Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday, January 30, 2006
America Needs to Be a Better Broker
Sunday, January 29, 2006
福祿壽三星高照 Fu Lu Shou Blessing Prosperity Longevity Three Lucky Stars Shining High Upon Us

福祿壽三星高照 Fu Lu Shou Blessing Prosperity Longevity Three Lucky Stars Shining High Upon Us
南河北河要分清。 Winter Recognizing Star Song Three Stars Shining high enter the winter The clusters are sparkling 獵戶座(Orion)獵戶座在冬夜十分醒目,其中腰帶部分的三顆二等星在高高照耀著,民間稱為三星。當三星高照天空,意味著冬天的來臨。此外,M42是一星雲,名為獵戶座大星雲,在三星下方,是一片淺綠色的扇形星雲,中央有四顆新恒星。獵戶座的參宿七是最亮的星,亮度近乎零等,距離850光年,它有顆七等伴星,千萬要小心,否則便看不到!獵戶座東北角的參宿四,也是顆零等星,距離600光年,是顆紅巨星,隨時會爆炸。 金牛座(Taurus)金牛座在獵戶座北方,好像衝向獵戶座一樣。最亮的畢宿五星等1.0,表面溫度約4000度,表面呈紅色。金牛座裡還有一疏散星團M45,它就是十分著名的昴星團,俗稱「七姊妹星團」,肉眼可以看見其中六顆亮星,至於其餘一顆則下落不明。它們和另外幾百顆星都是昴星團的成員。昴星團中其實還有一個星雲(NGC1435)。在《梅氏天體表》裡排行第一的蟹狀星雲M1,也是在金牛座裡。這個行星狀星雲,是1054年中國超新星爆發後的遺跡。 御夫座(Auriga)御夫座在英仙座西側,五顆亮星排成一個五邊形。御夫座α星(中名五車二)是一顆星等為0.2的亮星,距離我們52光年。御夫座ε星(中名柱六)是著名的長周期變星,幅度雖不大,只有0.7等(3.1-3.8),但變光週期卻近萬天!M36是一疏散星團,星等6.3,十分美麗;M37也是一疏散星團,星等6.2等,呈紅色;M38也是一疏散星團。 雙子座(Gemini)雙子座與御夫座相鄰,亮星有北河三、北河二,其中以β星北河三稍亮些。北河二是六合星系統,但不容易分開。M35是一疏散星團,肉眼可以看見,十分美麗。 大犬座(Canis Major)大犬座在獵戶座東南,天狼星是全天最為明亮的星,星等-1.4,距離8.3光年,這麼接近,也難怪顯得這麼亮。實際上它比太陽強23倍。天狼星也是一雙星,其伴星是白矮星,星等7等,是由一位天文學家在1862觀察天狼星的運動時發現的。 小犬座(Canis Minor)小犬座在雙子座南邊,亮星只有南河三(0.4等),其餘星都很暗,在5等或以下。 (以下四個星座都是由古星座「南船座」(Argo)分拆出來的) 船尾座(Puppis)船尾座在大犬座東南,眾亮星排一多邊形。M93是一美麗疏散星團,星等6.5。 船帆座(Vela)船帆座亮星不少,γ星天社一是聚星,星等為1.8。μ星是一雙星。 羅盤座(Pyxis)此星座沒有亮星,最亮的星僅為4等。 船底座(Carina)船底座有一非常耀眼的恒星,名為老人星,星等-0.72,是全天第二亮星。它距離我們200光年,表面呈黃白星。 波江座(Eridanus)波江座很長,範圍由獵戶座西邊延伸至鳳凰座東邊。但其中只有一顆亮星,名為水委一,星等0.46。 天兔座(Lepus)天兔座在獵戶座南邊,幾顆亮星排成一四邊形,星等多為2-3等。M79是一小球狀星團,星等8等。
神荼鬱壘二神像 New Year Door God Posters on the Door

Mao robbed the Chinese intellectuals of the ability to pose such an interesting quest into the original cultural life, because he changed the character into simplifying character. He short-changed a generation’s curiosity in probing the grace of a language.
I am continually assiduously into Shang Dynasty research. I hope that I can make more advanced links in early geography, ancient life, Yi Jing, astronomy, and science. 1) Door god Sheng Tu, in Chinese consciousness, is older than tea. Why? 神荼這個神在中國人民意識中﹐比茶久遠多了。 為什麼﹖ 茶這個字﹐到唐朝才出現。 之前﹐篆字體﹐都是荼﹐多一橫。 唐朝才有茶﹖可以這麼說﹐茶道的規模﹐是由唐朝發展規模起來的。 唐朝的茶道極發達。陸羽733 - 804﹐茶聖。 陸羽精於茶道,以著世界第一部茶葉專著《茶經》而聞名於世,因被後人稱為「茶聖」。 終於在公元765年寫成世界上第一部關於茶的研究著作《茶經》的初稿。 765 AD, Lu Yu wrote the world’s first tea specialty “Art of Tea Scripture”. 陸羽開創的茶葉學術研究,歷經千年,研究的門類更加齊全,研究的手段也更加先進,研究的成果更是豐盛,茶葉文化得到了更為廣泛的發展。陸羽的貢獻也日益為中國和世界所認識。 2) 隋朝﹐開始出現“造像”詞語﹐為什麼﹖ 答: 北魏盛行刻像於石窟﹐造像於石壁﹐阿富汗人的習慣。 In Sui dynasty, the word "Making picture" phrase and expression started to appear in China, why? Answer. Prior to Sui dynasty, the Northern Wei dynasty, the people used to inscribe the imagery onto the stone, to make a wish for blessing. This is due to Afghanistan custom. Chinese in Henan Province liked to make only characters, not so much into imagery. 3) 北朝的公主是白人。 Northern dynasty princesses were white. Why? 4) 把絲的秘密洩漏出的不是漢人﹐為什麼﹖ 答﹕北魏公主﹐490 A。D。遠嫁到和闐時。 The revealing silk making to the west was not Han people, why? It was the northern dynasty princess who was betrothed to Xinjiang and smuggled silk worms in the bamboo to pass the Great Wall Gate at the west Jia Yu pass and spread to her husband's country. 5) “Magic”this word came from China﹐why? It is a Chinese word, and it passed through Persia, traversed to the west. 英文魔術字彙來自中國魔技﹐經過波斯。
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Happy New Year!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!
In the booming sound of the firecrackers, one year is gone Spring wind sends warmth into the herbal wine named tu su Tens of thousands of homes, doors, are in the shining sun Always tend to replace the old faded Taoist picture into new peach wood
By Wang Anshi (1021-1086), Prime Minister of Northern Soong Dynasty
王安石:(1021~1086),北宋政治家、思想家、文學家。字介甫,晚號半山。撫州臨川(今屬江西)人。 Wang An Shi 1021 ~ 1086 A.D. Northern Soong Statesman, prime minister, literature giant, Jiangxi province. Emperor Soong Ren Zong, he sent a proposal in 1058 with 10,000 characters for reform, to change the feeble state and to strengthen the country, with wealth and a powerful army, to restrain the officials linked to large landowners. In 1070 A.D, he became the prime minister. He supported taking back the regions west of the Yellow River, and changed the strategic battle plans toward XiXia, West Xia (a tribe from today's northern Afghanistan). But he met with resistance with a conservative party. He retired into JiangNing, alias, Nanjing. 仁宗慶歷進士。嘉佑三年(1058)上万言書,提出變法主張,要求改變“積貧 積弱”的局面,推行富國強兵的政策,抑制官僚地主的兼并,強化統治力量,以防止大規模的農民起義,鞏固地主階級的統治。 神宗熙宁二年(1069)任參知政事。次年任宰相,依靠神宗實行變法。并支持五取西河等州,改善對西夏作戰的形勢。因保守派反對,新法遭到阻礙。熙宁七年辭退。次年再相;九年再辭,還居江宁(今江蘇南京),封舒國公, 改封荊,世稱荊公。卒謚文。 他強調“權時之變”,反對因循保守,是中國十一世紀的改革家。他主張“絕求正所以經世務”,設置專局,使子与門人纂修各經新義,以為誦習的定本。《詩》、《書》、《周官》三經新義最為重要,《周官新義》尤能闡發新政理論。他的詩文頗有揭露時弊、反映社會矛盾之作,體現了他的政治主張和抱負。散文雄健峭拔,舊時被列為“唐宋八大家”之一。詩歌遒勁清新。詞雖不多而風格高峻,《桂枝畫金陵怀古》頗有名。所著《字說》、《鐘山目錄》等,多已散佚。今存《王臨川集》、《臨川集拾遺》、《三經新義》中的《周官新義》殘卷、《老子注》若干條。
Friday, January 27, 2006
Advice for America at the start of the Chinese New Year, the year of the Dog

Thursday, January 26, 2006
Bush’s Transformational Model for the U.S. Military and Foreign Policy
Yong Xiang warship
What Happened to Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s government? In computer algorithmic jargon, you need an “exhaustive search” for the best solution. On US Transformation Strategy: Intentional vs. Unintentional Critique on Rice’s Speech at Georgetown University and Bush’s Speeches Rice brags that after World War II, America transformed Japan from militarism to democracy. Bush oftentimes in his self amazement mentions that his father was a combat pilot against the Japanese enemy. However, this transformation excluded China, and by doing so did a disservice to humanity. This is called unintentional transformation to communism by ignorance. Why couldn’t America see that China needed to be transformed into a democracy also after WWII? Why did America fail to do so? American personnel failed to inform President Truman of the reality in China. At the time, there was a struggle of the Chinese democracy in parliament against Chiang Kai Shek’s controlling style of government. Truman either was naïve enough to severely underestimate the threat of Mao and the Chinese communists, or he secretly wanted the communists to take over China. But once Mao took power, he declared his hatred for the U.S., and fought in the Korean War starting in 1950, and this war wasted over a 1 million Chinese lives, and 125,000 America lives. In Taiwan, again, only the Taiwan independent movements are articulate, and able to influence the Washington D.C. lobby. The other half of Taiwan is in blurry, out of focus to Americans. So we are speaking for the ‘Unknown Democracy Group and the People”, rather than focusing on what Chiang Kai Shek and Chiang Jinguo had done wrong to the Taiwanese people, but instead focusing on the many good people and good projects that were correct in China and in Taiwan over the years, that helped Taiwan to resist communism and build itself into a modern country. If you condemn a whole group as being elitist out of ignorance, that is very dangerous, because you are falling into the trap of like Hitler condemning Jews. The concrete data and facts are all out there, but seldom are there people who can identify, sort out, and demonstrate, this is because either the communists or the DPP have no interest in telling of the heroic acts of the Chinese Nationalists. Instead, they all want to focus on the bad parts of Chiang family. What Happened to Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s government? What happened to Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s ship, called the Zhong Shan ship? Despite a fierce and heroic battle, it was sunk into the bottom of Yangtze River in October 24, 1938 by the Japanese, as the Americans and British looked on at the Japanese invasion of China without helping. Is it right to only transform some countries to democracies, while neglecting others that become communist? History proves that a narrow-minded strategy of focusing only on one country while neglecting its neighbors will cause major problems down the road. If the U.S. had spread its rebuilding/democratization effort between China and Japan, rather than only paying attention to Japan, Asia would be a much more peaceful and stable place. Now that China is communist, the U.S. should not ally with Japan and blame the Chinese people, this is just compounding old mistakes with new ones. Chinese first suffered under Japan, then under communism, and if the U.S. now wants to ally with Japan to make China suffer further, this would be a great historical injustice.
金玉良緣 Gold and Jade Romance Match

Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Secret Book, Secret Hideout

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Bada Mountain Man, Ming Prince 八大山人

Sunday, January 22, 2006
Year of the Dog Promises to Renew All Heroic Acts 国泰民安玉犬来

Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Round Moon and Flowers are Fair 月圆花好 Ancient Classic
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Two Representatives of State Affairs Cordial Visit, and Celebration in the US with People from both PRC and ROC

Saturday, January 14, 2006
An Issue of Discrimination and Freedom of Expression in America

Thursday, January 12, 2006
Khalil Gibran's Philosophy, JFK, and I

The Man Who Changed Kennedy
Gibran wrote: "There are today in the Middle East, two men: one of the past and one of the future. Which one are you? Come close; let me look at you and let me be assured by your appearance and conduct if you are one of those coming into the light or going into the darkness. Come and tell me who and what you are. Are you a politician asking what your country can do for you or a zealous one asking what you can do for your country?. . . "
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Salute to Great Overseas Chinese

Blair: West likely to seek sanctions against Iran

Sunday, January 08, 2006
Taichung Mayor Hu

Saturday, January 07, 2006
Tax Reform

Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Nationalists for Justice Committee Response to Chen Shui Bian’s New Year’s Speech

Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Planets' Secrets

Monday, January 02, 2006
Sunday, January 01, 2006
煙雨濛濛的愛 A Lover in the Misty Rain