For the Love of Kennedy and my Grandfather

A Wish of an Engineer
Sun Yun Xuan
1943 a young Sun Yun Xuan
At a
Made such a wish
To apply the American top technology
To help war-ravaged
In the postwar reconstruction
To develop
To build up an infrastructure
So that the electrical light
Can replace the backward gas light
Like a star from the Big Dipper
He descended
To serve the world
Forever a gentleman
In his experimentation pursuit
One destructive man was wild impractical ideologist Mao
One constructionist was to build
We are hurt and we are helped
As it was a darkest time
With many bright men and women
The Chinese civilization
Surging a star light
Sparkling ancient humanitarian teachings
What a wonderful life
With a beautiful Chinese soul
You cruised the world
Blessed millions mortality
All the virtues and achievements
Were heaven’s graceful sympathy
情人的親吻 一篇情人的小詩 有一個天使
拯救我寂寞的頹廢 在我的西遊記
經歷無數苦煉 只有你
你純淨的心 在不可抗拒的
衝動的愛的旅程 2.14.2006
I grew up under the foot of Dadu Mountain in Taichung which is a basin surrounded by mountains. Enclave of Freedom in Taiwan After WWII there was a “Third Zone” which was free from Chiang Kai-Shek’s militarism and Mao’s terrorist communism. This enclave was made possible by the Nationalist Education Department and American friends like Henry Luce and his legacy. After the war fire, relocated to another environment, artists could re-create their reminiscences about their old culture. It may retain a Shangri-La, ideal world in a corner. Taiwan’s later DPP movement came in to existence to protest Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao, but should not have protested against the KMT in general or repressed this liberal arts and sciences existence which was prevalent among all schools. The mistake of the DPP is to mix in all Chinese without the ability to distinguish, so they commit a racial crime to condemn all in the race, this is called Fascism. Americans were irresponsible over the years to distinguish the real meaning of movement, a claim of democracy should not be targeted against a gentle race, they should not be lumped with some of the hardliners, this is a disservice to the great multitudes of humanity. At the 1979 critical moment, Taiwan’s neck was saved by a Nationalist party member, alias, “Mr. Africa”, as he made a great contribution in his diplomatic and farming service work in Africa. When American president Carter recognized China, Taiwan’s status was in jeopardy, but Mr. Africa helped out together with General Wedemeyer, in his ‘Friendship house’, created a new status, called TECO, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, in order to keep Taiwan’s lifeline support going to this day by creative diplomacy. We must recognize America’s great talents at the same time, and condemn the hardliners, in particular to reflect which Chinese were oppressed, and to hear their voice. Chiang Jing Guo, with his Gulag Russian training and his secret service activities, did a “white terror” against his political opponents, and assassinated many mainlanders. Taiwanese hate him less than his father because Chiang Jing Guo suppressed the “KMT democracy group” and promoted and raised Taiwan “extremist hardliners” like Lee Deng Hui. The “KMT Sun Yat-Sen democracy group” were the weak ones and the biggest victims, being suppressed by many sides, including Chiang Kai-Shek’s side, Mao’s communists, and the proposed “Taiwan-specific democracy” by the DPP. The American harsh general Stillwell had the cold heart to send Chinese soldiers in an extreme harsh way, and without any consideration, or treatment of humanity. When utilizing these young Chinese boys, Stillwell treated them like dogs. The soldiers cried “Who didn’t have parents?” But Vinegar Joe could not feel anything, because he looked down on Chinese and couldn’t feel the bleakness and danger of a jungle to any human being’s life. During WWII, Chinese soldiers bore the brunt of the wars and harsh treatments by an American commander general. The martyrs should not have died in vain! Speak for justice. Written by Free Mind
I don't understand the government's cruelty toward China, but I like the private individuals' kindness.
General Wedemeyer didn’t despise the inner land Chinese, but understanding and sympathetic. China gave America so much, and very nice Americans as our loyal friends, like Henry Luce, Wedemeyer, and many many more, make me feel great hope in America and my dream of China is so beautiful still ever.
1000 Years of Sighs – The Soviet Red Army’s Rape of Manchuria and Memoir of Chinese Communist Occupation By Journalist Yu Heng
This is my principle during 25 years of writing. I write my own eyewitness accounts. With politics as longitude, and my reporter’s life as latitude, I weave such a book. I try to search through old newspapers, to match my memory and my diaries. I want to reach a high degree of truth.
“Every phrase has its bearing, and every word penned has its basis”. I don’t ever want to exaggerate to make it tainted, in order to keep its real credibility. After 25 years life as a journalist, I intend to use 2 years to write a complete document, so that there is an authentic record.
His record is about the era between 1945-1949, when communists took over Manchuria, and then all of China.
During this time, the United States was dominated by left-wing policymakers such as Harry Truman, George Marshall, Stuart Leighton, and John Fairbank, who tried to coerce the Chinese Nationalist government to split the country up with Mao, and when the Nationalists refused, retaliated with an arms embargo that crippled their war efforts.
During this period, the Chinese Nationalists were not supplied with even one gun from America, while the Soviets and Chinese Communists took weapons from the surrendered Japanese Guandong Army in Manchuria. Because of the secret pact of Yalta, the Japanese surrendered not to the Chinese, but to the Soviet Red Army in Manchuria.
In the beginning the Nationalists were recovering with success, but when George Marshall showed up in China, things started to turn for the bad. Marshall asked the Nationalists for a truce, while the Chinese Communists such as Lin Biao were growing in power and recruiting new troops.