Sunday, October 29, 2006

Raisa Gorbachev, the Woman Who Undid the Soviet Union

Raisa Gorbachev, the Woman Who Allowed Russia to Continue by Dissolving Soviet Russia She wasn’t Napoleon, and didn’t have a great French revolution. A learned professor capitulated the very empire based on the anchor theory which was her main study. A Sociologist Dissolve the Old Shackle and Liberated Russia to Regenerate Russia As a sociology student, I watched attentively on Raisa Gorbachev’s speech and interviews, and listened with respect. She was a professor at her alma mater Moscow State University and she was a sociologist student, and taught the courses later in her university. At first, she studied sociology at Moscow State University and that was how she was trained in understanding deeply about the social structure, social changes, and the new ways to adapt in order for Russia to advance and survive. Russia must thank her for doing so, to save it from being phased out as a stagnated Communist ideology. Only someone with tremendous understanding at heart of the culture, and social structures, could have great charisma and courage to have an innovative mind and wisdom to reform, and to change, and gets the savior respect name. In her era, she was a new thinker, a woman with social conscience and social study, a professor in the theory of the philosophy of Marxism-Leninism and the Soviet life in collective farms. She must be in tune with the Soviet people and the comparison of the Tsarist serfdom and European fief, and collective farm system. To the west, it is a novelty about all these concepts, and commune way of life, as it has disappeared from the Western life, due to the alienation of workers in our form and conducts. But Chinese farmers are the most egalitarian and free group, many exiled officials could enjoy peaceful farmers life, once they are out of Central capital limelight, or detached from the official life. In truth, many want to be free farmers, not officials. From the conceptualization, of her theoretical mode of existence, and it was a must to have the 1989 forego of all this Soviet as a terrible regime in the oppression of mankind. She liberated Russia, and only from that moment, of self-determination, she founded a new Russia, a reformed Born Again Russia. A woman of tremendous wisdom, cultivation, and fortitude. Her flamboyance softened the dark Russian image the world has. Her candid speech and conducts gave a human dimension and helped tremendously in the mystic of the Russian unknown evil empire. She honestly told audiences how the black market was to buy lipstick and stockings in Russia. The black market system that the Russia people all across the living standards must go through to have even a little enjoyment. A sociology student well read in all the theories of social structures, and social revolutionary, collective movements analysis. She knew the distinction of a good social conscience movement from a blind commotion movement. China communist also has such a good thinker and he is not blindly endorsing any movement for movement sake. There are many misinterpretations coerced on blind movement and they claim from the origin of Russia. Many in Moscow study, were incarcerated, and sent to Siberia. To avoid a grand sudden unexpected capitulation, there must be good works done on the part of the sociologists, and people with great social conscience to cope with the likelihood of such events, so that there won’t be a big revolution. Reagan called “Take down that Wall!” Gorbachev and his wife did accordingly. Many lands and old country in different socio-cultural systems were back to the original form, to her, this is the falling into its original order, though to some, it is a police-state question. An international treaty needs to be broken to return justice to a country. Such as Yalta, Paris Treaty. Revolutionary needs not to be bloody. Justice can be gained without violence. Russia’s woman and resolution was achieved by a good sociologist who understands the culture and the needs to go on as Russians, not so much as Communists. What is Bush’s dream and capacity? What’s his speech about we stand down, they stand up? Iraq as a central front. Can we really reduce the Iraqi hatred and anti-American ideology? What is the Communist bloc in the pursuit of Anti-America? Do we have to polarize Socialist to Capitalist? Socialist country vs Capitalist country? What’s the training behind Gorbachev’s wife who is behind the man?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

A New Strategy of Help from America

Reverse the Mistake of Vietnam America is a good country and doesn’t want to be hated. How to do this? Democrats want to withdraw from Iraq for their logic of self-phobia, but Republican mentality is to hang on to get the fruits of for the planted trees to flower and to see the prospect of a new democratic life breed for Arab world. Strategy one: Get Iraqis security force up to speed, and take on the National responsibility to discipline all the radicals, either Shiite Sadr militias or the Jahid Sunnis. Americans should not kill them, and let Iraqis do the killings if they so do choose. As Maliki said, “No country can tell Iraqis any order or any timelines.” 1) Have Iraqi parents discipline their own bad kids. But don’t Americans ever go there to punish Iraqi kids. So get the Iraqi security to take on the task of getting Al-Sadr in line in his Iraq discipline. If Al-Sadr is radical or pro-Iran, this is Al-Maliki’s headache and not Americans’. Moderate Maliki should rely on Iraqi security troops to accomplish restrain radical militia Sadr at bay. If Iraqis want to kill Al-Sadr, American don’t even need to participate. So Americans won’t be hated. Note from the Shia of Iraq: "We have nothing to do with Iran. We share the same faith, but we are different. We don't want Iran to rule us." 2) Get Iraqi moderates to deal with the radical Jihad-Sunnis. History shows that America will be hated and thrown out if gets involved in dictating the government what to do. That is why Al-Maliki says, “Only Iraqis can have the timelines, and no one can impose any time line.” This is to respond to what general Abizaid and the US to Iraq ambassador Khlilzaid’s meeting to want Iraqi to get it up to speed. Up to speed in English is a polite term and in its efficiency, but translated in Islamic, it has a condescending undertone. So there is a cultural and language clash here. With all due respect, America and Al-Maliki are on very good terms, given the historic state of the things. American only wants a government that is stable and gives people freedom. This is the religious leaders’ secret wish, they wish Americans to stay, and get Americans’ support in material goods, and in support to refrain the ruling government. “For fourteen centuries, no ruler has given us justice, but we have endured.” Many Americans and the Arabic world don’t realize about geo-political significance of the Bush Administration projects. In many religious sense, it is being considered ‘positive’ and as a ‘gift’ which is foreign origin, hence the term and concept of “Foreign Gift”. Bring the Iraqi security force up to speed and while for saving face, Rumsfeld only admitted that the Iraqi equipments are backward and he will ask for more money to support the Iraqis, he vehemently denied that the Iraqi security are not make good progress. What Rumsfeld’s feeling is very justified. Rumsfeld is a good American and doing his best to get Middle East in a non-hostile American zone, and peace for all Arab nations. But what Rumsfeld fails to understand about the Islamic culture is due to his own understanding toward the western culture. For 1400 years, religious leaders and the people have endured, despite the rulers not giving justice. It should not be Rumsfeld's sole task to embark on a religious reformation along with state v.s. religion revolution, the Iraqi people must participate, and not just by elections, or by Shiites, but Sunnis should get into it. Rumsfeld can't take Iraqi culture from 600 A.D. to 2000 A.D. without the Iraqi want it also. People are stuck for 1400 years, yet, it seems that they are more complacent than Chinese. In my future book, I will tell you the secret link of China and Middle East changing great landscape at 600 A.D., few Chinese know about, rare for Middle East to know, let alone the Americans or the Europeans. The first step met tremendous applauding via the form of votes, the enthusiasm for democracy in the Iraqi national elections. Along the way, the dark side of the religion are gradually being pushed out. A silent Martin Luther like, Islamic religion reformation is underway. "The terror at play in the world of Islam, of the use of religion in the service of a cult of violence..., people are grateful for the mercy in the Islamic world for the moderation." After Jesus’s questioning the Roman God and authority, and being persecuted, the West went into a dark medieval time until 1400 years later, when Martin Luther led the religious reformation, and this enabled Renaissance’s man’s value to flourish and in his question of God’s super power, man started to embark on art and scientific projects and the western men were able to lead the world until now. But the Middle East for 1400 till today, has been in the dark medieval era where the rulers are menacing their power. So does this justify Bush’s action, albeit it is not as noble as Martin Luther, but still is a Reform and a Foreign initiated gift to the Iraqi and the Middle East. Perhaps from within, there is no hope for this Shia culture. What’s the impetus for a culture or civilization to move on unlike the high form Sumerian but all disappeared. “The Shia of Imam Ali are born to suffer. We have to be in a constant state of agitation. This agitation made us what we are. We are born oppositionists.” A Religious leader said, “Why should we assume, that the American withdrawal would be a good thing?” Americans should continue to identify the useful and respectable Sunni leaders and give them the central power, so that they can congeal the Sunni factions, and will contribute to a stable central government and manage their own fate, so not overtaken by the extremists. The world should be happy if Bush wins, because American economy is the anchor for China, for the world, and for Iraq assistance. Conclusion: Do not abandon Iraq or give up on Iraq, because many non-violent people want you to be there. But have the Iraqi security forces enforce the law and suppress the extremists, so Americans are not in the role of killing Iraqis. According to blogger, that she predicts that the Republicans will win both the House and the Senate.

Singing Toward Me, the Youthful Emperor from Hometown 宛城龍尾 向著我傾訴唱歌的少年皇帝

宛城龍尾 向著我傾訴唱歌的少年皇帝 Singing Toward Me, the Youthful Emperor from Hometown 柳樹下﹐矮牆旁﹐少年英俊的文雅的軍士﹐他的風度已經絕跡了﹐中國人不再會那麼斯文的邊傾訴邊有那樣美的動作, 古文明已經失落數千年。 Under the willows, near a low wall, a youthful handsome gentleman in my hometown His behavior and singing with a style posture movement have been gone forever Chinese do not have those aesthetic motions anymore The lost way of civilized life have been gone for several thousands of years It was with great compassion, gentle polite manners Artistic body languages Even singing in long poetic voice is no more 長歌當哭也絕塵了。 只有在我的夢中﹐他們會出現拜訪我﹐提醒中國人是有多麼美學的一面。 But in my dreams, they would visit me, to remind me Chinese once had aesthetic expressive manners 那個在唱歌的是一個儒子﹐也是農夫﹐做年青軍士的打扮﹐比劃有禮的訴說他的抱負情懷﹐他好像是父親﹐也極可能是同郡的東漢光武中興的開皇劉秀。 That singing man is a learned scholar, also a farmer; he is in the young soldier outfit. He with hand movement, is telling me his ideals and his care He may be what father was like when he was young in his peaceful region without invasion He may be the founding emperor for Eastern Han dynasty 有句話﹐任宦當作執金吾﹐娶妻當得陰麗華﹐ 中國治理的有名盛世﹐文景之治﹐景帝後嗣來到舂陵郡﹐舂陵龍尾﹐易學的表示他的記號。 An old saying, "When aspired in official life, what can be more emulated young solider to hold the gold stick, and find a virtue and pretty wife such as Yin Li Hua." Indeed the couple is China's most modeled king and queen, from my hometown. China's celebrated era of great economics management and prosperity with cultivation. Wen and Jing Di emperor and the descendants of the Jing Di emperor came to Chunling imperial tomb estate prefecture (Nanyang prefecture). The dragon tail of Nanyang prefecture is the emperor mark in Yi School (Book of Change). 白水鄉情無盡時 White River Country Unending Love 青青的天家 原在北橋西 地老天荒情不了 綿綿無期一番情 Crisp misty aqua heaven home Originally by the North Bridge west Earth is old and heaven wild Love is not gone Continuous love 卿卿我願來家山對你說 煙雲如詩的千秋國度裡 Sweet I would come back to hometown telling you Poetic our misty beautiful land in thousands of autumns With the trace of you It tints the shades of red clouds 只因有你的蹤影 江山染上彤雲飛 你可知我內心深處 永遠鐘愛你一后家 秋水剪瞳一世相惜 莫忘家鄉至善至美 You know deep in my heart I always love you as a queen The autumn water reflecting in your clear pupils We are in love for our life Never to forget our hometown The utmost beauty and kindness 宛城龍尾作於2006年秋 Wan City Dragon Tail, written in autumn 2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Song of the Exiled

Song of the Exiled Xiao Hong self-imposed exile from her Manchuria hometown Harbin. The Biography of Hulan River documented that although it was a very beautiful place, the Manchurian customs for girl to jump into a hot water huge bucket and were clamored by the villagers to yell that is good for you, is as low moral and no compassion the numb race as what Lu Xun termed “Ah Q” 東北滿族蕭紅的自我流放到他鄉 呼蘭河傳﹐記錄了東北家鄉雖美﹐滿族的燙人的習俗﹐還一群人站著只叫好﹐沒有人性的如魯迅的評判。 魯迅痛心的看到菜市場口﹐俄日軍用槍軍刀把俘虜的中國人砍頭﹐同胞爭先恐後觀望這一齣好戲。 Lu Xun with aching heart to come to the market center that throngs of Chinese people struggled to watch a show which was the Japanese soldier’s bayonet and Russian’s killing captured Chinese. They have no more feelings toward themselves, and others. Which Chinese to think other Chinese deserved to be killed, should be killed themselves. 認為其他中國人不值得生的人﹐自己也不值一文。 To Reconstruct Our National Man’s Value As inheriting the Lu Xun’s philosophy, she believes that we must be brave to reconstruct our nation’s soul and expressed about national citizens’ survival primitivism and fallacy to the extreme clarity point. We must be brave to reconstruct our nation’s moral Character 我們要勇于 改造民族靈魂 蕭紅的小說創作繼承了魯迅"改造民族靈魂"的主題,她把國民生存的原始和愚味,展示到極致. We are A – Q. We are so wrong To reconstruct the National ethnical soul, is the foremost task. This is for the Communists as well. The conscience of the Communist Party, Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang. What have the Nationalists done for this country? It is in the deep conscience of the Communist Central Bureau, and recently the facts are surfacing more and more. Mao mausoleum almost time to be removed away from Tiananmen Square, which was from Ming emperor’s blessing place.

蕭紅(1911.6.2─1942.1.22) 莫聽穿林打葉聲, 何妨吟嘯且徐行。





芒鞋踏遍隴頭云 Lost Road Man 關山難越,誰悲失路之人

芒鞋踏遍隴頭云 宋女尼:《悟道詩》,全句為"盡日尋春不見春, 芒鞋踏遍隴頭云." A Soong dynasty nun, "Realizing the Tao poetry": All day long I have been searching for spring but can't find it. My prickly shoes stepping everywhere on the mountains of clouds. 古代肅州曾流行過一种叫"隴頭流水"的民歌,多寫征人行經隴,征除艱辛,發為悲歌. In ancient Su Zhou State there was popular song, called the flowing water at the head of the Long mount, folksong, depicting the far expedition troops, and how hard the road and the travel is, sad song. 天涯孤客 即使隴上迷霧重重 不見一絲光明 竹杖芒鞋我走盡天涯 A Lone Traveler Guest Even though the Mount has misty shrouds of Fog many layers Can’t seem to see one shimmer of light With bamboo stick and prickles shoes I walk all over to the edge of the world 關山難越,誰悲失路之人? 萍水相逢,盡是他鄉之客。 Great Wall gate and mountain can’t pass Who sympathizes the lost road man Just like weeds drifting on the water to meet you By chance, all are from the other regions’ guests 胜地不常,盛筵難再。 蘭亭已矣,梓澤丘墟。


登高作賦,是所望于群公。 No more the scenery Banquets hard to come again Orchid Friendship Pavilion far gone The catalpa wood old hometown and lake become hilly relics Before we part, some words as a gift for you Fortunate to have your blessings in this great farewell banquet We climb up high to make singing poetry Are the desire of the highly respectable lords 那失路之人是 是王勃父親到交趾的迷途 是天涯海角孤鴻尋母的蘇曼舒 唐代诗人王翰



That lost road man is Tang great talent Wang Bo’s father as an envoy on his way to Vietnam

That is the searching great monk Su Manshu A seeking his mother through the ocean corner

Song of Liangzhou

Grapes tasty wine sparkling in the night

I want to drink some but the pi-pa on the horse is hurrying me up

If I get drunk on the desert sand, please do not laugh

How many expedition men return since the ancient time?

By Wang Han, Tang dynasty

Saturday, October 21, 2006

My Friend During the Cold War, Romain Roland 冷戰時的朋友 羅曼羅蘭

先相信自己,然後別人才會相信你。 —— 羅曼羅蘭 20世紀法國著名作家、音樂評論家,1915年諾貝爾文學獎得主 First to trust yourself, then others will believe in you. – Roman Roland, 1866-1944. 20th century French celebrated author, music critic, and 1915 Nobel literature prize winner 那個冷戰的時代﹐一個少女如我﹐夏日長假探討人生哲理﹐看了羅曼羅蘭的論著﹐這是偶然性嗎﹖ 遠在天邊香港的祖父﹐是社會學科系主任﹐他年青時代﹐也是新潮的追尋﹐造成狂瀾, 他那悲天憫人的天性, In that cold war era, a young teen age girl that I was in the long summer vacation, in my curiosity to seek out the foreign philosophy, I read some of Romain Rolland’s work about the world. Was it so happenstance? My far away grandfather was the sociology department head, and with his new wave of thinking in his youth to have created a tidal wave for China’s new breathing into free air of pursuit of foreign ideology and in his good sympathetic nature. 一個人要幫助弱者,應當自己成為強者,而不是和他們一樣變成弱者 -- 羅曼羅蘭 A person to help the weak, must to become a strong man, and not to also become a weak individual. – Romain Rolland 創造,或者醞釀未來的創造。這是一种必要性:幸福只能存在于這种必要性得到滿足的時候。 -- 羅曼羅蘭 Creation, or to foment the future creation, this is a necessity: Joyce only exists in this bound to gain satisfaction moment in time. – Romain Rolland 少女的她開始由天寒地凍的東北逃亡南下﹐僅穿薄布鞋踏在冰天雪地 放不下親弟弟 到籃球場去話別 如同馬克吐溫中國的苦兒流浪計版本 As a young girl, she started to run to south from the freezing Manchuria, with only a pair of clothing thin shoes stomping on the icy land. She couldn’t leave her brother easily, and went to the basketball court to see him off. This is like Mark Twain’s version of Huckleberry Finn. 蕭紅的生死場。 In her life zone and death zone, she had been through the Concession’s bright light, and the Chinese territory’s death darkness. 租界的光明。華界的死亡。 生死存亡 生生死死 絲絲入扣 聽潮聲澎湃 Listen to the sound of the Yangtze river and ocean wave. Only that wave splashing is free. 唯有那潮聲是自由的 不被日軍刺刀穿殺 That can’t be penetrated by the bayonet. 她又投奔到租界地 She came to the Concession. 這裡日本屠夫有點忌諱 Some scruples for the Japanese butcher In the Concession 萬馬齊喑 她沒有啞然喑住 做了犧牲的人民的沈默的聲音 Ten thousand horse stand mute. But she didn’t become mute in The sacrificial people’s silence 喑【yīn】 <書> silent; mute; dumb. 萬馬齊喑【wànmǎqíyīn】 ten thousand horses stand mute. Lu Xun borrowed Romain Rolland’s words to say that “Keller Hutzer is German modern’s greatest poem. It shone on the poor and the people’s difficult life and pain. This is a woman with man’s high quality, in with sensitivity in the sympathy, to keep in her eyes, in her kind mother’s wrists; there are poems to substitute those victims’ people’s silent sound.” 魯迅曾引用羅曼.羅蘭的話說﹐珂勒惠支的作品“是現代德國的最偉大的詩歌﹐它照出窮人與平民的困苦和悲痛。這有丈夫氣概的婦人﹐用了陰鬱和纖穠的同情﹐把這些收在她的眼中﹐她的慈母的腕裡了﹐這是做了犧牲的人民的沈默的聲音”。

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

台灣同胞參加人民大會堂國宴 Taiwan People Participate in State Banquet at Great Hall of the People

2006年9月﹐台灣同胞在參加人民大會堂晚宴前的留影合照。 這是中國人有尊嚴的一個晚宴﹐大廳堂裡面影影綽綽﹐個個人大駕光臨的神采奕奕﹐充滿希望與認同﹐回到我們歷經磨難的祖國﹐台灣經過了割讓﹐屈膝的奴役﹐南京走過了大屠殺﹐東北渡過了蕭紅的逃離滿洲國“生死場”而南下求生﹐莫忘了那巍巍的鐘山﹐龍蟠虎踞石頭城, 啊 莫想那秦淮煙柳,不管那六朝金粉 大家努力向前程,看草色青青 听江濤聲響,起來,共燃起大地的光明 今晚在人民神聖的殿堂裡﹐這裡沒有暗泣及嚎哭﹐這裡唯有正義與光明。 9.2006, Taiwan people came to the State banquet in front of Great Hall of People This is a night with Chinese dignity. In the great Hall, every one appears with great spirit. We return to our suffering country. Taiwan passed the humiliation of the severing to Japan, and bent down the knees to the Japanese, Nanjing walked past the shadow of the slaughter, Manchuria as the writer Xiaohong depicted that she fled her home to go south to live. "Don't forget the majestic towering lofty Purple Gold mountain The Dragon circling and Tiger croutching Stone fortress city Ah, don't be pensive on the Qin Huai River smoky willowy Not to care the six dynasty women of gold power charm seduction We all need to make forward progress Looking at the grass are thriving green Lisen to the nice Yantze river ocean splashing Rise up To light the brightness on the big earh" Tonight, in the people's Great Hall palace There is no sobbing in the dark or chilly bursting cry Here only the righteous and the light

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

胡耀邦是中国共产党的良心 Hu Yaobang is China Communist Conscience

胡耀邦是中国共产党的良心 Hu Yaobang is China Communist Conscience Visit GongQing City, JiangXi province, Hu YaoBang’s Grave 访江西省共青城胡耀邦的陵园 "This country needs to return justice to many good men, irregardless of whether they are Communists or Nationalists." "To achieve social stability and win all hearts from across all lives." -- Free Mind 日本舆论赞胡耀邦 【大纪元12月9日讯】(美国之音记者:歌篮2005年12月9日东京报导)中国政府上个月低调地举行了纪念前中共总书记胡耀邦的座谈会,日本各大传媒当时纷纷公开发表了议论。在日本各种研究中国的机构和杂志中,议论持续至今。 *中岛宏:知识份子很尊敬* 日本中国研究所出版的《中国研究月报》最近发表了研究员中岛宏有关今年8月到中国江西省参拜中共前总书记胡耀邦陵园的文章。20世纪80年代作为日本共同社驻北京记者的中岛宏在接受记者采访时回忆说,当时只要是胡耀邦的记者会,气氛一定很活跃。他说,胡耀邦一直是他崇敬的政治家: 中岛宏:“所以我跟三个原来的记者一起去江西省共青城,在那里有胡耀邦的陵园。因为我80年代在北京的时候采访过胡耀邦,我对他很关心。我的朋友有很多知识份子,他们都是很尊敬他的。” *中曾根:愿种90棵樱树* 胡耀邦1983年访日期间表现出尊重知识和培育两国长期友好的决心,给一代日本国民留下了深刻的记忆。当时的日本首相中曾根康弘在中共上个月纪念胡耀邦的座谈会上寄文致辞说: “国家之间的友好、亲善固然以人民的提携与合作为本,但国家领导人之间基于人性的理解、友情与尊重,也是重要的基础。胡耀邦先生也同样怀有这种信念。如能让我在明年适当时期,在先生的墓地周围种九十棵樱树,我将不胜感激,我也恳求能有人为我照料这些樱树。” *不懂为何邀3千人访华成为下台原因之一* 日中友协常务理事酒井诚最近也在纪念胡耀邦的活动中说,胡耀邦访日时在一个面对4千名日本青年的演讲中,邀请3千名日本青年访华,会场内爆发了巨大掌声。 酒井说,当时日本国民印象深刻地感觉到,中国不愧是一个大国。不过后来日本国民非常遗憾地获悉,邀请日本青年访华,却成为胡耀邦下台的原因之一,至今很多日本人仍难以理解。 *中国政要纷纷访陵园* 中岛宏说,据他所知,其实不少中共高层人物都陆续去过胡耀邦陵园: 中岛宏:“陵园旁边有胡耀邦纪念馆,纪念馆有很多花圈,花圈写的名字和他们来的日子,所以我知道。胡锦涛93年4月份来了,江泽民95年3月份来了,还有纪念馆的解说员说,温家宝、吴官正、黄菊来过。” 中岛宏认为,中国在纪念胡耀邦的规格和形式上反反覆覆的过程,反映出中共忧虑政治不安,而今年1月严加控制追悼前中共总书记赵紫阳,既反映了这种不安,也反映了胡耀邦和赵紫阳生前是否完全下台的不同评价基准。 *谢幼田:不提胡赵是歪曲历史* 美国斯坦福大学胡佛研究中心前研究员谢幼田认为,中共纪念胡耀邦是明智的第一步,他相信中共也会提高对赵紫阳的定论: 谢幼田:“现在讲到中国共产党的历史,好像就是从毛泽东,到邓小平到江泽民,那80年代的总书记胡耀邦到哪儿去了?赵紫阳到哪儿去了?这又是一种对历史的严重歪曲。 “胡耀邦是中国共产党的良心,中国共产党人应该学习他。你想遏制贪污,人们内在的道德觉悟是非常重要的。胡耀邦的功绩能够重新肯定,我相信对赵紫阳也是second,也是这样走的。 任何一个政党如果不能适应社会发展,不往前走的话,当然历史是无情的。所以现在往前走,把胡耀邦提出来的话,是很积极,会有多方面结果的。” 中国政治如何发展?中日两国领导人是不是能像胡耀邦时代那样彼此悉心培育友好关系?在目前日本人回忆胡耀邦的时候,都成为议论的焦点。 ( 12/9/2005 9:11:09 PM

Thursday, October 12, 2006

China's Treasure Artist 林風眠 Lin Feng Mian 1900 -1991

近現代林風眠 秋山圖

Autumn Mountain

by NeoModern Lin FengMian 中國的國寶林風眠 香江第三勢力的自由藝術家

National Treasure in Their Humane and Free Spirit Hong Kong Third Power Free Artists

Apolitical expressionist 父親談及林風眠﹐總有無限的深摯的藝術家的激賞。 如今我才明白他那深厚的中原人的隱藏不語的難言之隱﹐是對林風眠有無限的同情。畢生的尋求﹐精神寄託是在丹青裡﹐揮灑他對母親懷念﹐一個少數民族被漢族給驅逐出村﹐而被賣到遠方﹐使母子無法再見面。

When my father talked about Lin Fengmien, he had a very deep thoughtful look. Only now, I understand his China Proper habit of a humanity not spoken. A sympathy of the unspeakable pain, only silence can express just like we moan with complete motionless.

His art in highest altitude, with such an unimaginable painful incidence that his mother was a minority ethnic in Guangxi province, and married to his old father, and was expelled after his father passed away due to her dating other man. Though saved her from being burned as a witch, he was holding a knife as a 7 year old to protect her, she was sold out as a maid to other place, and was never seen ever again.

The only treasure that she left behind for the young 7 year old, was the technique to paint. This gave him the impetus and reason, most importantly the basic element of a good painting, the passion to express.

So Lin became the greatest painter for the 20th century in China. 母親傳下來的唯一財產就是教過他丹青技藝,林風眠後來選擇的人生道路可謂對母親永恆的紀念。 他的抽象思維畫﹐“水漫金山”﹐就是替母親伸張正義﹐解救被鎖在塔下的母親。 被囚禁的生靈。 林風眠的水漫金山 為廣西壯族受趕出母親的 永遠的悲切 母親給他的是丹青 以畫來追憶其母 Lin Feng Mian 1900 -1991, born in Mei Xian county, Canton. His grandfather was a carpenter, and he studied calligraphy, and Chinese painting. At age 18, Lin went to France under the scholarship work program and studied oil painting. Later, Lin went to Germany, to study classic art, and was interested in modern and impressionism. Lin returned to China in 1925 and served as the Beiping National art school president. Late 1920s, he was the Hangzhou Art school’s president. 林風眠(1900—1991)出生在廣東省梅縣一個農民家庭。祖父是一位木匠,林風眠小時候給祖父當助手,並學習書法和中國畫。18歲的時候,林風眠赴法國勤工儉學,開始學習油畫。後來,他又到德國,對歐洲古典繪畫大師十分敬仰,同時,對後期印象派、現代諸流派也懷有濃厚的興趣。1925年,林風眠回國,任北平國立藝術專科學校校長。20年代末,他又轉任杭州藝專校長。40年代後期,他離開教學工作,潛心從事創作。   林風眠在青年時代主張為人生而藝術。他從歐洲留學期間所帶回的作品就是用寫實手法表現的主題性巨幅油畫,如《摸索》,描寫了以荷馬為首的世界各國先哲跟隨其共同探索人生真諦的內容。1925年,他創作了國畫《生之欲》,畫中4只老虎,兩大兩幼,從蘆葦中奔出,意取叔本華詩句,並吸收了嶺南畫派的表現手法。這幅畫送往巴黎參加萬國工藝美術博覽會,並且成為他從油畫向國畫的轉折點。 中西融合--林風眠 His art is a combination impression of the Chinese and the West.   林風眠是「中西融合」這一藝術理想的倡導者、開拓者和最重要的代表人物。他吸收了西方印象主義以後的現代繪畫的營養,與中國傳統水墨和境界相結合,並融入了個人的人生經歷。是已經接近了「東西方和諧和精神融合的理想」的畫家。 受到學界泰斗蔡元培的賞識與提攜,成為我國第一所高等藝術學府——國立藝術院(今中國美術學院前身)的首任院長。是中國現代美術教育的主要奠基者之一,主張「兼容並包、學術自由」的教育思想,不拘一格廣納人才。培養出李可染、吳冠中、王朝聞、艾青、趙無極、趙春翔、朱德群等一大批藝術名家。 Academia Sinica founder, great scholar Cai YuanPei appointed him to be the national art school’s president and became the modern art education’s main founder. To give the academics free spirit in education. He raised great artists such as Li Keran, Wu Guanzhong, Zhao Wu Ji etc. . 二十年代,尚在弱冠之年的林風眠先生負笈留學巴黎,自他歸國辦學及至成為名滿天下的丹青大師,都不曾重履故土,家鄉舊事對林風眠來說是一個揮之不去的夢魘。 故此,作為中國現代美術的奠基人之一,林風眠在五四新文化運動中獨樹一幟,他的作品與思想充滿著對人性人道的終極關懷,他代表的是一種個性解放的自由精神。 林風眠與徐悲鴻、張道藩同期在法國留學,而林與徐、張雞犬相聞,老死不相來往,當時留法的周恩來、葉劍英則和林風眠過從甚密。林和葉劍英同為梅縣客家人,林鄉情雖泯,人情卻濃;至於周恩來曾在林的巴黎寓所投宿,也接受過林的米飯與錢物接濟。然而,近朱者不赤,如此緣分,林風眠居然從未對共產主義信仰產生過興趣。 Lin was with famed artists like Xu Beihong, and Zhang Daofan. Zhou Anlai, Ye Jianying was in close contacts with Lin Fengmien. But Lin was never interested in communist beliefs. 加上林先生性格散淡,不事權貴,他在國民黨時代已被當局冷落。更為關鍵的是,他和注重美育的大賢蔡元培氣味相投,並聯手創辦了杭州西湖藝專。 Lin was already ignored by the nationalist and they were simply into art, and created with Cai Yuan pei, Hangzhou West Lake Art school. 蔡因持反蔣立場,最招蔣介石憎厭,後終被蔣所逐,連同林風眠的藝專校長之職也一並遞奪,改由張道藩出任。 Cai was anti-Chiang and was ousted by Chiang, and robbed the Lin FengMien’s art school’s president’s position, and Chiang appointed Zhang Daofan. There was another group of people, above both the communist and the nationalist, they were the free spirited alliance artists or the statesmen. Cai Yuan Pei, and Lin Feng Mien. Lin Feng Mian 1900 - 1991 just an ultimate humanitarian artist who is the number one master in the one hundred years depiction impression of China. 二十世紀已成昨日,百年回眸,誰是中國美術藝壇領導群倫的大宗師?他就是林風眠。 文革中林風眠以“間諜罪”陷獄五年,經周恩來施援手而獲救,1979年林風眠申請移居 港,經葉劍英親自批準,林得以離開大陸,在 港定居至1991年去世。 Hong Kong is a buffer for the Third Power, and the Third Art

Monday, October 09, 2006

海邊 Sea Shore

Sea Shore Lyrics: Zhuang Nu Composer: Tangni
把我的腳印淹沒 I walked past the sea shore Left several footprints That surging tides tossed up some waves flowers
To cover my footprints
把愛的歌聲失落 Gazing into the distant big ocean and blue sky Suddenly I remember a love song That sea water perplexes me And I lost the sound of love
是你關心我 Once you asked me What is my most treasured at heart loved Only I was baffled at the moment That was your caring
把歡樂變成寂寞 I walked by the sea shore Remembering those happy days The tides curving up the wave flowers
To turn those loud fun to loneliness

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rep. Tom Reynolds Top Aide Resigned Today

Rep. Tom Reynolds, R-N.Y., talks with first lady Laura Bush at a fundraiser in Amherst, N.Y., Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2006. Reynolds Tuesday denied knowing what his top aide might have done on behalf of a disgraced lawmaker Mark Foley in the days before Foley resigned following revelations of sexually explicit messages sent to underage male pages. (AP Photo/David Duprey)
Following Foley’s resignation on Friday, today Oct 4, Wednesday, Reynolds’ top aide, Fordham also resigned for a link to Foley. Today, Laura is in New York to help Tom Reynolds while her husband is on a Western tour. "President Bush is coming out here not to help California but to do fundraising in California. So there's no reason for me to meet him because I am attending to business," Schwarzenegger said. Indeed, we Californians feel Bush has been very ‘cold blooded’ toward us. This is because last time when he came to visit in California, right after a rain storm, amidst surging torrid and sliding mudslide, while President Bush enjoyed with his entourage touring, he refused to show any concern over the bloated levees. Finally, the governor was fed up and stopped his begging to look for self-help.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

東窗事發 Detective Version of Why the Press Was Ordered Out

East Window Affairs Revealed
Lurid Congressional e-mail Scandal and Ethics Fallout in Washington While I was in China, the CNN story broke out that Congressman Mark Foley resigned due to the lurid email scandal that was between the Congress pages minor and him. As a bill drafter who made into law that defending the family values and the junior minor’s proper conducts, this turns to be the ultimate joke. Melanie Sloan, Executive director, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said that in fact, that they turned in the report to the FBI since July 21st portends to a bigger scandal involved in D.C. The who, when and what about the case of the Congressman’s sending lurid email to minor has yet to unfold. This destroys the trust high prestige system the American parents have toward the Congress as they send their junior high youth to be trained in the Capitol Hill. So apparently this man is gay and it is a wide open knowledge, this does implicate the House Speaker Dennis Hastert as he must have covered up his subordinate’s aggressive and often non-ethical standard behavior. Rep. Ray Lahood (R), Illinois, who is close to House Speaker Dennis Hastert, in this matter, he says, “This program is antiquated, and flawed under Democrats and Republicans.” Rep. Robert Wexler (D) Florida, says “Why has Attorney General Gonzales not investigated since May or June? If it was the democrats, they would have.” So Hastert refuses calls to step down over Foley scandal. Where does the buck stop? Should Bucks stop at the Boss, the speaker? As a detective sleuth minded person, I would ask a fundamental question: If it is a behavioral pattern of Dennis Hastert to safeguard the crime, not the value system, then he should step down. Irregardless the party affiliation, one should not be so loyal to the Republicans no matter what rights and value he violates. Something must be up when the press suddenly was ordered to evacuate the White House, after President Bush asked Josh Bolten to court the press as he took on his position as Chief of Staff. The White House correspondents have abused the power to be in the entourage, in the same hotel, and trampled on the White House as if they are the queens and kings, and not the ethical group. The reason they were suddenly got ousted is possibly due to the FBI received on July 21st, the investigation and complaint from Melanie Sloan, Executive director, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. So we heard on August 2nd, that they were leaving as the last day, and they won’t be around, until March. This is very unusual for a remodeling a room to take that long. So admittedly, there may be an unruly scandalous press behavior that needed the First Lady’s presence to say farewell to the press, as she is warning the aggressive special privileged press to be on the look out for their lurid messaging and behavior. As one reporter might be trying to implicate the President by reporting “President said privately, and in public as well...” One suspects that she is speaking the truth, and the president is lying, or she is inflating her own status by lying and the president is clean. Anyway, God seems to be on the dirty people’s case, Hastert is from Illinois and so is this girl’s school and Foley is from Florida, resigned, debunked, so is this girl’s family. So it looks like God is trying to demote her, while the president trying to promote her still. In the end, God is always superior to the King.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Nationalist on the Great Wall 長城回憶錄

Nationalist Paying Tribute to the Ming Dynasty Great Wall Defense




“How Beautiful is Our Land!” - Phrase on a large painting in the Great Hall of the People

Nationalist Free Mind looking out from the Great Wall toward China, at the Ju Yong Pass 國民黨自由主義者由長城面朝中國瞻望 居庸關, 一夫當關﹐萬夫莫開.


早在春秋戰國時期﹐燕國便於此設防。 At Ju Yong Guan Pass, the saying is “With one soldier guarding the pass, ten thousand enemies cannot break in”.

Ming dynasty founder emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang worried that Yuan Mongols would have a resurgence after controlling China for 90 years, from 1277 to 1368, and he strengthened this border pass with a huge allocation of funds. During the Chun Qiu and Zhan Guo Warring States era, Yan country already started the defense on the Ju Yong Sai Border.

Great Wall Memoir I speak for all the patriotic minds, spirited soldiers and generals of China in their heroic defense for the freedom of the great Chinese civilization with a powerful anchor of China Proper, by China Proper, and for China Proper. “Evolution may have erased many of the original works, but the traces of love are left for the gentle to discern.” by Elizabeth Chuang Su, descendant of China Proper 長城回憶錄 長城英勇將兵們 何等光榮的任務 為了自由而戰鬥 謀取福祉而雄峙

Great Wall Memoir

The generals and the soldiers of the Great Wall, this is a memoir for you

Profile of the just and the brave

How glorious is you mission, you fought for freedom

You are magnificently situated on the cliff to look out for the betterment of the people

保衛民族生存權力 扛下綿延中華命脈

To safeguard the survival rights of a civilization

You shoulder the long line of the Chinese cultural heritage

江山代有勇者出 留下丹青照汗青

Every dynasty and generation has brave men that emerge

To leave your red heart to be reflected in the records of the history

I write this memoir for you

只問坦然天高魂 不做夷平地下奴
I would rather fight and be a lofty soul in heaven
Than be a flattened earth conquered slave