Thursday, March 30, 2006
On Cultural Assimilation versus Annihilation

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Speedo and Scuba Diving in Mexico
Sunday, March 26, 2006
KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou's Visit to San Francisco, March 25

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
終統﹐終於統一 Americans Were Foolish in Listening to Only One Set of Semantics

Americans were foolish in listening to only one set of phrase parsing 終統﹐終於統一 America and Taiwan in secret plot to fumble the “National Council”. Maybe secretly they are relishing the ‘kick’ without rocking the real boat. They are really revealing the delving into the problem by non-professionals after the senior-right character Douglas Paal left. The lesser hands are interested in shoddy behavioral challenging and assault in games, not any statesman’s substance. In the end, it reveals that the Americans are inferior to the other countries’ coy playing. The Americans Diplomats are insufficient in language proficiency and are wasting time and resources, and should be demoted. In denying, the intention to廢統Fei Tong, Fei Tong, is “Abolish unify”. Chen Shui-Bian is declaring, it is “Zhong Tong”. As far as Chinese two characters are concerned, there are at least two interpretations: Zhong Tong, can also mean, “Finally unified”. 終統﹐終於統一。 Zhong Tong, can also mean, “Terminate unify”. So I want to remind Chen Shui-bian that there are two meanings in Chinese. Like the辜汪會談Gu-Wang Conference 1993, the mutual agreement that each side can interpret China in accordance to its own way. Under One China Policy, 一個中國,各自表述。 To people in Taiwan, ROC is this one China, was founded in 1911 in mainland China by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. With its Congress, Constitution, and president was elected. Under One China Policy, To people in China, PRC is China. Taiwan Belonged to China The Qing dynasty lost to Japan in the 1894 war, and signed the treaty to cut Taiwan to Japan in 1895. During the occupation era, the life was destitute. One popular song called “Amend the broken fishing net” reflected the poor life under Japan. 台灣是中國的﹐在大清帝國對日1894甲午戰敗後﹐於1895年簽訂馬關條約﹐割給日本。 台灣人民生活日據時代非常苦﹐有條歌﹐叫“補破網”﹐是首反映當時的歌曲。 中華民國在1945年﹐戰勝日本﹐收復台灣。台灣是中華民國的一省, 1947 當內戰時﹐政府把兵調回大陸﹐台灣疏于兵力﹐動亂而生﹐根據柯中將生前記載﹐他是唯一金門戰役幸存將領﹐其餘六人都犧牲﹐228 並無有心人的渲染所傷亡的人數之多。 已整體當時的國民黨百萬雄師被共黨滅﹐及金門戰役古寧頭﹐823炮戰﹐皆無本省人的犧牲﹐對日抗戰﹐也不是站在中國人的一邊﹐送行者在車站﹐一片漆黑﹐到別處中南半島﹐替日本當砲灰。 為何還苦苦不放過自己的良心﹐不到黃河心不死﹐不會怕上天會懲罰的﹖ In 1945, ROC won over Japan and took Taiwan back. According to the late general Ke, in 1947, the government took all the soldiers to China to fight the civil war, and Taiwan was lacking defense, and the confusion and uprising happened. For the facts and casualties, it was under 1000. He was one of the 6 generals who survived the Quemoy battles. In light of the the one million Nationalist soldiers being killed by the communists, the Quemoy 1949 Gunintou battle, 823 1959 bombings, there were no local Taiwan boys drafted or sacrificed. Toward Japan, Taiwan locals were on the side of the aggressors and the farewell train stations, the light unlit due to the probability of no return. Why are the Taiwanese hardliners still not going to face their conscience and not give up as we say “You never die your heart until you reach to the Yellow River”. Aren’t you remorseful in front of heavens ordaining? 沒有中華民國﹐大陸會很難生存﹐可能加速傾滅。 中華民國一直在給大陸時間﹐求進化﹐改變﹐經濟﹐及治國的系統﹐以免落人口實﹐一黨專制。 Without the ROC, it is hard for China to exist; it may hasten its decline. 許多人會說﹐歷史上﹐是中華民國打退日本﹐是史達林利用中華民國﹐消滅俄國的日本敵人﹐反而扶植中共﹐代替中華民國。 Many people may say that it was ROC who defeated Japan. Stalin used the ROC to finish the Russian enemy Japan, but in the end, he supported the Chinese communists to supersede ROC. 毛澤東那麼會打內戰﹐戰勝黃維﹐他怎麼不打日本人呢﹖我難過極了。他可會打的那麼好的戰﹐運用到日本﹐不是成了真英雄﹐而其實他是歷史狗熊罷了。 Mao really was excellent in fighting the Civil war, against General Huang Wei. Why he couldn’t be that excellent in defeating Japan? I feel so sorry to study how he strategically planned so well to envelope him to do away with this man’s support wing. If he ever used such top tactics against Japan, right now, Mao would be a historical hero, but no, we can him a historic dog bear. 一面求維持現狀﹐一面也要聆聽﹐外國人面前﹐中國是不民主的﹐必須承認﹐但不要太過於低頭﹐中國比外國好的優勝的也很多的。 To keep the status quo. But to listen to the opinions. In front of the foreign countries, China is not democratic. China must admit this. But China must not lose confidence. In many aspects China is superior to other cultures.
Small Town Embedded with First Rate Heart Surgeons

Monday, March 20, 2006
Austrian and Chinese Peoples' Struggle to Build a Republic Since Sissi

I Love Sissi 電影我愛西施 奧匈帝國女皇后
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Advice to Bush 他山之石可以攻錯
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Ancient Poem and Metaphor
電影真善美歌詞 Free Mind Watching the Sound of Music When Growing Up

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Chinese Parasol Tree 梧桐樹
Monday, March 13, 2006
Tent City in Mississippi, Mismanagement by Bush in Hurricane Relief

The irresponsible news reporter should be put on trial, because she criticized Bush for visiting Northcom during Hurricane Rita, complaining that Bush should not visit Mississippi because there was no hurricane damage, only one person killed by a tornado.
But rumor has it that she is the Florida mistress so that no one can touch her. But God will do justice one day.
2) Request Taiwan to pay up the arms $150 billion when the people are in $140 billion in debt. Bush doesn’t serve the people in Taiwan. There is no reason for most Taiwan residents to support Americans who support a DPP regime that discriminated against KMT, does not give people jobs, and applies racial extremism in all aspects.
The U.S. forced the KMT to liquidate the central party building, the symbol of the KMT, in order to pay for the arms purchase.
3) Bush’s own corruption and inefficacy caused the damage which could have been fixed with a few millions. Given the flood, that the entire city’s casualty figure is less than 1000 is magic. God still has mercy on America. The Entire nation has to shoulder the billions, including the states which are being criticized by his favorite W.H. reporters whom he had the deep desire to flirt with and concentrated on talking to them and sidetrack his real business, and pursuing in frivolous fund raising, when all could have been done by his assistants if instructed well. 4) Philippine’s village was done with by the mudslide, dead 1000. In a matter of days, the news showed that Bush wrestled and twisted the ROC to give $100,000 when ROC already lost everything during fake ROC president Li Deng Hui’s ill southern investment plan in entire wipeout of capital in Philippines and Indonesia. How much ROC money still needs to be given away to the Philippines? Why? Who mandated this? 5) Fire the month-long wasteful ill-suited the people delegates from U.S. and from Taiwan. Like Nazis, they dare to say that families don’t need to be ever unified with China. To fool around with words and force out the intrinsic values embedded in people’s desire and rights. They dare to deny the basic human rights to link back a Civil War divided families and heritages. May God punish these soulless people and personnel. We don’t need these people to waste our dignity to decide whether we should be free to see our ancestors’ lands. These people are Nazis who think it is up to them to determine to cease to exist the unification of the families. 6) The only way to get a reasonable arms sale through is to keep an honest government in Taiwan, and listen to the Senate which the people choose. ROC was paying for many years to the U.S. and cooperated in military strategic planning and expenditures, the current DPP ruling party who have failed to win support from the people and the Senate and they disqualify the DPP to act as an illegal agent to deal with the Americans who have been fooled and acted in defiance of human rights for true ROC subjects. American people know why only 36% approve of Bush, and it will sink lower if no measures are taken.Sunday, March 12, 2006
Law, Country and Great Men
"All cultures have heroes, America should not pick heroes for them." -- By Elizabeth Su Law, Country and Great Men Comparison of Two Ancient Civilizations Facing the American Challenge There are two other civilizations that President Bush should be aware of, and honor their rule of law, in order to make peace with the people and the civilization. We are passers by on the earth, and all civilizations are to co-exist with incremental benefits from the advancement of technology and collective human wisdom. Suleiman I was a strong man in exerting the rule of law for an empire of the Turks, in the Arab world. In China during the Warring States era, people were in desperate need of social order and the rule of law, and philosopher Zhou Yan was in practice. Zhou Yan, 305 -240 B.C., Warring States late period, representative of the Yin Yang philosophy school. 鄒衍(約305BC-240BC),戰國晚期人, 陰陽家的代表人物. Great Chinese Saint of Literature giant Tang dynasty 李白 Li Bai on Zhou Yan Zhou Yan valley
In the Yan country valley
There is no warm air The bleak cliff is closed minded
But with Master Zhou Yan’s advocating law
He can get back the heart from heaven and earth
Li Bai is to say that in the unruly country where there is no human warmth, if some saint can articulate the natural law, then the returning of best capacity stored in heaven and earth is emphatically possible.
So is the Magnificent Suleiman I, and the just rule for the empire of Turkey, so that no commotion and riots can arise to disturb the peace and stability of a nation. When a country is derelict, the rats run amok and rampant chaos causes a treacherous environment. China’s Yin Yang Law and National Stability Zhou Yan’s Political Theorem Rule of Law applies to every country for its stability. Every dynasty or ruling force is by 5 elements. We are bound, within our own realm, and can not administer another country with our own ruling system. British ruled China, oppressing the people with economic aggression from the 1842 Nanjing Treaty, throughout invasions in the 1860s and 1900s. It was stopped in 1927 by the ROC foreign minister, the abolishment of the first unequal treaty in China. After the 1894 war against China and 1905 war against Russia, the Japanese were emboldened, and launched a half of century of invasion, until it was terminated by atomic bombs in 1945. The Tsar rivaled with Japan in its dominance of Asian supremacy and ended in losing in 1904. America profited from the ROC in World War II and capped its fate by an immoral Treaty Yalta, and without helping ROC to rebuild, this tilted the balance in the favor of communism and with Japan as the ally to counter it from the 1940s until today. The ROC helped to contain Japan so that the Russians could be free to fight in Leningrad and the Nazi advanced was stopped. ROC stopped Japan from forming a united front with Germany, and spared the Middle East from warfare. Russia was never invaded by Japan in Asia because of China’s containment and sacrifice; we know it was because of 90% Nationalist effort. ----------------------------- Turkey Empire and the Rule of Law Applied by Suleiman Arabic Leader and Law for the Empire A nation must have its own rule of law and hence, in search of the social anchor force. America with its good intention will not succeed as the law which can bind the culture together. America can encourage an environment which breeds a new wave of innovation from the social structure within. Suleiman I (1494-1566) Sultan of the Turkish Empire. Distinguished in Turkish history as "The Lawyer" and in European history as "The Magnificent," he improved the status of Christians in domains and set up a new and better system of laws to govern a widely extended empire. He won himself immortality as a legislator. Suleiman I (Modern Turkish: Süleyman; Arabic: سليمان Sulaymān) (November 6, 1494-September 5/6, 1566), was the tenth Osmanli sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and its longest-serving, reigning from 1520 to 1566. Under his leadership, the Ottoman Empire reached its zenith and became a world power, and Suleiman was considered one of the preeminent rulers of 16th-century Europe, a respected rival to Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, Francis I of France, Henry VIII of England, and Sigismund II of Poland. He personally led Ottoman armies to conquer Belgrade, Rhodes, and most of Hungary, besieged Vienna, and annexed huge territories of North Africa as far west as Morocco and most of the Middle East. Briefly, Ottomans achieved naval dominance in the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf, and the empire continued to expand for a century after his death. Within the empire, Suleiman was known as a fair ruler and opponent of corruption. He was a great patron of artists and philosophers, and was noted as one of the greatest Islamic poets, as well as an accomplished goldsmith. He is known in the West as Suleiman the Magnificent and in the Islamic world as the Lawgiver (in Turkish Kanuni; Arabic: القانونى, al-Qānūnī), a nickname stemming from his complete reconstruction of the Ottoman legal system.
Weekend Satire Edition
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Shang Dynasty Prince's Influence in Taiwan 古商三太子在台灣
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Sad Taichung Train Station Platform 悲傷台中月臺站
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Tribute to the Brave Yunnan Liberty Fighters

Tribute to the Brave Yunnan Liberty Fighters A group of delegates came to the Bay Area to familiarize us with World War II and what happened in the remote region of Bao Shan, Treasure Mountain in Western Yunnan at the border of Burma. A 100,000 far expedition force of Chinese soldiers went into Ye Ren Shan Wild Man Mountain and only 2000 returned alive. Their function was to battle the Japanese and to help to save Mountbatten’s British soldiers and the other allied troops. We are paying respect to the Yunnan people and their fight for freedom and their sacred sacrifices for the trapped allied troops. The creeks of blood were knee deep according to one witness. Mr. Gu, president of Huangpu Academy Association, said to a Bay Area resident and a native from Bao Shan: “When hometown folks to look at hometown folks two eyes are immersed with tears.” “Please wipe your tears before you speak.” Historian and bi-cultural writer Elizabeth Su made a welcoming speech as below: To the friendship delegation from Yunnan Province, China Welcome my honorable guests. We are thankful to the great scholars, senior reporters, and military leaders who give us eyewitness accounts of an important history of mankind for liberty in China. As mainland China opens up and is reform-minded, we very much like the exchange of the friendly visitors, so that eventually, the prospect of unification will be promising and bright.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Bush’s Low Rating and the Curse by the White House Female Reporters
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
The Symbol of Abolishing the Unification Council is Hate, and the Pain of Many to Suit a Group of People's Interest
Comments on Putin's Visit to the Czech Republic and Hungary