s regret That romancing a country’s beauty 白碑自有傳人懂 何需違心論他人 A blank stone tablet will have someone to interpret Not to discourse on others that you negate from your heart 空谷幽蘭自溢香 瀟瀟雨歇我獨行 Forlorn valley with wild orchid giving out fragrance on its own Whistling pattering rain just ceased I walk alone 人生一波一浪花 臺上臺下皆惘然 A wave and a billow splash On stage or off stage, it is a wonder lost in time 流年輪轉黃道度 又是風生水起時 Roving year wheel around the ecliptic degrees Again it is the moment that wind rises and water surges Free Mind writes for the 2006 New Year 蘇莊 作于 2006 新年