Thursday, March 30, 2006

Immigration and Health Service

Immigration and Health Service “And I explained to the President my vision of the citizenship issue. I don't believe somebody should be allowed to come into our country and get ahead of the line, the citizenship line. “ – Bush’s speech to Mexican President Fox in Chichen Itza, March 30, 2006 Mr. Macho and Yale do not understand that to go to an American emergency hospital you do not need citizenship. Mr. Yale is proposing something discriminating against the normal citizen, as the elite class can have the best care, exclusive care, under private cover if not under government cover. He is in effect to rob the normal great American citizens the right to a secure life with timely treatment by inundating the hospital with limited health care hands. You are flooding the patients but decreasing the hospitals like cutting the local community or state run hospitals. But Dr. Frist, the Senate majority leader, understands this firsthand, as that is part of his real life which is so hard for the sheltered Mr. Bush to understand. He is a social disturbance to damage the average American’s way of life. 60% of Americans believe that a wall along the border should be set up between Mexico and America. 30% believe not. How does one investor feel if the stock he wants to buy suddenly has a big guy in front of him to make a purchase of 12 million shares? “12 million of illegal immigrants were just put on a path to citizenship; this is very easy for the very top class to show that they are good Samaritans at the expense of the lesser citizens.” – Elizabeth Su Like Larry King said that after his heart attack he felt compelled, though he was covered all the expenses by CNN, that to help set a foundation to give to everyone who wants a heart surgery. Mr. King just does it by action, not by Hillary Clinton’s big words in urging others to show Samaritan spirit. If Bush’s, Clinton family, relatives, friends, CNN elite reporters, all have to be after the long line of 12 million illegal aliens, then would they still support it to inundate the middle class livelihood and chance to survive as the aging baby boomers struggling to get medical attention and care? Warning against this downgrade of the American way of Middle class, is that once China’s infrastructure is sounder, with time, more hospitals will be built up, more professionals trained, more ethic codes enforced, the outflow will start. The best intellect will get their eyes examined in China, better service, and America will become an alien infested, low grade environment that put it somberly into a declining culture as Britain once was a great empire. Chinese has an upper hand in fast development as the education system and mind is millennium in the making. If it was not due to Mao’s backward suppressing, China should be world number one by now. We will never forget America as a friend, as China grows, but confession will rekindle a country’s great self-examining and looking forward to being a courageous innovative one. Although it is heartbreaking to discover so many brutal things that America, Britain, Russia, Japan, France did to China, still we must continue to figure out the true history. Never to go along with cop-out, coward covering up, and utter discrimination in foreign policy. I wish we are all so proud to say that the United States America once gave us such enlightenment.

On Cultural Assimilation versus Annihilation

President George W. Bush is flanked by Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, left, and Mexico's President Vicente Fox as they tour the Chichen-Itza Archaeological Ruins Thursday, March 30, 2006, with Dr. Federica Sodi, Regional Director of National Institute of Anthropology and History. White House photo by Eric Draper
On Cultural Assimilation versus Annihilation It is not assimilation but annihilation to the Mayan culture The difference between the Mayan cultures to the Chinese culture is that China culture has been sustained, while Mayan culture was annihilated in a short time by the Conquistador Spaniards in the 1500’s, during the 100 years after Columbus discovered the New Continent in 1492. The stone animals give one the immediate feelings of the ancient Chinese culture. During the Neolithic migration from China to Chichen Itza there were no documents, but the artifacts to remind us. I’m not Dr. Zhu or his predecessor Ding Wenjiang, who were all great geologists, and archeologists. This leaves no team to dissect the anthropological mystery by its best discipline work. Mayans disappeared because of annihilation. Chinese suffered much annihilation, but throughout history, the other invading cultures crumpled and they got assimilated into the Chinese culture out of admiration. “The Chinese culture is graceful in that the conversion was spontaneous, without coercion.” – By Elizabeth Su By contrast, a convert from Islam to Christianity is punishable, but obtained asylum from Italy. When the Mongolians ended their brutal regime of 89 years, simultaneously, the Renaissance started and the Ottoman Empire superseded the Byzantine civilization. The Venice Byzantine eight horses were taken back by Napoleon to Paris. Those eight horses have Chinese characteristics in it, much like the Mayan stone guard auspicious animals. I feel that this is a touch of China. When the world came to the aid of Greece independence from Ottoman Turk Empire, 1821, that is 400 years after Ottoman’s enslavement over Greece, and in China Ming liberation 1368 from Mongol’s brutal control In other words, when in 1368 China Ming struggled and took on battles to overthrow Mongolia’s tyrannical control, Greece fell into the hands of the Ottoman Turkish Empire. China’s liberation movement swept through the entire Chinese continent, and moved the balancing force in Europe and served later 400 years later the Greece independence spirit. China never was absent of the World history and did contribute to the advancement of the European renaissance since Ming’s help to assert the rights to be not at the other race ranking bottom system. It freed the entire country from the dominance of an invasion of 89 years. Mongolian is part of assimilated Chinese culture now. Chinese is a civilization of assimilation for centuries.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Speedo and Scuba Diving in Mexico

In Search of a Kind World
Underwater Hockey
Nice Fitting Speedo Swimsuit
CUANDO CALIENTE EL SOL Amor estoy sólo aquí en la playa Es el sol quien me acompaña Y me quema Y me quema Y me quema Cuando calienta el sol aquí en la playa Siento tu cuerpo vibrar cerca de mí Es tu palpitar, es tu pelo, es tu cara Son tus besos me estremezco Cuando calienta el sol Cuando calienta el sol aquí en la playa Siento tu cuerpo vibrar cerca de mí Es tu palpitar, tu recuerdo, mi locura Mi delirio, me estremezco Cuando calienta el sol Cuando calienta el sol Cuando calienta el sol Sol Sol

Sunday, March 26, 2006

KMT Chairman Ma Ying-jeou's Visit to San Francisco, March 25

Clapping as U.S. and ROC flags precede Ma Ying-jeou into the banquet hall.
Elizabeth Su with honor guard, welcomes Ma Jing-jeou to San Francisco for a brief but informative visit.
Taipei mayor Ma Ying-jeou speaks at the Westin St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco. 1000 people attended a banquet in his honor.
We give Ma credit in speaking with historical accuracy and analysis. His strength is the ability to speak with reasons and historical data. He does have compassion toward the KMT as he mentioned Dr. Sun and KMT founder and Sun Yat-Sen’s adviser Dai Chuan Xian. He answered an important question why there is independence request. Ma Ying Jeou’s Problems are: 1) He wants to auction off the KMT assets, and the symbolic main building. He has a cop-out reasoning, that when Dr. Sun started the revolution, it was humble with only 30 members, and with only laundry owners wanted to support him, but they still succeeded. To quote him, “We don’t need the big assets, as with those, the KMT still crumpled.” We hope that the KMT doesn’t go down to the tube, and dwindle to 30 members and back to ground zero. KMT did the work, but DPP and CCP all can enjoy a lavish life, but the KMT is to be denied a decent building, the symbolic building. It is a coveted price. In San Francisco, in America, it is the same way. The KMT’s most ancient symbolic ethnic Hall, which Dr. Sun founded, also needs its heritage and should not to be tampered with changing flag confusion. In America, it is in the law that no creed or religion should dictate another. 2) Many have concern over Ma’s suppressing of the KMT’s peaceful demonstrators in the aftermath of the Presidential assassination election. 3) Many don’t like his remarks that he doesn’t rule out that Independence can be the elective. Later, he did correct himself that it can’t be KMT’s elective. 4) Ma was being asked why he never brings his wife along. In America, it is a taboo to not to take your wife on the campaign trip, as Americans pay attention to family. The KMT spokeswoman is a former DPP spokeswoman. This portends a serious mistake and we should not let KMT be anybody’s vehicle for gains, as we can’t afford another mistake like Li Deng Hui who cheated the people’s trust. A woman with her previous husband wanted Taiwan independence, now wants to work for KMT, should not make remarks like KMT wants to be independent. Chen Wen Qian was the DPP member and she chased away all the greens as people were disgusted by her remarks and cast sympathetic votes to CSB. 5) Ma Ying Jiu should cultivate a stable team, as one adviser suggested that Ma should not make any surprising remarks anymore.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

終統﹐終於統一 Americans Were Foolish in Listening to Only One Set of Semantics

Douglas Paal (left) toasts with Taiwanese President Chen Shuibian (center), and American Chamber of Commerce President Gus Sorenson. Courtesy Taipei Times

Americans were foolish in listening to only one set of phrase parsing 終統﹐終於統一 America and Taiwan in secret plot to fumble the “National Council”. Maybe secretly they are relishing the ‘kick’ without rocking the real boat. They are really revealing the delving into the problem by non-professionals after the senior-right character Douglas Paal left. The lesser hands are interested in shoddy behavioral challenging and assault in games, not any statesman’s substance. In the end, it reveals that the Americans are inferior to the other countries’ coy playing. The Americans Diplomats are insufficient in language proficiency and are wasting time and resources, and should be demoted. In denying, the intention to廢統Fei Tong, Fei Tong, is “Abolish unify”. Chen Shui-Bian is declaring, it is “Zhong Tong”. As far as Chinese two characters are concerned, there are at least two interpretations: Zhong Tong, can also mean, “Finally unified”. 終統﹐終於統一。 Zhong Tong, can also mean, “Terminate unify”. So I want to remind Chen Shui-bian that there are two meanings in Chinese. Like the辜汪會談Gu-Wang Conference 1993, the mutual agreement that each side can interpret China in accordance to its own way. Under One China Policy, 一個中國,各自表述。 To people in Taiwan, ROC is this one China, was founded in 1911 in mainland China by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. With its Congress, Constitution, and president was elected. Under One China Policy, To people in China, PRC is China. Taiwan Belonged to China The Qing dynasty lost to Japan in the 1894 war, and signed the treaty to cut Taiwan to Japan in 1895. During the occupation era, the life was destitute. One popular song called “Amend the broken fishing net” reflected the poor life under Japan. 台灣是中國的﹐在大清帝國對日1894甲午戰敗後﹐於1895年簽訂馬關條約﹐割給日本。 台灣人民生活日據時代非常苦﹐有條歌﹐叫“補破網”﹐是首反映當時的歌曲。 中華民國在1945年﹐戰勝日本﹐收復台灣。台灣是中華民國的一省, 1947 當內戰時﹐政府把兵調回大陸﹐台灣疏于兵力﹐動亂而生﹐根據柯中將生前記載﹐他是唯一金門戰役幸存將領﹐其餘六人都犧牲﹐228 並無有心人的渲染所傷亡的人數之多。 已整體當時的國民黨百萬雄師被共黨滅﹐及金門戰役古寧頭﹐823炮戰﹐皆無本省人的犧牲﹐對日抗戰﹐也不是站在中國人的一邊﹐送行者在車站﹐一片漆黑﹐到別處中南半島﹐替日本當砲灰。 為何還苦苦不放過自己的良心﹐不到黃河心不死﹐不會怕上天會懲罰的﹖ In 1945, ROC won over Japan and took Taiwan back. According to the late general Ke, in 1947, the government took all the soldiers to China to fight the civil war, and Taiwan was lacking defense, and the confusion and uprising happened. For the facts and casualties, it was under 1000. He was one of the 6 generals who survived the Quemoy battles. In light of the the one million Nationalist soldiers being killed by the communists, the Quemoy 1949 Gunintou battle, 823 1959 bombings, there were no local Taiwan boys drafted or sacrificed. Toward Japan, Taiwan locals were on the side of the aggressors and the farewell train stations, the light unlit due to the probability of no return. Why are the Taiwanese hardliners still not going to face their conscience and not give up as we say “You never die your heart until you reach to the Yellow River”. Aren’t you remorseful in front of heavens ordaining? 沒有中華民國﹐大陸會很難生存﹐可能加速傾滅。 中華民國一直在給大陸時間﹐求進化﹐改變﹐經濟﹐及治國的系統﹐以免落人口實﹐一黨專制。 Without the ROC, it is hard for China to exist; it may hasten its decline. 許多人會說﹐歷史上﹐是中華民國打退日本﹐是史達林利用中華民國﹐消滅俄國的日本敵人﹐反而扶植中共﹐代替中華民國。 Many people may say that it was ROC who defeated Japan. Stalin used the ROC to finish the Russian enemy Japan, but in the end, he supported the Chinese communists to supersede ROC. 毛澤東那麼會打內戰﹐戰勝黃維﹐他怎麼不打日本人呢﹖我難過極了。他可會打的那麼好的戰﹐運用到日本﹐不是成了真英雄﹐而其實他是歷史狗熊罷了。 Mao really was excellent in fighting the Civil war, against General Huang Wei. Why he couldn’t be that excellent in defeating Japan? I feel so sorry to study how he strategically planned so well to envelope him to do away with this man’s support wing. If he ever used such top tactics against Japan, right now, Mao would be a historical hero, but no, we can him a historic dog bear. 一面求維持現狀﹐一面也要聆聽﹐外國人面前﹐中國是不民主的﹐必須承認﹐但不要太過於低頭﹐中國比外國好的優勝的也很多的。 To keep the status quo. But to listen to the opinions. In front of the foreign countries, China is not democratic. China must admit this. But China must not lose confidence. In many aspects China is superior to other cultures.

Small Town Embedded with First Rate Heart Surgeons

America’s secret weapon is that there are many best doctors are embedded in small towns and not necessarily in the metropolitan areas, and this is definitely not true in China. Suggestions for China to Reform Or other countries who intend to improve for the better of humane Health services. Life in America is better than China or other places, the reason being that if you are in small town China, you are finished if you need a heart emergency doctor. But in America, you are blessed, sometimes, better than the metropolitan area. You may have strikingly handsome, high caliber doctor, just if you are in luck. God was nice to my father who devoted all of his life to protect China from invasion. He had a heart attack and I sent him to an honest and good American doctor. I feel safer if I collapse or family members have a heart attack because the best doctors are available. We simply hope that the system won’t get bogged down by too many illegal immigrants, as it swamps the waiting. The Heart Center is a special gift from a local rancher. We are blessed with their kindness. Other health care it is still best to go to Stanford as they have international best medical professional there to help. Such as a dermatologist, a good American pragmatic man who was able to help me with ring worm after it stubbornly lasted for a year without any cure. He took the scrape from the skin and went to the lab, and came back with the right analysis and prescription and I applied the medicine only once, the second time was almost not necessary. Another was a British woman who removed a skin tumor though benign form my scalp, when she was removing it, I felt as if an electrical slab leaning and pressing real tight against my head, and the resistance was the mounting pressure pressing very very tight against but without any pain. Stanford may have good heart surgeons, but probably too much bureaucracy when you need peace and quiet, a little serene small town is nice. I was happy to see my father batting his eyelashes and his eyelids opened and saw me.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Austrian and Chinese Peoples' Struggle to Build a Republic Since Sissi

Elizabeth Su, modern descendant of founders of the Chinese Republic
Sissi - Elisabeth of Wittelsbach (1837 - 1898)
Life after the crumpling of the Habsburg Empire, after Sissi and Franz Joseph are gone. The empire is gone. The colonial empire is shrinking. The navy captain without an ocean, land-locked after 1918. As a naval officer without an ocean (Austria having become landlocked with the new borders of 1918/19). Evolution but not revolution, for its sovereign, and a broken empire needs identity for each region. Her very liberal ideas, her call for a republican structure and her effort for the poor and troublesome made her very popular with the Austrian people. Sissi is gone and Germany has fallen, in a litany of crises. After the desolation of World War I, Hitler rose in the 1930s to suit the fragmented class struggles. Much as communism rose to answer the invasion and breaking down of an integral ROC nation in China. In 1898 Sissi was assassinated. The Austrian people’s beloved empress was murdered. She was very much an innovator and calling for a republican form of government. In the 1900 Boxer Rebellion, the German ambassador to China was assassinated in Beijing. 1901 German Marshall led the invasion of Beijing by a multi-national foce which included Austria, and burned the city for 3 days. China’s princess consort, Zhen Fei Treasure, just like Sissi, was a very new thinker, and was for the reform was murdered by the Dowager, as she tried to stay in the capital to negotiate with the foreign powers. The Turning Point that is not meant to be. The One Hundred days of reform was termed as ‘coup’ as it challenged the old structure, but in light of it, it was the only way that the ill dynasty could breathe new fresh air. But her allied group was executed or exiled, and her husband, the emperor was held under house arrest until he digressed into insanity or was poisoned by the Dowager, days before her own demise. The Chinese dowager empress dared to say “No” to the world invaders and announced resistance toward 8 countries. 1918 the fall of Austria 1919 Paris Treaty was done in a wrongful way to take advantage of the new Republic of China founded in 1911, and gave the German colony in the Shangdong Peninsula to Japan, rather than returning it to China as the Chinese government demanded. 1927 China’s Nationalist government got back Wuhan as she gloriously took back the first lost land, and abolished some of the Unequal treaties for the first time. Very much like if after 7 warring states China feudal epoch, that it didn’t unify, instead went into permanently splinters and 7 states permanently, instead, China was no dissolving Habsburg Empire. China cohesively united into one country, Qin, and then ushered in and paved a long solid culture and long-epoch Han dynasty. Long last long Live the Han race, the nation called China and identity! Begotten our identify through the forging of a dynasty, though the dynasty is long gone, the spirits and coalescing works in culture, assimilating, beautiful buds of humane, scientific methodology, philosophy, are the underlying monumental works running deep psyche and can withstand any cruel invasion, any annihilation, a land that the enemies can never reach and destroy because of the work of many philosophers, poets, educators, nameless soldiers, the work that no barbarians can conquer. We thank the ancestors for laying the foundation of indestructible civilization on earth. Sissi is smiling in the shadow and walking on her empire’s garden, as the people have walked out of the Nazis and Soviet dominance and gained such proud Germanic culture into cosmopolitan evolution. She would want the vein of Germanic best values, the free Beethoven, Mozart to flow into the minds of many who endear a place called “sanctuary eternal” that no Stalin, Nazi, Mao, or any cruel ruler can take away.

I Love Sissi 電影我愛西施 奧匈帝國女皇后

Bay Area ROC Supporter and Political Writer
Empress Sissi of Austria, Queen of Hungary, wife of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph
“I Love Sissi” is a movie that we enjoyed in Taiwan. Perhaps it was because of Dr. Zhu’s Germanic influence, that we enjoyed a series of movies about the interesting figures from Germanic life. Also, we saw a movie about Beethoven’s Lover. These movies were not well known in the United States, perhaps they originated in Germany. The Nationalist government gave the people of Taiwan a high quality education of world history.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Advice to Bush 他山之石可以攻錯

他山之石可以攻錯 “Other mountain’s rocks can be attacked wrong”. From Shi Jing, earliest compilation of Chinese Poetry “If you tear down one mountain, the rocks will form a new mountain”. Modern interpretation. “When removing your enemy’s enemy, you are canceling all your work, in effect hurting yourself.” By Elizabeth Su, Social Columnist Writer. “If you sacrifice the ROC, the PRC and Russia will benefit”. We wish Mr. Bush has a solid adviser on the Middle East, as Karen Hughes is a good friend and a good Texan, but is not culturally or strategically sound. This week Mr. Bush launched an air assault on the Samarra Sunni city. This decision was made by Florida Central Command General Abizaid and by the commanders on the ground; according to the White House press secretary, as if Bush was not in the decision-making loop to attack the Sunnis. With 1500 troops in clandestine operation Swarmer, reporters were not permitted to be embedded with the troops. But the video shows the only insurgents are two lovely but dead Sunni little kids. So why did Centcom commit another foolish mistake, and later was questioned by the White House? Hence the advice that perhaps you are fueling Iran’s holding grip on the Iraqis. With Saddam’s Sunni government out of power, Iran’s enemy for the past 25 years is now gone, and Shiites friendly to Iran are now gaining power in Iraq. Another meaning is to learn from the mistakes of others. The U.S. can learn from what happened to the KMT in China during World War II. The Chinese ancient deep philosophy has a pun meaning also, that is, when Chinese were busy fighting the Japanese, this made the Russians eventually the biggest winner since the Russians lost to Japan in the 1904-1905 war. Are you helping your invader/enemy number one by annihilating invader/enemy number 2? Then the public outcry will drag Bush’s low rating below 36%, possibly to lower than 30. Some senior analysts start to remind Bush that Iran poses the greatest threat, and America should not just help Iran’s Iraqi friends, the Shiites, to be in power. From the Democratic radio broadcast, Senator Diane Feinstein urged the U.S. to create an inclusive government, with unity between the Shiites and Sunnis. This way Iran would not benefit from the Iraq situation. Without one Iranian soldier spent, America got rid of Iran’s enemy, Saddam Hussein, who possibly could have cost hundreds of thousands of Iranian lives. Steve Hadley and McClellan all are not for Iran’s proposition to want to talk to the U.S. directly, when Iran can talk to the US ambassador in Iraq. The U.S. believes that Iran’s offering to ease civil strife Iraq is only a stunt.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Ancient Poem and Metaphor

小雅〈彤弓之什〉第10首〈鶴鳴〉 鶴鳴于九皋,聲聞於野。魚潛在淵,或在于渚。樂彼之園,爰有樹檀,其下維蘀。它山之石,可以為錯。 鶴鳴于九皋,聲聞于天。魚在于渚,或潛在淵。樂彼之園,爰有樹檀,其下維穀。它山之石,可以攻玉。 【今譯】 丹頂鶴在沼澤地鳴叫,聲音可傳達到很遠。魚沉潛在深淵,或悠游於小洲。那位賢者的快樂家園中,有些青檀樹下方散落許多枯葉。如能得此賢者而用之,就等於得到他山之石,便可以作為砥礪美玉之器,輔助君王進德修業。 丹頂鶴在沼澤地鳴叫,聲音可傳達到天際。魚悠游於小洲,或沉潛在深淵。那位賢者的快樂家園中,檀樹下還有構樹。如能得此賢者而用之,就等於得到他山之石,便可以作為砥礪美玉之器,輔助君王進德修業。

電影真善美歌詞 Free Mind Watching the Sound of Music When Growing Up

Scene from 1965 movie "The Sound of Music", Julie Andrews skipping stones in a pond in the Austrian Alps Free Mind Watching the Sound of Music When Growing Up An Austrian family climbing over the Alps to escape the Nazis. Climb Every Mountain My first mountain was to become the #1 student in my grade school in Taiwan. My senator grandfather was barred to come to Taiwan. My parents were condemned as lower class but they gave all the love they could to me. I became number one student in mastering Chinese, then, I climbed another mountain to become number one in English in high school. I used to train myself to sing this, my first Opera song: Climb Every Mountain The story of people running away from tyrants, like Hitler or Mao. My grandmother’s father when escaping from the invading Japanese, died on the road to freedom, in another deep mountain in Sichuan. My grandparents and parents ran away from Mao. We are still fording every stream and will climb every mountain to search for freedom. Free Mind’s writing I love to mingle more with people from mainland China, such as the Silicon Valley engineers group in choir exercises. This is because the lines lyrics are from China, and the composer is from a Taiwan teacher. We love the forging of friendship, and brotherhood. In this unison, we beat all the aggressive politicians, commotions, and people who take advantages of the plights of under-privileged so to advance only selfish gains. We are for freedom en masse, not for a few selective powers. Climb Every Mountain From the Sound of Music Music by Rodgers and Hammerstein Climb every mountain, search high and low Follow every byway, every path you know. Climb every mountain, ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream! A dream that will need all the love you can give, Every day of your life for as long as you live. Climb every mountain, ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream! The Sound of Music Lyrics "The hills are alive with the sound of music -- with songs they have sung for a thousand years. The hills fill my heart with the sound of music. My heart wants to sing every song it hears. "My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that rise from the lake to the trees. My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies from a church on a breeze; to laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over stones on its way; to sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray. I go to the hills when my heart is lonely. I know I will hear what I've heard before. My heart will be blessed with the sound of music, and I'll sing once more."

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Chinese Parasol Tree 梧桐樹

May Snow, Parasol Trees Flowers Season 南投,台湾 Nantou, Taiwan
Chinese Parasol Tree 想畫那一樹一世的 梧桐花開花謝 I want to paint that tree and the full life cycle Story of the flower opening and closing 寫不盡 開不完春柳春花滿畫樓 滴不盡 開不完春柳春花滿畫樓 滴不盡梧桐細雨淚雙流 Can ever exhaust my writing Can cease not for spring willow all over my painting villa Can end not the light rain on parasol tree and tears streaming down double lines 道不盡宋詞幽情上心頭 某年某月的某一晚 梧桐樹﹐三更雨﹐一葉葉﹐一聲聲﹐空階滴到明 Can ever explain all Soong prose in my mind In that one night and one month and the year Parasol tree / Early morning rain / One leaf / One sound / It dribbles till sunlight on empty steps 長相思 在淡藍色梧桐花影中 此恨綿綿無盡期。 Long term in my thoughts In the pale blue parasol tree flowers shadow This forlorn is extending till eternity

Monday, March 13, 2006

Tent City in Mississippi, Mismanagement by Bush in Hurricane Relief

CNN host Miles O'Brien and Anderson Cooper visited a tent city to give an honest report, while corrupt White House female correspondents enjoyed a tour in India with President Bush, in a luxury 6-star hotel. Apocalypse Now And the Analysis of Bush’s Low Rating President Bush’s approval rating is a shaky 36%. .36% approval rating near his all time low .57% of the people say that we should not send troops to Iraq .No unified government in place in Iraq. .Neither do the Democrats have any plan, the rating is 68% disapproval for the Democrats. .British will pull 10% troops out by May. .Dubai port deal rejected by Congress. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer is saying that President Bush is not only lame but a dead duck. How will he get resuscitated? “New Blood in the Administration perhaps?” CNN’s Lou Dobbs is asking commentator Bill Schneider. When the Vice President needs some good report he goes to neutral Fox, and does not dare to use brutal CNN’s reporting on his recent misfire on his hunting companion. Looking at Bush’s schedule you can understand that his entourage includes self-serving reporters who constantly talk about his misconduct over NSA, and Cheney’s misfire, as he enjoys the Florida Sunshine. The rating for him is so low 36%, is because Americans are tired of his opening his mouth for money like on March 10th, requesting $4.2 billion upon after his returning trip from touring New Orleans for the 10th time. But people can’t like a President who knows how to open his mouth for more billions with no showing for the work, but vacations, trips after Valentine’s Day in Florida, some say nepotism, some say secret little mistress is from Florida. Bush said the following at the National Newspaper Association Conference: “And the rules and the zoning laws attributable to that money are now being developed. But it's a very good concept, in my judgment. It's very important for Congress to make sure that the $4.2 billion, I think it was, request in the supplemental go to Louisiana, as I said down in New Orleans the other day. “ This money is not spent wisely, as many empty trailers sitting idle and criticized by Senator Harry Reid. March 1st, when other female CNN reporters were in a state banquet dinner in India, hardworking CNN colleagues like Anderson and Miles O’Brien reported that you still have tent cities in Mississippi 6 months after the hurricane struck. (see photo) On March 8th, Bush returned to the Hurricane zone for the 10th time, escaped the W.H. female reporters’ disgruntles for gas waste, as they themselves just newly returned from an Indian far continent luxury trip. “A kept newspaper is like a kept woman--no good.” By Robert R. McCormick. Bush knows how to squelch and gag these corrupt news reporters who have no justice at heart, just selfish personal gain. God will punish Bush on these items: 1) Punish Mississippi residents and treat them second class citizens. There needs to be accountability for all of the money that is spent, otherwise the American people will not support continued spending on “Hurricane Relief”.

The irresponsible news reporter should be put on trial, because she criticized Bush for visiting Northcom during Hurricane Rita, complaining that Bush should not visit Mississippi because there was no hurricane damage, only one person killed by a tornado.

But rumor has it that she is the Florida mistress so that no one can touch her. But God will do justice one day.

2) Request Taiwan to pay up the arms $150 billion when the people are in $140 billion in debt. Bush doesn’t serve the people in Taiwan. There is no reason for most Taiwan residents to support Americans who support a DPP regime that discriminated against KMT, does not give people jobs, and applies racial extremism in all aspects.

The U.S. forced the KMT to liquidate the central party building, the symbol of the KMT, in order to pay for the arms purchase.

3) Bush’s own corruption and inefficacy caused the damage which could have been fixed with a few millions. Given the flood, that the entire city’s casualty figure is less than 1000 is magic. God still has mercy on America. The Entire nation has to shoulder the billions, including the states which are being criticized by his favorite W.H. reporters whom he had the deep desire to flirt with and concentrated on talking to them and sidetrack his real business, and pursuing in frivolous fund raising, when all could have been done by his assistants if instructed well. 4) Philippine’s village was done with by the mudslide, dead 1000. In a matter of days, the news showed that Bush wrestled and twisted the ROC to give $100,000 when ROC already lost everything during fake ROC president Li Deng Hui’s ill southern investment plan in entire wipeout of capital in Philippines and Indonesia. How much ROC money still needs to be given away to the Philippines? Why? Who mandated this? 5) Fire the month-long wasteful ill-suited the people delegates from U.S. and from Taiwan. Like Nazis, they dare to say that families don’t need to be ever unified with China. To fool around with words and force out the intrinsic values embedded in people’s desire and rights. They dare to deny the basic human rights to link back a Civil War divided families and heritages. May God punish these soulless people and personnel. We don’t need these people to waste our dignity to decide whether we should be free to see our ancestors’ lands. These people are Nazis who think it is up to them to determine to cease to exist the unification of the families. 6) The only way to get a reasonable arms sale through is to keep an honest government in Taiwan, and listen to the Senate which the people choose. ROC was paying for many years to the U.S. and cooperated in military strategic planning and expenditures, the current DPP ruling party who have failed to win support from the people and the Senate and they disqualify the DPP to act as an illegal agent to deal with the Americans who have been fooled and acted in defiance of human rights for true ROC subjects. American people know why only 36% approve of Bush, and it will sink lower if no measures are taken.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Law, Country and Great Men

Suleiman I

"All cultures have heroes, America should not pick heroes for them." -- By Elizabeth Su Law, Country and Great Men Comparison of Two Ancient Civilizations Facing the American Challenge There are two other civilizations that President Bush should be aware of, and honor their rule of law, in order to make peace with the people and the civilization. We are passers by on the earth, and all civilizations are to co-exist with incremental benefits from the advancement of technology and collective human wisdom. Suleiman I was a strong man in exerting the rule of law for an empire of the Turks, in the Arab world. In China during the Warring States era, people were in desperate need of social order and the rule of law, and philosopher Zhou Yan was in practice. Zhou Yan, 305 -240 B.C., Warring States late period, representative of the Yin Yang philosophy school. 鄒衍(約305BC-240BC),戰國晚期人, 陰陽家的代表人物. Great Chinese Saint of Literature giant Tang dynasty 李白 Li Bai on Zhou Yan Zhou Yan valley





In the Yan country valley

There is no warm air The bleak cliff is closed minded

But with Master Zhou Yan’s advocating law

He can get back the heart from heaven and earth

Li Bai is to say that in the unruly country where there is no human warmth, if some saint can articulate the natural law, then the returning of best capacity stored in heaven and earth is emphatically possible.

So is the Magnificent Suleiman I, and the just rule for the empire of Turkey, so that no commotion and riots can arise to disturb the peace and stability of a nation. When a country is derelict, the rats run amok and rampant chaos causes a treacherous environment. China’s Yin Yang Law and National Stability Zhou Yan’s Political Theorem Rule of Law applies to every country for its stability. Every dynasty or ruling force is by 5 elements. We are bound, within our own realm, and can not administer another country with our own ruling system. British ruled China, oppressing the people with economic aggression from the 1842 Nanjing Treaty, throughout invasions in the 1860s and 1900s. It was stopped in 1927 by the ROC foreign minister, the abolishment of the first unequal treaty in China. After the 1894 war against China and 1905 war against Russia, the Japanese were emboldened, and launched a half of century of invasion, until it was terminated by atomic bombs in 1945. The Tsar rivaled with Japan in its dominance of Asian supremacy and ended in losing in 1904. America profited from the ROC in World War II and capped its fate by an immoral Treaty Yalta, and without helping ROC to rebuild, this tilted the balance in the favor of communism and with Japan as the ally to counter it from the 1940s until today. The ROC helped to contain Japan so that the Russians could be free to fight in Leningrad and the Nazi advanced was stopped. ROC stopped Japan from forming a united front with Germany, and spared the Middle East from warfare. Russia was never invaded by Japan in Asia because of China’s containment and sacrifice; we know it was because of 90% Nationalist effort. ----------------------------- Turkey Empire and the Rule of Law Applied by Suleiman Arabic Leader and Law for the Empire A nation must have its own rule of law and hence, in search of the social anchor force. America with its good intention will not succeed as the law which can bind the culture together. America can encourage an environment which breeds a new wave of innovation from the social structure within. Suleiman I (1494-1566) Sultan of the Turkish Empire. Distinguished in Turkish history as "The Lawyer" and in European history as "The Magnificent," he improved the status of Christians in domains and set up a new and better system of laws to govern a widely extended empire. He won himself immortality as a legislator. Suleiman I (Modern Turkish: Süleyman; Arabic: سليمان Sulaymān) (November 6, 1494-September 5/6, 1566), was the tenth Osmanli sultan of the Ottoman Empire, and its longest-serving, reigning from 1520 to 1566. Under his leadership, the Ottoman Empire reached its zenith and became a world power, and Suleiman was considered one of the preeminent rulers of 16th-century Europe, a respected rival to Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, Francis I of France, Henry VIII of England, and Sigismund II of Poland. He personally led Ottoman armies to conquer Belgrade, Rhodes, and most of Hungary, besieged Vienna, and annexed huge territories of North Africa as far west as Morocco and most of the Middle East. Briefly, Ottomans achieved naval dominance in the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf, and the empire continued to expand for a century after his death. Within the empire, Suleiman was known as a fair ruler and opponent of corruption. He was a great patron of artists and philosophers, and was noted as one of the greatest Islamic poets, as well as an accomplished goldsmith. He is known in the West as Suleiman the Magnificent and in the Islamic world as the Lawgiver (in Turkish Kanuni; Arabic: القانونى, al-Qānūnī), a nickname stemming from his complete reconstruction of the Ottoman legal system.

Weekend Satire Edition

Decode President Bush’s Body Language Instead of having a 機要秘書 Ji Yao assistant, Bush puts his energy in wasteful manners. Bush often winks and flirts with the reporters in the audience. President Bush is very much in thorough knowledge of the audience crew of the correspondents. In recent speech, he would say that if he remembers the date wrong for mentioning the axis of evil country including Iran, Iraq, and North Korea, then it would be a reporter named April’s fault, as she nodded her head in agreement in the audience. Is he senile in giving a lame duck speech? March 10, 2006 President Addresses National Newspaper Association Conference Wyndham Washington Hotel Washington, D.C. "I said in an early speech there was an axis of evil, and it included Iran and North Korea. I said that I think, help me out here, April -- 2002 perhaps? State of the Union. If it's not 2002, it's April's fault, because she nodded her head. (Laughter.) Relatively early in my presidency. " Bush always puts Florida on his highest priority for travel, and there is a smiling Florida native following him, and she would chastise Bush if he goes anywhere else. But, we realize that Florida is high on his list and by looking at his countenance, he is exuberant in going there, and meeting the locals and reporters who follow him as a religious leader everywhere. But the next stop in another state, Bush looked somber, as that Florida reporter didn’t follow him. So it is dangerous and hilarious, if America is counting on a mood swing president who is conditioned by a purposeful wielding of personal influence on the President’s daily agenda. This is a bizarre page in American history that is still unfolding. California is an important large state, but it rarely is frequented by Bush. By being Reagan’s land, after Reagan’s era was over, California suffered defense dismantling and cutback, and the pain of real estate crash doubled up with the Loma Prieta earthquake doesn’t make one forget the history. All the industry relocated to Texas, and Florida, one tends to think why? When Bush went to California, this reporter severely criticized Bush in his continual vacation. But, Bush invited reporters in to have swimming suit party at poolside in the ranch a few days predated the landing of the Hurricane is also a historic record. A bad move to disengage from his Ji Yao away, and got messed up in his personal tangled intriguing activities shrouded in mystery, seemed to backfire and to this day, sank his rating. Former CIA field commander, Gary Berntsen’s new book ‘Jawbreaker’ on “The Russert” show, MSNBC, March 11, is saying that he was uttermost appalled that the ‘authority’ would stop the CentCom (located in Florida) , would stop the capture of Bin Laden early on in 2002 as it was in a high altitude location. So a self-superimposed saintly reporter has to face real punishment in due time. We wish that California can turn up someone to snare Bush’s attention and to override the special privilege of the Florida seductress. Copyrighted, book excerpts. To profit from Bush is okay as some gain TV rating on his blunders. I don’t think Bush is a Nazi but an American danger as he plays with fire to suit an evil reporter and his own whims.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Shang Dynasty Prince's Influence in Taiwan 古商三太子在台灣

Shang Dynasty Prince's Influence in Taiwan My Link to China Proper 古商三太子在台灣 每年﹐台灣我的啟蒙地﹐出生地的台中彰化﹐會有團隊到中原﹐我父祖老家﹐去拜古神挪吒三太子。挪吒聽起來﹐如聖經的諾亞方舟。其實他的畫像看起來是中性的神﹐有女性的慈愛﹐溫潤的皮膚。他是個忠勇的孝子。騎著火輪﹐古老的商代的故事。 Every year, from my birthplace, Taichung, there are groups to go to China Proper to visit their ancestors. I saw their names inscribed on the dedication to the temple of Nuo Zha Third Prince in Shang Dynasty. From the name, it sounds like Noah's Ark. His painting looks like a neutral genderless god. A tender female- like translucent skin complexion, and the gentle look. He was a patriotic son and heroically riding on wheels of firing chariots to battle. He gave his self to redeem his parents. 商王紂的愛妃蘇妲己﹐也如印度﹐神廟的Tajimaha泰姬瑪哈﹐taji, daji, 泰姬英文與妲己雷同。 Like Shang dynasty last king Zhou's favorite queen Su Daji, Indian Tajimaha has the same sound of Taji. Can it be the same branch of Noah, Taji, some overlapping cultural roots. It is a mystery. 那天去參拜﹐日正當中﹐在果園前下車伊始﹐導遊說每次會發生靈異事件﹐繞到殿的後方﹐一陣陰風﹐雲層暗下天色﹐老祖宗想說些什麼﹖ That day I went to pay tribute to the Shang prince at his birthplace. The sky was at high noon. Not a cloud. We got off in the road flanked by orchid of kiwi. The tour guide told us it is good to get off not park too close to the temple, this is to pay our respect by walking a little bit. He said, "Every year, there is a group of people from Taichung Taiwan to come here to worship their roots and ancestors. There are many mystic things happening." He did not tell me what are the mystical things. We went to the back. Then a sudden cool wind coming from nowhere. The sky darkened in the passing thick clouds. I felt that old legend wants to tell me something. I saw the gaze of the prince, a gentle look and don't look like a fierce warrior. Perhaps I will find out more. Much more.. can be revealed. 彰化八卦山﹐也是來自中原最老的文化﹐孔明的愛穿八卦羽衣。 There is a tall octogonal mountain with a big buddha in Zhang Hua, Taichung. This is all from China Proper. Kong Ming loved to wear the octogonal pattern feather gown to wield his power.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sad Taichung Train Station Platform 悲傷台中月臺站

悲傷台中月臺站 Sad Taichung Train Station Platform 那次大舅一家由美來台灣﹐臨走時﹐我們都去台中火車站﹐送外公外婆及大舅他們一起到台北﹐父親說﹐他淚彈火車站﹐我問﹕為什麼﹖ 他說﹕大家能﹐就我們走不了。 That time Uncle John and his family came to Taiwan to visit us. My family all went to the Taichung train station to see off my uncle and my grandparents. My father told me later that he was crying, I asked him why. He said, “Everyone can leave, just that we can never leave.” I realized that my father could not fly away even if he had wings. He could never return to his far away hometown in the deep of mainland China. He didn’t have an advanced degree, so that he could go to America to further his study. 心裡想﹐父親是一輩子也難離開台灣﹐插翅難飛﹐永遠得在這島上﹐回不去他的老家﹐也不如舅舅﹐有大學學位﹐可以去美國深造。 我在高中寫了一篇5分鐘英文演講稿﹐熟背後﹐然後參加演講﹐得到全校英文演講第一名﹐題目為 “我的國家﹕中國”。 I wrote a five minute English speech. After I memorized this by heart, I participated in a contest. Then I garnered the championship for the entire school which is the best girls’ school in the middle of Taiwan. That subject was “My Country: China”. 我並沒有打算老死在台灣。 我聽見笛聲﹐是汽笛﹐火車慢慢起動了﹐母親隨著移動的車﹐小跑著向觀光號大明淨車窗內的外公外婆揮手﹐她如小女孩的喊﹐“爸爸﹐媽媽”。 I never planned to get old and die in Taiwan. As if I hear the sound of the whistling. It is the steaming train which is making a choo-choo sound and slowly starting to move. My mother is following the train, and running slowly along and waving toward inside the huge shining beautiful window panel. Like a small girl, she was crying, “Dad, mother..” Her eyes were moistened and reddened. 她的眼睛紅紅濕潤著。 公主琵琶馬上淚﹐古時和番遠離家鄉﹐永離椿萱﹐那是多麼遙遠的和親的路。 王勃滕王閣序﹕“關山難越﹐誰悲失路之人﹐萍水相逢﹐盡是他鄉之客。” The princess got on the horse with her Pi-Pa instrument and falling tears, to be married off to someone from a far away to distant country. She was never to return to her hometown and had to say farewell forever to her parents. That was such a remote road. Great talent Wang Bo from Tang dynasty in the famed Teng Wang Building: Gate and mountain hard to pass Who is sorry for the man who lost the path I only run into it by chance All the people are guests from the other land 寫於三月八日 國際婦女節 Written on March 8th International Women’s Day

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Tribute to the Brave Yunnan Liberty Fighters

Bilingual writer Elizabeth Su is dedicating a speech to the brave and patriotic people of Yunnan, and thanking them for their sacrifices in defending China

Memorial to Chinese People in the War of Resistance Against Japan, Western Yunnan Memorial Brave Tomb, depicting people in the wartime struggles

Tribute to the Brave Yunnan Liberty Fighters A group of delegates came to the Bay Area to familiarize us with World War II and what happened in the remote region of Bao Shan, Treasure Mountain in Western Yunnan at the border of Burma. A 100,000 far expedition force of Chinese soldiers went into Ye Ren Shan Wild Man Mountain and only 2000 returned alive. Their function was to battle the Japanese and to help to save Mountbatten’s British soldiers and the other allied troops. We are paying respect to the Yunnan people and their fight for freedom and their sacred sacrifices for the trapped allied troops. The creeks of blood were knee deep according to one witness. Mr. Gu, president of Huangpu Academy Association, said to a Bay Area resident and a native from Bao Shan: “When hometown folks to look at hometown folks two eyes are immersed with tears.” “Please wipe your tears before you speak.” Historian and bi-cultural writer Elizabeth Su made a welcoming speech as below: To the friendship delegation from Yunnan Province, China Welcome my honorable guests. We are thankful to the great scholars, senior reporters, and military leaders who give us eyewitness accounts of an important history of mankind for liberty in China. As mainland China opens up and is reform-minded, we very much like the exchange of the friendly visitors, so that eventually, the prospect of unification will be promising and bright.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bush’s Low Rating and the Curse by the White House Female Reporters

Bush’s Low Rating and the Curse by the White House Female Reporters Bush’s near record low approval rating 38% has something to do with the White House female reporters’ trapping him and his advisers, who could not take care of the serious business such as when the New Orleans Levee was broken he stayed with them in the White House Quagmire. The unfortunate thing was that Bush’s top strategist Karl Rove is not liked by the reporters because the New York Times’ reporter Judith Miller was sent to jail for reporting about CIA agent Valerie Plame being targeted by Bush in retaliation for her husband’s criticism of Bush’s handling of intelligence about Iraq. Bush listened to the informing preferred reporters without on site first hand knowledge and severely underestimated the breaking of the levee. The Homeland Security secretary went to bed and could be in sound sleep with the knowledge the levee was broken, but not a pandemonium in his dream that night. The FEMA director was asleep at the switch. Karl Rove was constrained by these female reporters who were like pets to Bush to amuse him and the only source of the state of things, since these women paralyzed Rove. Andrew Card has said that he is just like a butler to make sure that Bush is in good health and state of mind to work. Bush is like a poor emperor trapped in the deep palace and controlled by the eunuchs who don’t have a political scope except their own benefits like the ratings. Today the tape indicates that Bush was warned about the potential levee being broken, Rove would have helped Bush to take actions, but not these female reporters. In July, they challenged the top strategist Rove, and asked him “Did you reveal the CIA agent’s identity?” Today’s tape indicated that Rove was not on site, when Bush was warned that Levee might break, otherwise, Rove would have come in to manage. Mayor Nagin said, “Since the President knew the danger of the Levee breach, why was he so slow in coming to assist? To spring into action?” 布希奇低迷的人望指數﹐與他被白宮小道女記者﹐所惑迷阻礙政務有關。 聽信她們的報導﹐低估紐奧良的風災。 處處限制他的行動﹐如宮中受宦官支配的可憐的皇帝。 出事時﹐7月份是當她們挑戰最高謀策略家的時分﹐卡爾羅夫被問到﹐“你知情嗎﹖你泄漏中央情報人員的身份嗎﹖” 今天的錄影帶顯示﹐卡爾羅夫不在場﹐當布希被警告﹐堤可能不保﹐不然他會處理。 市長說﹐“既然如此﹐總統已知道堤的可能崩潰﹐為何還動作蹣跚﹖” 八月份基本上使卡爾羅夫退縮在布希核心外﹐月底出事﹐因為中央無人。 難道交通部長沒罪﹖不會負責運送病人嗎﹖內政部長無罪﹖ 美國官僚可不比中華民國清貧樂道﹐為民請命著想計劃﹐組織部﹐戰地國民黨組織﹐中統﹐通訊﹐聯絡﹐犧牲精神﹐多少大官﹐將軍﹐一貧如洗。他們的善行從不提﹐總昧良心說國民黨官腐敗。 國安部長當晚去睡覺﹐居然安穩﹐知道堤已破﹐還睡的著覺﹐不可思議﹐美國的腐敗現象﹐毋須比較國民黨﹐別說自己不蹩腳﹐自己清高。 In August, basically, the President’s right hand man, we call, Ji Yao Mi Shu, top strategist and advisor was outside of the nucleus of Bush and at the end of August, it became an enlarged tragedy because nobody was in the Central power commanding things. So the secretary of transportation has no guilt? Couldn’t he be counted on to transport the sick people? The secretary of the interior is just a figurehead too? American bureaucrats cannot be compared to the Republic of China’s most top officials in the older time and administration. With the likes of Sun Yun Xuan, K.T. Lee, Yin Zhong Rong, Zhu Jia Hua, grandfather, and Dai Chuan Xian, too many to enumerate them, they were all like saints, to work for the people, satisfied in their clean but noble life style. They always were planning, organizing, worked in the battle zone communications, education, with sacrifices and dedication. Many of them ended up to not have much material holdings. These never can be revealed, as if it was a taboo, or just losing honesty in our historians’ factual understanding. We slap the Nationalists with corruption, meanwhile, there are no comparable responsible and good-planning officials known in the New Orleans incidence which reflect the ill corruption and breakdown of the national communications and organizational ability. The National Homeland Security secretary could go to bed with a clear conscience knowing the levee was broken. Why complain against the nationalist corruption? 她們的權大於白宮顧問﹐卡爾羅夫﹐白宮新聞官。 老纏問﹐總統為何偷聽﹖ 白宮新聞官反擊她﹐答的妙﹕ “妳忘了嗎﹖這是有定期知會國會的。”再鬧下去﹐布希搞不好會被他的新聞寵物彈剋﹐一個勁兒的糾纏不清﹐她真是個剋星。 其實﹐總統也是男人﹐必定不可能只會對你一人垂青﹐何必苦苦追問呢﹖ 因為﹐天機不可對你泄漏。 The female news reporters at the White House have great power. One always asks this question: “Why does the president wiretap people?” The press secretary answered: “Have you forgotten that we inform congress on regular basis about NSA.” Bush’s news pet may cause real impeachment, if she continues like a lover fighting to seek the man’s not contacting other pursuits. 打破常規﹐打破砂鍋問到底,何苦來哉﹖適可而止﹐才是識大局。 因為上帝在主持白宮﹐一切逃不過他的法眼的。 做壞事﹐遲早遭到天譴。 She should know that enough is enough. Because it is God who is in charge of the White House, and you can’t escape anything hidden anyway. You get a curse when you are cheating.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Symbol of Abolishing the Unification Council is Hate, and the Pain of Many to Suit a Group of People's Interest

In Protest of Taiwan Abolishing the Unification Council, not to visit Taiwan where there are antagonistic moves The act of Chen Shui-bian in abolishing the Unification Council is symbolic. It will have backlashes and receive international attention. Chen is under surveillance for every misstep, and international reprimands are coming his way. Supposedly, with America’s holding hands and in back and forth personnel negotiations between Taipei and D.C., it took him a secret one month to get the deals in the works finally unveiled. Most of the time, it was spent in wording and working on the semantics. To quote KMT chairman Ma, “It is not so much in the semantics but the real connotation which will generate the real impact.” It is to my and international regret that people with malicious hearts are advancing only a fragment of the people’s interest, and those I define that as Taiwan extremists. People like me who was born in Taiwan, though being discriminated against, I do love Taiwan and despite the phasing out motion being taken, it is still my right to tell the aggressors to lay the hands off us. Don’t try to tell me not to like China or to love my parents’ hometown. People have a right to love their parents’ hometown, without being condemned as a communist. This is a cruel act, and not considerate for people who have family links in mainland China. For his ill-intention, and not for all people in Taiwan, I can only stay in the U.S. and not to be in the conflicting zone. But Taiwan one day will be free from the harassment of the discriminatory people who are unaware of others’ interest and legitimate rights to exist in Taiwan.

Comments on Putin's Visit to the Czech Republic and Hungary

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany in Budapest on 28 February Hungarian President Laszlo Solyom (left) and Russian President Vladimir Putin during a welcoming ceremony for Putin today at Budapest's Alexander Palace Comments: This is a very progressive move by President Putin. It is about time to forge goodwill with the badly injured repressed Czech Republic and Hungary. It is a very important first step in amending the relationship and it does take time to thaw the ice. Another thing to remember is that the imprisoned oil tycoon, Mikhail Khorodovsky served an innovative concept and business entrepreneurial spirit and with initial starter in Siberia oil and works with China, the government should be respectful for his works and genius in stimulating international trade activities. Russia: Putin Romances Central Europe's 'Southern Tier' By Daisy Sindelar Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany in Budapest on 28 February (epa) Russian President Vladimir Putin is making his first official visits to Hungary and the Czech Republic. Although its former Soviet satellites continue to view Moscow with caution, Russia enjoys far warmer ties with Budapest and Prague than it does with the so-called "northern tier" -- Poland and the Baltic countries. Putin is expected to spend much of his time shoring up Russia's reputation as a stable energy provider, following its controversial gas shutoff to Ukraine in early January. PRAGUE, 1 March 2006 (RFE/RL) -- Reconciliation appears to be the dominant theme of the Russian president's Central European tour. Putin's trip to Hungary is the first by a Russian leader since 1992. It also coincides with the 50th anniversary of the uprising in which thousands of Hungarians were killed by Soviet troops. Speaking alongside President Laszlo Solyom, Putin on 28 February acknowledged the pain and anger that many Hungarians still feel about the events of 1956. But, he suggested, it is a time for looking forward rather than to the past. "Today's modern Russia is not the same as the Soviet Union used to be," Putin said. "I have to say, sincerely, that we all feel in our souls the moral responsibility for those events." Looking To The Future The best way to ease old tensions, Putin seemed to suggest, was by forging new partnerships -- particularly in the energy sector, the heart of Russia's political focus during its chairmanship this year of the G-8 group of major industrialized nations. 'There's what they call the "northern tier" -- Poland and the Baltic countries. And there's the "southern tier" -- the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary -- which is much less critical of Putin's policies, both domestic and external.' Putin has been eager to reassure consumer nations that Russia remains a stable energy supplier despite its decision in early January to cut off natural gas shipments to Ukraine following a price dispute. Hungary, which receives almost 80 percent of its gas from Russia, was among the countries to suffer most from the cutoff. But Putin said there was "no doubt" Russia would continue as Europe's dominant energy supplier, and said Moscow is exploring the possibility of setting up storage supply centers in Hungary. Hungarian Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany said that plan and others could make Hungary a hub of Russian gas supplies to Europe. "We have agreed on the project of building a new gas pipeline under the Black Sea to Turkey, and we are now looking into extending this project into Southern Europe," Gyurcsany said. "We see Hungary as playing an important role to increase the reliability of the gas supply to Europe." Putin In Prague Putin travels on today to the Czech Republic, where he is also hoping to restore Russian credibility and clout. In 1968, Soviet-led forces crushed Czechoslovakia's Prague Spring reform movement. Russian-Czech relations deteriorated even further in the 1990s, when former Warsaw Pact nations renounced communism and began their move toward NATO and the European Union. In recent years, however, the Czech Republic -- led by its conservative president, Vaclav Klaus -- has moved to build bridges with Russia. Petr Kratochvil, the deputy director of the Institute of International Relations in Prague, says the warmer ties can be attributed to two factors. "This is connected, of course, on the one hand with Putin's rise to power and his renewed attention to East Central Europe, including the Czech Republic," Kratochvil says. "And on the other hand, it is also connected with overcoming the quite tense period in the 1990s, which was connected with NATO enlargement, with the question of the Czech debt, with the Kosovo campaign, which of course was very much criticized in Russia." A Friendly Agenda Putin and Klaus are likely to discuss potential agreements on bilateral trade, energy, and possible cooperation in the nuclear energy field. More divisive issues such as Chechnya and upcoming elections in Ukraine and Belarus are far less likely to be on the agenda. Some Czech lawmakers have protested the Russian visit, criticizing Putin's KGB background and the government's apparent retreat from democratic reforms. The Czech newspaper "Mlada fronta Dnes" today published a letter coauthored by former Czech President Vaclav Havel calling on the world not to overlook Russia's policies in Chechnya. Kratochvil says many average Czechs continue to view Moscow with suspicion. But he says Russian officials have come to view the Czech government as a compatible partner in a sometimes hostile region. "All of them somehow perceived East Central Europe as being divided into these two groups," Kratochvil says. "There's what they call the 'northern tier' -- Poland and the Baltic countries. And there's the 'southern tier' -- the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary -- which is much less critical of Putin's policies, both domestic and external." As if to prove the point, the president of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, traveled on 28 February to Ukraine, where he reaffirmed his country's support for Kyiv's pro-Western ambitions. Meeting with his counterpart, Viktor Yushchenko, Kaczynski pledged to act as a personal "spokesman" of Ukraine's ambitions to follow the path of its western neighbors in joining NATO and the EU.